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Night at the Chantry

> A Swordfeast Universe Story

Time: After "Shamans in the Spirit Realm", Wednesday night, Oct. 30    

When Thorne returned to his bedchamber after his strange scrying session, he was met at the door by his large Toreador bed-toy.  'Argon, you're still here..." he murmured, exchanging a kiss with him.

"Where else would I be?" returned the tall, long-haired man.  Then Argon inhaled deeply as Thorne moved past him.  The smell of sex was unmistakably coming from the Tremere primogen.  "Smells like you started without me anyway," he added ruefully, following him.  "Thorne, I told you I wanted you to fuck *me*..."

Thorne fingered his long hair off his face and sighed as he deposited his soiled tunic in a hamper.  "So you did," he murmured, his mind definitely not on this tall Toreador but rather on a particular short, long-haired mortal.   "Sorry, Argon, I got... diverted.  And it seems I will not be needing your talents any more this night."

Argon sighed.  He'd hoped Thorne Severan would have kept him around a little longer than a single day.  Well, maybe another time.  "You know where to find me," he murmured in the magus's ear with a hint of passion, giving him a last caress.

"Hmm, that I do," Thorne replied quietly, smiling.  Then the Toreador was gone and Thorne was alone with his thoughts.

[Why can't I remember what happened in the scrying after I saw Blair Sandburg?] he asked himself yet again as he went into the bathroom to clean up.  But no answer was forthcoming.  That episode was a black gap in his prodigious memory, something that unnerved him.  Thorne showered, shaved, and got dressed again, then went to his office to work.

Del was waiting for him there.  "Good night, Master," the magus greeted the Regent with a kiss to his cheek.

"What can I do for you, Del?" Thorne replied pleasantly, glad to see him.  He went to his desk and booted up his computer, wanting to check his e-mail.

The magus sat before the desk.  "Thorne, I'm concerned about Davic..."

"As am I," Thorne interrupted, his eyes on the monitor screen.  "Where is he?"

Del swallowed.  [Of course Thorne is concerned... how could I think to keep anything from my regnant?]  "I'm sorry, Master, I do not know.  I was hoping you would.  He's been... different since..."

When the magus trailed off, uncertain as to how to continue, Thorne looked up, his face impassive.  "Since I let myself be tortured.  I am aware of your lover's discomfiture with my peculiar... methods."  It came out harsher than he'd intended, but he let it go.

The other was shocked - "*your* lover..."  Davic was in Thorne's bed more than Del's except for very recently.  Since...  "Master, Davic is really having trouble handling this.  If you could..."

The violet eyes silvered around the edges.  "If I could what, Del?  If I could coddle him a little more?  He has always known of that darkest part of my nature, that I am a being of extremes.  When he accepted my Embrace, he accepted me as sire, and I accepted him as childe.  That means I will never expect... certain... things from him such as I might from some of the rest of you.  And he should never expect me to change the ways I sometimes need to work.  Davic is sixty years Tremere and a Magus.  He is no fledgling to be brought along gently."

Del sank to his knees before the desk.  "Regnant, forgive me, I only ask that you help him a little..."

Thorne narrowed his eyes at his magus, his... thrall, though that was a word he rarely used and did not like to think.  He'd crafted their blood bond, like with all of his, so that he could, if he chose, require submission of him, not mindless obedience.  Never that.  "Del, sit down..."

The man hastily sat back up in the chair.  "He loves you, Master.  It pains him to see you hurt.  He has talked to me of asking you if he can submit to you more deeply, but he's afraid you won't permit it."

The Regent froze.  He and Davic had already had that conversation.  [What is behind THAT?]  "This does not concern you, Del, it is between him and me."

Del ducked his head as emotion flushed into his face, then looked up again.  "I love him deeply, it does concern me."

It wasn't often that one of Thorne's blood bound chose to confront him or challenge him in any way.  He studied the magus before him, noting the naked emotion, their link throbbing with Del's love for Davic mingled with a very real desire to please their regnant.  "I see," he murmured.  Thorne paused to read his own link with his childe, locating him.  "Davic is in the medical library in the research facility.  Bring him to me."

The magus sagged with relief then stood and made to leave, but Thorne called him back again.  "Come here first, Del."

As Thorne rose from his desk, Del came back to stand before him.  "Regnant..." he murmured, his head bowed.

Thorne raised his chin with a finger.  "Do you love me, Del?"

