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About Myself and This Page

Hello, visitor! You may be wondering exactly what kind of site you have just wandered aimlessly into. Just ask Grover, there's nothing to fear. This site is 100% anarchy free. In fact, I think those kinds of sites are stupid. And there is absolutely no nudity to be found here, except of course for the occasional animal. And for you animal rights activists, I have used absolutely no animal testing to produce this product.

So I turn now to explain exactly what this site is. This is the electronic home of The Orange Baron. The baron's mission is to find humor anywhere it can be found in the everyday life the baron lives. I take fun very seriously. I will also be writing about various topics, funny or not. I am continually adding more humor to my page. Email me if you suddenly have any good ideas. Or check my links to see some funny sites. Whether mine is funny or interesting is for you to decide, but I hope you enjoy this page.

I am a student in the very hot city of Phoenix, Arizona. The heat is prob ably the worst thing about where I live, but the fall, winter, and spring are absolutely gorgeous. It is summer at press time.

This site no doubt has a strange name. The Orange Baron chose this nickname because it's a variation of "The Red Baron" using the color of fire and spice, the bright and wild ORANGE. However, orange needs to be used as a nice color to accent things here and there when decorating. One ought not to be searching for the 60's/70's "Bright Orange Everwhere" look. We're not in an Austin Powers world, no matter how funny the movie is! That goes for schools as well.

Please come back and visit again as construction continues!
Yeah Baby! Yeah!

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