Starting Over

Starting Over
By: Teri
© 1999 Teri


My four best friends have known each other for over 3 years. They were there for me when I needed a helping hand. When I was 17 I fell in love with a guy John and I thought he loved me back, but I was so wrong. I wasn't to the point were I was ready to have sex and I thought he understood. He promised he'd wait, but he couldn't he started to beat me and rape me and I hid the bruises pretty well. My best friend since I was 3 and she was 2 saw a bruise one and I begged her not to say. Jessica kept the promise.

One nite he was so mad at me he nearly beat me and raped me to death. I was so glad that Jessica found me and took me to the hospital. That nite I met another girl who had suffered through the same things I had. Only she was recovering now and I had a worse relationship. I also met her two best friends who felt responsible for it happening just like Jess did. I met Michelle, Kim, and Beth. I also found out news that I was a month pregnant. My parents kicked me out of my house, but Kim let me stay with her. I just finished high school and I had a beautiful baby girl. Kayla Lynn. Now she's 2. I'm rebuilding my life and looking for that one guy who loves me. Hopefully one day I'll find him. The sooner the better. Maybe my best friends will find their true love soon too.

~Chapter 1: Love At First Site~

I walked into mine and Kim's apartment carrying Kayla in my arms. She had gotten sick at daycare and they called me from work. Which I was glad. My day was horrible and it would have been worse. I had a sitter for the evening because Kim was going out and I was working my new second job. I was a waitress at this new club in Orlando. It's name I think is Party Central. I'm not sure.

"Hey Teri, why you home so early?" Kim asked as I sat Kayla in her room.

"Kayla's daycare called and she wasn't feeling well so I brought her home." I said pulling off her shoes.

"Are you working tonite?" she asked.

I walked into the living room. "Yes I am. I told you about my new job as a waitress at Party Central. That new club that is opening tonite. If you and the girls go by and give my name you'll get in with no problem," I told her sitting on the couch.

"Really? I think I'll talk the girls into going," she said and then the phone rang. I picked it up.

"Hello? Kim and Teri's Place?" I said into the phone.

"Hey Blondie. It your big brother," the guy said into the phone. I hadn't heard from Jason in nearly two years. I began to cry.

"Hey Jason. What are you up to? It's been a while," I choked out.

"I know sis. I'm sorry. I should have called sooner," he said.

"Jason, why didn't you call me before tonite? I don't understand. We had a close relationship, but then all of the sudden you wouldn't talk to me, I said.

"I know. I'm sorry," he said. We talked for a little while longer then I had to go. I had to be at Party Central in less than an hour.

"Hey Kelly. thanks again for watching Kayla."

"You're welcome Teri. What time should you be home," she asked.

"I get off at 2:00 A.M. so 2:30. bye," I said. "Goodnite Sweetie see you in the morning," I said to Kayla. "I love you baby."

"I love you too Mommy," Kayla replied half asleep.

"Bye Kim, Jess, Beth, and Michelle. Come by tonite," I said and walked out the door.

~~20 minuteslater at Party Central~~
I walked into the club. I walked to the back room and sat my stuff down.

"Hey Teri."

"Hey Mark," I said to the bartender as I put my stuff up.

~~An Hour Later~~
The club opened and tons of people were coming. "Hey Teri," Michelle said walking towards me.

"Hey guys," I said to them.

"How's it going?" Jessica asked.


"Guess who I heard is coming?" Jessia said.

"Who?" I asked."

"*N Sync is suppose to be here. You know the group your daughter is in love with. Not to mention one of your best friends," Jess said.

"Oh cool, what do you want to drink?" I asked. I thought a couple of the guys were cute and they had nice voices, but I wasn't a fan.

"3 pina coladas and a shirley temple," Kim said.

"Okay,"I said and walked off. I was walking towards the bar when I ran into a guy. "Oh I'm so sorry," I said.

"No, don't be. I should be, but I'm not. I'm glad I ran into you," the guy said with a sexy smile. He was so hot. I recgonized him, but couldn't place him. I walked off.