Del's lips parted in surprise at the unusual question.  Of course he loved him, they all did... but he sensed a deeper question here.  He found himself smiling.  "Yes, Thorne, I love you very much," he replied softly, understanding that this was a personal question, not one between regnant and thrall or master and subject.

Indeed, it was the answer Thorne was looking for.  He relaxed, caressed the man's cheek tenderly.  "Your love does you credit, Del.  Now, bring me our beloved Davic, and I will see what I can do to ease his mind."

Del's brown eyes sparkled.  He kissed Thorne in parting with more than a little passion, then left to fetch their lover.    

When his childe stood before him at last, Thorne left his desk and went to him, taking him into his arms.  [Vic, my sweet,] he murmured into his mind, bending down to kiss him.  Davic was hesitant at first, but warmed into his sire's mouth nicely.  Thorne kissed him deeply and rather longer than usual.

"Wow, that was nice," Davic whispered, caressing his sire's back when their mouths parted.

"Have I been neglecting you?" Thorne whispered back, kissing his cheek and jawline.

Davic smiled, sighing at the attention.  "That was you who crawled into my bed a couple hours after the Conclave, wasn't it?  I can't think of anyone else who might have come smelling of the prince who would step foot in our chantry..."

Thorne looked at him then, wondering.  "You sound like you minded that..."

"No, not at all," Davic reassured him hastily.  "Sire, I have never minded your many lovers, you know that."  He smiled again, fitting himself more firmly against his sire's body.  "In fact, I wouldn't have minded sharing that big Toreador who followed you home last night.  Was he a good fuck?"

The elder Tremere paused to read his link with his childe closely.  Davic seemed relaxed with him, but there was still an undercurrent of tension.  "A good fucker, I should rather say.  I've sent him home, but now I wish I hadn't - we could indeed share him, my love."  He sighed and smiled finally.  "It's night and I'd thought to get some work done, but Del stopped for a visit.  He's quite concerned about you."

Davic slid his eyes away from his sire and buried his face against Thorne's shoulder.  "It's nothing, he shouldn't have said anything."

Thorne grasped his chin gently and made him look at him.  "We need to talk about this, Davic.  Don't hide your eyes from me.  Tell me what's troubling you."

To his surprise, his childe pulled out of his grasp.  "It's... silly, really."  Davic was frowning, looking anywhere but at Thorne.  "My own foolishness, nothing more."

"Davic..." Thorne frowned, not liking this at all.  He continued on, mind to mind. [Tell me, my childe.  I want to know.]  He stopped short of adding mental pressure to his request.  Not with this one.

Davic sighed and looked at him again.  "Thanks for not pressing me.  All right.  It's just that... well, the night you were missing after that meeting at the prince's house... it just completely incapacitated me.  Selsor, not me, roused the chantry to find you.  I was quivering in a frightened ball under your desk.  Hunter, too, was affected like that, but I understand that... he's very emotionally dependent on you, you know."

"Yes," Thorne sighed.  "No one told me you were... like that on that night.  I'm sorry, Vic."

"I'm the only one who is both blood bonded and your childe," Davic explained, caressing his sire's arm lovingly.  "When something happens to you... it hits me rather hard.  I wish..."  He stopped talking suddenly, unwilling to say the rest, looking away.

"You wish what?"  Thorne tried to get him to look at him again.  "Please, Davic, I need to know where this is coming from."

"I wish I was more like... well, like Ecco, for one."  Davic would not look his sire in the eye, still petting his arm absently.  "He finds joy in submitting to you, while I..."  His hand stilled.

"We have had this conversation before, childe of mine," Thorne murmured, pulling him gently back into his arms.  "What does submission have to do with your reaction when something happens to me?"

"If I could submit to you... like Ecco does... then perhaps it wouldn't bother me so much..."  Davic trailed off, uncertainly heavy in his voice.

Thorne sighed and pulled his childe's face against his shoulder, resting his own cheek against the other's dark hair.  "Vic, this is silly... it is my fault for being excessive, not yours.  I regret it has wounded you so deeply..."  He kissed his hair tenderly.  "Do you *want* to submit to me?"

"I'd like to try," Davic murmured against his sire's shoulder.  "Oh, Thorne, I love you so much, and I just want to please you... I don't know, maybe in my own silly way I think that if I please you enough, you won't seek such... excesses.  I know, you had your reasons for what you did with Lacroix, but... please, Thorne, just let me please you?"

