You Will Be Mine

You Will Be Mine
By: Teri
© 1999 Teri

You Will Be Mine
*Faith Hill*

*Heads I win, Tails you lose
I always play by my own rules
And I don't believe in wasting time
So long before we end this night*

Justin and I had been Best friends since we were little, but all of the sudden I wanted to be more. Actually I think these feelings have always been there. I don't understand what was happening then, but now I do. I want to be with him, hold him, kiss him, but does he feel the same way about me. I decided I should tell him. "So Teri, what you thinking?"

*I will have held you
I will have kissed you
I will have claimed you
You will be mine
I will have loved you
Wrong or right
I will have your heart
You will be mine*

"Oh nothin J," I said trying to avoid the subject in my head.

"Come on Ter, you are my best friend, what is it?" Justin asked again.

A memory flashbacked in my head from the time Justin and I were in third grade and I had gotten scared because this boy wouldn't leave me alone. Justin said he would get the boy to leave me alone and he did. Justin made so many promises to me and he never broke them. I decided right then I was going to tell him. That I loved him. That he would be mine. I was still unsure because I was told by so many that wait for him to make the move, but I was tired of waiting.

*An unwritten law says a girl should wait
Should let the man set his own pace
But a woman in love, she's above the law
So long before this night is gone*

"You really want to know J?" I asked.

"Yes I do Ter," he said.

"Well for a long time now I've been in love with you. Before you say anything let me finish. People said you loved me too and I should wait for you to make your move, but J I'm tired of waiting. I love you. I want you to be mine and mine alone, but I don't know if that will happen, but......." I was cut off by Justin's lips meeting mine. He kissed me softly and then more agressively.

"Ter, I love you too."

*I will have held you
I will have kissed you
I will have claimed you
You will be mine
I will have loved you
Wrong or right
I will have your heart
You will be mine*

"Ter, I want to be yours. I love you so....." I cut him off with my own passionate kiss.

"You have no clue how long I wanted that to happen and now it finally has. I love you," I said kissing him again.

"I love you too. I will be yours forever if you want," he said.

"You Will be mine," I smiled and kissed him sweetly.

*You top my list of things to do
And I will get close to you
Before this night is through*

For the rest of the nite all me and Justin did was kiss and hold on to each other. I never remember a better memory than the one we were making. Justin is now finally mine.

*I will have held you
I will have kissed you
I will have claimed you
You will be mine
I will have loved you
Wrong or right
I will have your heart
You will be mine*