"Hey Justin," Jc said walking to him. "What's wrong man?" he asked.

"Nothing except I think I've fallen in love," Justin said pointing at me.

"Oh she's a hottie Justin also that girl with her she's a hottie too," Jc said. He was talking about Jessica.

"Hey Jess. I just ran into this guy and man he's a fine guy. Beautiful blue eyes," I said.

"I know I saw. That wasn't just any guy that was Justin from *N Sync," Jess said. No wonder he looked familiar I thought.

"Excuse me, I never did get your name," Justin said to me and he was joined by another guy.

"Teri, that's Jc. You know the one me and Kayla your daughter love," Jess whispered in my ear.

"Secrets are bad," Jc said with a sexy smile on his face. Jessica was speechless.

"Oh I'm Teri and this is my friend Jessica. Excuse her she is having a little trouble breathing. I think she's kind of suprised you said something to her," I said.

"So you know who we are?"

"Yes I do. Jess loves you guys and so does Kayla," I said. I didn't realize it, but Justin knowing I had a kid might scare him off.

"Well I got to get back to work," I said.

~Chapter 2: Dating~

"Wait Teri, I was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometime?" Justin asked me.

"I don't know if I can," I said. I had no one to babysit Kayla tomorrow.

"Ter, I can babysit Kayla," Jessica said reading my mind clearly.

"Who's Kayla?" Jc asked.

"Kayla Lynn is my daughter. She's 2 almost 3 in a month," I said hoping it woldn't scare Justin away.

"You have a daughter?" he asked.

"Yes she does. This is Kayla," Jessica said showing them a picture.

"She's very pretty just like her mother," Justin said. That made me blush.

"Teri," my boss Hanna said.

"Yes," I said.

"We can't have you employed here anymore," she said.

"What?" I asked.

"The owners nephew made bad marks about you. Since he's here tonite and he saw you," she said.

"Who's the bosses nephew?" I asked confused and embarassed because I was getting fired.

"Mr. John Kingsley," she said. My heart skipped a beat. I couldn't believe and Jessica saw the pain in my eyes.

"No, he's not here. He's in jail Hanna. NO. This is some kind of joke. Tell me this is a joke," I said. I was about to cry, but I couldn't not in front of Justin.

"No, he's here. Why was he in jail and how'd you know he was?" Hanna asked.

"For what he did to her. That sick bastard. Beat her and almost killed her. I was with her when they sentenced him to 10 years minimum," Jessica said. I now could see the pity in Justin's face.

"Jess, why you saying that out loud? You know I hate hearing all that shit," I said. Just then John walked up to me and kissed my cheek. I began to shake. "Get away from me John," I said my voice calm.

"So Teri tell me how's our daughter?" he asked.

"Don't you dare call her your daughter. You don't know shit about her. I'm saying this now. Don't come anywhere near my daughter. You got that?" I said and began to walk away when John grabbed my arm.

"Listen you little whore. You deserved what you got. I never fucking raped you. You know you wanted it," he said I tried to slap him but he just grabbed my wrist.

"Let go you're hurting me," I said.

"It's all about you you you," he said.

"Let her go you dumb fuck," Jess said.

"Shut up bitch," he said.

By then Jc and Justin were really fed up with this guy. "Don't call her a bitch. You asshole let go of her," Jc said.

"You pretty boy popstars sure nothing but trouble," John said.

"Let her go. Don't come near her or her daughter or I'll have you arrested," Justin said. John let go and Justin pulled me back.

"Teri you might want to keep an eye on our daughter you never know when she'll disappear," he said. I had gotten angry and went off.

"You asshole. Don't you dare try to threaten me that you will take my daughter over my dead body. What you did to me over three years ago I can never forget or forgive you for. Was sex worth going to jail for? Really John? I promise you if you come near me or my daughter I will beat your ass just like you use to do to me," I said to him and walked off.

Jessica, Jc, and Justin followed and then soon so did the whole music group and Beth, Kim, and Michelle. I walked outside.

"Teri, you okay? Michelle asked.