"Would you find fulfillment in such a submission, Vic?" Thorne asked quietly, caressing his back.  "I cannot allow you to enter *that* sort of relationship with me if you cannot find fulfillment in it.  And goddess knows I've used you enough for you to know whether you would or not."  His voice turned bitter, regretful.

"I would do that again," Davic immediately countered firmly.  "It is my right and privilege as your childe and thrall to be so used."  Remembering how brutally Thorne took him after recovering from Lacroix's tortures, Davic knew absolutely that he would allow it again, any time.

Suddenly he was being held at arm's length, shaken so that he must look at his sire again.  Thorne's eyes blazed with the power of his emotion.  "That was selfish indulgence on my part... we both know it brought you *nothing*!  This isn't *fulfillment*, Vic.  I used you, and I'm not proud of it.  I will not do that again to you..."


"...not unless the using is of mutual benefit, which that clearly wasn't."

"I *want* you to use me like that, though," Davic tried to insist.

"But you were only doing it for me," Thorne countered firmly, holding his childe by the chin.  "Not for yourself as well."

"But it's okay, I want to allow you that," the young magus tried to respond, but he was released suddenly.  Thorne was striding away from him, running a hand through his hair.  "Thorne?"

"No, Vic, this isn't good... dearest childe, I do not want to do that to you again."  Thorne turned back around to look at him again.  "You needn't suffer from my excesses.  I did not make you for *that*, Vic."

Davic subsided, dropping the hand that he'd reached out to his sire with.  He was still very confused, wanting to please Thorne, but unable to admit that the pleasing was something he wanted for himself as well.  He didn't know *what* he wanted.  "Sire, I love you.  I don't know what I want to do about this.  Perhaps..."  He stopped and bit his lip, uncertain.

"Perhaps what, my childe?" Thorne asked quietly.

"I think... I might benefit from a little time away from the chantry... perhaps to live in the city a while."  There, he'd said it...  would Thorne get angry with him?

The Regent, in fact, had been expecting this.  "You've always lived in the chantry... do you think you are ready?  I think it could be good for you.  All of our magus are welcome here at any time, and indeed there are some like Galor and Musyel who tend to stay weekends.  I would need to choose another second, however.  I need my second close."

Now that the subject was out on the table and not rejected outright, Davic felt a tremendous relief.  "It's okay, I may go?"

Thorne frowned momentarily but then was smiling, slipping his hands around his childe to pull him against him.  "Of course it's okay, my love.  Silly Vic, I want you to be happy.  If you need some space away from me, then I want you to have that.  I know I've been... intense... lately."

Davic threw his arms around his sire and held him tight.  [Thank you, Thorne. I do think I'm ready.  I have sufficient power to interfere with any who wish to interfere with me.  And I know as well as you do who should be second.]

Thorne moved his head back to meet Davic's mouth with his.  He kissed his childe fervently, deeply, loving him.  [You must come back to my bed often, Vic.  And who would that be?]

[You know very well,] Davic countered, laughing in their kiss.

[Yes, I do...]    

Twenty minutes later, Davic was merrily packing while Thorne had an impromptu meeting with the rest of his senior staff.  He informed them of Davic's decision to spend some time away from the chantry.  To his relief, they endorsed the decision, some more than others.

"He needs to spread his wings, I have told you this," Selsor commented with a firm tone to her voice.  "My dear, Davic is far from being a fledgling.  Like all of us, he needs to go out and find his own way in our Clan.  Of course, his 'way' will not be counter to ours, just with his own unique stamp on it."

Del, though it was clear he would miss his frequent bedmate, also agreed that it would be good for Davic to be on his own.  Ecco and Frederic agreed as well.

Which left the role of second to fill.  But the time for that must be delayed, for other chantry business interfered: a problem with an apprentice having difficulties with a magicking, a variety of phone messages from Seattle and elsewhere that were labeled as urgent.  The apprentice's teacher, Magus Tamos, had interrupted them with profuse apologies, and then the phone had rung with the Prince of Seattle on the other end.  And the display for Thorne's voice mail revealed that he had four messages waiting.  Thorne waved Selsor and Del off to attend to Tamos and his student, and instructed Hunter to collect his messages for him from another phone.  Frederic slipped back to his offices in the research center.  Ecco was asked to stay while Thorne took the call from Eric Belyde.

"My lord," Thorne responded, "how may I serve you?"

"Thorne, you know, I really think I need to visit you, get to know my illustrious neighbor better..."

