Winter Camp Kit List
As a complete change of clothing is needed before bed Friday night, Saturday morning, before bed Saturday night and Sunday Morning, it is easier if when packing, you pack all the necessary item for a specific change of clothing in a seperate plastic bag & label it.
The tube tents do not have much room for rummaging through your gear to find the necessary items you may be looking for.
- Bedroll - containing winter sleeping bag (or regular one with TWO wool blankets
- Insulite pad
- Ground sheet
- Emergency Blanket
- Warm Waterproof jacket
- Ski Pants
- 2 Hats or touques
- Mittens - Several pairs
- Scarf
- Socks - 4 pairs (wool of possible, if not 2 extra pairs)
- 2 turtle necks
- wool sweaters
- hooded sweater
- 2 pair long underwear or leotards - not synthetic
- 1 pair WARM pants - NO JEANS
- Waterproof boots
- 4 pairs underwear (at least)
- PJ's - sweat suit works well
- Dishes in mesh bag - NO tin
- Toiletries - wash cloth, toel, toothbrush & paste, hairbrush, hair elastics, sanitary napkins, soap, Kleenex, etc)
- Flashlight with new batteries & 1 extra set
- 1st Aid / Survival Kit
- Book for quiet time
- Pillow case for dirty clothes
- Empty 2 litre plastic pop bottle
- program book
- stuffed toy - if needed
- Rainwear - Although we will not need this !!!
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