"God no I'm not," I began to cry.

"Shh Teri. I don't know what I'd do if Mike came back," Michelle said.

"Michelle,I'm afraid he'll try to get Kayla or even to spite me hurt one of you four. You guys and Kayla are the only good things in my life," I cried on Michelle's shoulder. "Oh guys this is Justin, Jc, and 3 other of their friends. I don't remeber your names sorry," I said. I saw the look on Michelle's face when she saw them. She was speechless for once.

~Chapter 3: Kiss~

"I'll help you Teri," Jess said. "That's Chris, that's Lance, and that's Joey," she said. I could tell that Kim was interested in Chris and same for Chris. Beth was interested in Lance and same for Lance. It was so obvious that Joey and Michelle were interested in each other the way they were flirting. You know Jess loves Jc and I think well I know Jc likes her. I liked Justin. I was hoping he liked me.

"You know Teri, Kayla will kill you if you don't get their autographs," Kim said smiling at Chris.

"I have a better idea," Justin started saying, "why don't you guys come to mine, Chris, and Jc's house for a pool party and bring Kayla with you. My brothers are here from Memphis so they can play together."

"Sounds great. What time?" I asked.

"Come by around 12:30," he said.

"I hope Kayla is feeling better," I said.

"Ter, if you tell her that she at least gets to meet Justin and Jc of N Sync she'd be thrilled and then all five of them she'd be better in a heart beat," Beth said.

We said our good nites. We all went home to sleep.

~~Next morning~~
"Kay, sweetie, it's time to get up it's 10:30," I said lightly shaking my daughter. "Sweetie, guess who you get to meet today," I said.

"Who mommy?" she asked.

"Your favortie group," I said and I saw her eyes brighten.

"*N SYNC!" she screamed. She got ready and she ate a little snack and we headed for Justin, Chris, and Jc's house.

~~Their House~~
I got out of the car and went to the door Kayla was sitting next to and grabbed her. Then Jess, Michelle, and Beth pulled up.

"Hey Teri," Justin said.

"Hi Justin. I'd like you to meet my daughter Kayla Lynn," I said. I could see Kayla was very happy.

"Hello Kayla. I heard you were a fan," he said then he whispered into her ear, "I think your mom is really pretty."

Kayla whispered back, "She thinks you're really cute."

We went back to the pool. Justin had a little raft for Kayla to sit in in the pool. "Teri, I think you are beautiful. I really am starting to like you. Be my girlfriend?" Justin asked. He then kissed me softly on the lips.

~~~~~~~Michelle and Joey~~~~~~
"Michelle, you are looking good in that swimsuit," Joey said looking her up and down.

"Thanks," she said.

'Well he likes me, wait he doesn't what the hell I'll give it a shot,' she thought to herself. Michelle looked into Joey's eyes and leaned in and kissed him passionately.

"Wow," Joey said as she pulled away. "Michelle, will you be my girl?" Michelle kissed him again and Joey found his answer in the kiss. It was yes.

~~~~~~~Beth and Lance~~~~~~
Both of them were completely shy. Beth had always been like that with guys then all the sudden something over took Beth and she kissed LAnce passionately. She pulled away to look into his eyes. He kissed her. "Beth, be my girlfriend?" Lance asked.

"Okay," Beth said back.

~~~~~~Kim and Chris~~~~~~
"So Chris, what do you think of me?" Kim asked him.

"I think you are very beautiful," he moved a little closer. "Also very kissable," he said pulling her into a sweet yet passionate kiss. Which left her speechless. "Kim will you be my girlfriend?" Chris asked. Kim didn't answer she just pulled him in for another passionate kiss.

~~~~~~Jess and Jc~~~~~~
We hadn't even been there 5 seconds and Jess and Jc are all over each other making out and everything. If Jess would have forgotten Kayla or Justin's little brothers were here who would have known what would have happened. Jc pulled away from jessica. "Jessica, I was wondering if you want to be my girlfriend," Jc said looking into her eyes.

"I want that too," she said and gave him another passionate kiss.