The Regent put the call on the speaker and had Ecco sit down with him to listen in.  Thorne took a deep breath and started in.  "You need to contact my prince to do that, my lord, but I have no objection to a visit from a clansman.  Are you thinking of including us in your jurisdiction?"

A laugh erupted from the speaker.  "I was told you were direct, Severan!  Okay, you got me on a couple points there.  I do need to go through Luna, but I'm guessing this is a little premature for an official visit?  He's likely still very much getting used to you and doesn't need a Tremere prince nosing around, am I right?"

[Getting used to me?] Thorne thought with irony.  [Getting time to get me in his bed, is more like it. And I am so there...] "Dead on, my lord.  And the little matter of jurisdiction?"

Belyde sucked in his breath.  It was clear he was going to have to watch himself; Thorne Severan was potentially a formidable rival, if he ever chose to take Belyde on.  "No need to be testy, Severan," the Prince of Seattle snapped.

Thorne shot back, nonplused, "A prince does not visit his clansmen in another prince's city unless he is seeking to expand his territory."

"Thorne," Belyde's voice changed to entreaty, "it doesn't have to be like this..."

Ecco touched his Regent on the knee.  [Master, hear his sense, not the words... he may be prince of another city, but he is Tremere.]

Thorne took a deep breath.  "No, it doesn't.  Eric, please forgive my wariness."

"I understand perfectly," the Tremere prince replied with evident relief.  "Let's make this strictly a personal visit.  It's not even a request from your pontifex.  I just... want to see you."

"You do..."  Thorne smiled at Ecco, sliding his hand higher on his thigh, gesturing for him to come closer.  The magus came off his chair to kneel before the Regent's, sliding both hands up his legs.

"It's not so strange," Eric Belyde replied mildly.  "I might surprise you.  I know... you could be my equal.  I could get into setting the Pyramid aside once in a while, as well as my princedom.  Then it's okay?"

"Seattle must be a pretty stable place... the Community there can hold together in your absence?" Thorne ran his hand around Ecco's neck, caressing the back of his head.

Belyde laughed.  "I'm blessed in having very strong primogens and a good balance of power here.  Brujah aren't this far up the coast, you know.  I have only to deal with Ventrue, Toreador, Malkavian, and Gangrel beside our Tremere.  Malkies'd be trouble but they're too self-obsessed to organize.  Ventrue take secret delight here in keeping Malkies from breaking the Masquerade with their shenanigans.   Besides, their primogen is too busy sucking my local Regent's cock to think about stirring anything up."  He chuckled.  "I also win points here by designating the Gangrel boss as prince-pro-temp when I'm out of town.  He doesn't have aspirations on my chair, but enjoys stretching his muscles when I'm out of town.  We have, ah, an understanding."

"Politics," Thorne snorted.  "You and Luna can have all of that."

The Seattle prince sobered.  "I'll call Luna, tell him I am coming to town to pay you a purely personal visit as Eric Belyde, not the Prince of a city up the coast from him."

Thorne couldn't help chuckling.  "You know what he'll think..."

Belyde scrambled to recover.  "Ah, I didn't mean THAT kind of personal visit, Thorne, although... well, never mind."

"What was that, Eric?" Thorne persisted, grinning.  He winked at Ecco, who winked back, then got up off the floor to return to his chair.

"Thorne," the prince sighed.  "Price told me about you.  Naturally I'm intrigued..."

"Oh, gods, coming from HER," Thorne replied, rolling his eyes, "I can well imagine what she's told you about me!"

"Maybe I need to see... for myself," Eric Belyde murmured.  "One such as you who eschews the power so rightly yours... must be an extraordinary person."

The Regent couldn't speak for a moment, stunned.  He felt Ecco gazing at him, but would not look his way.  "My lord," he murmured back finally, but was interrupted.

"No, Thorne," Belyde broke in.  "Let me come to see you.  Let's leave the Pyramid aside for once, shall we?"

"Can it be that easy?  Can we do that?" Thorne asked, amazed.

"I would like to try," the other said softly.

"Very well, then we shall meet."

"Not in the chantry," Belyde went on, wondering what the hell he was doing this for, but knowing he was and wanted to.  "Are there woods nearby where you are?"

"The chantry estate is large," Thorne replied.  "There are wooded areas in the back of the property."

"Then we will meet there Saturday after dusk. Until then, Thorne."

"Until then... Eric."

Thorne replaced the phone and looked up at his magus.  "Ecco, you will not speak of this to anyone.  And I am naming you my second as of right now.  It's high time someone of your experience and skills helps to lead a chantry."

Ecco's eyes widened, but he did not protest.  "Thank you, Master Thorne."

The Regent looked away, thoughtful, his mind still spinning from that extraordinary call from the Prince of Seattle.  "This is an interesting development, Ecco.  It has been my hope to work toward affecting change in our Clan from within, even to starting with the lowest apprentice if I have to... but apparently I may have a chance to work a little magic on a Prince, no less, a Pontifex of our Clan."

Ecco smiled, nodding.  "Magic, Thorne?"

Thorne looked back at him, still somber.  "There is no heart in the Pyramid, brother magus.  You know of my wishes to affect change in the Clan from within."

The magus's eyes were bright.  "It is why I came to you, regnant, why I stayed and pledged my future to you.  I am yours, truly."  He bowed his head.

The Regent sucked in his breath, as always amazed and thrilled with this one's degree of submission to him.  Ecco's greatest joy was in letting Thorne take him completely, use him, command him, dominate him.  But the man was a strong magus and leader.  "Oh, dearest Ecco, as soon as I have the time, I think I'm going to want you bound again, captured for my pleasure."

Ecco's brown eyes widened.  "Regnant," he murmured ardently.  The suggestion made his cock swell, made him ache to be fucked, to be bound, to taste his regnant's blood again.  "Shit, Thorne," he added, slipping out of the tantalizing submissive mode hastily, "you're an awful tease."  He grabbed his groin, adjusting himself as his pants were suddenly very tight.

Thorne laughed.  "Fuck, I love doing that to you..."

The magus shook himself, settling firmly back into his new role.  "Thorne, my dear, could you tell me about this mortal you're interested in?  As long as I'm now your second..."

Thorne's laughter sobered.  "Ah, Ecco, that one..."  He sighed deeply.

"Oh, my," Ecco commented, smiling at his regent's reaction.  "Thinking of making another childe, are we?"

The Regent nodded, "With the prince's permission... Ecco, this little one is a True Shaman, gifted with healing powers that few of us have naturally anymore.  Making him Tremere will only broaden, develop what he already has.  It is my hope, of course, that he can help us in our quest, join us to reform our Clan.  I want him desperately for that..."

"Just for that?"  Ecco grinned, knowing the Regent well.

"No," Thorne sighed, smiling.  "Goddess, he is beautiful and he exudes life.  He must be protected, and then trained to be strong, lest he be used against us, against all we hope for.  His gifts must NEVER be subverted."

Hearing the vehemence in his leader's voice, Ecco leaned closer to touch him on the arm.  "Thorne, you love him very deeply already, I can see that... he sounds perfect... and you would be the perfect sire for him."

"He is permanently committed to another mortal," Thorne replied thoughtfully, laying his hand on the other's.  "One whom I'm certain Julian has an eye on for the Ventrue.  I would commit to protecting his relationship with his lover, but aside from that..."  He took Ecco's hand in his, looked deep into his eyes.  "There is a powerful draw between us, Ecco.  He feels it too.  Something that will not take away from what he has with his lover, but add to it, I hope."

"I can't wait to meet him," Ecco murmured, looking back.  Then he paused to feel along his blood link with the Regent.  "You call him 'shaman'... he walks in the spirit lands, then?"

Thorne nodded, sending back a wave of warmth in their link. "He and his lover both... they are psychic, but I sense there is more about his partner... something extraordinary about him, too."  He sighed.  "Ecco, my love, that is something I have not yet done with you, either.  Sometime..."

"I would love that," Ecco whispered, his heart full.

Hunter lumbered in with the phone messages finally.  "Master, can Gargoyles go to the Vampire Ball tomorrow night?" he blurted out.

Thorne was already looking the notes over.  "What?  Oh, ah..."  He looked to Ecco.

Ecco grinned, "I'm sure we can shapeshift them human-like enough, perhaps add a magick to assist in further... disguise.  Even Gangrels with their hypersensitive noses won't know what they are."

"Then I'll let you two play with that..."  Thorne smiled, but his attention went back to his messages.

"Let's leave our master to his work," Ecco murmured with a grin to the Gargoyle, linking his arm in his and ushering him out.    

Finally alone, Thorne sat down with the phone message transcripts in hand.  One from Lillie - inquiring as to his next appearance in her bed, perhaps before, during, or after the Ball?  Or all three?  Mostly she was teasing... he thought.  One from Cameron - Thorne set that one aside for last.  A third message was from Price, warning him that Belyde was in a "mood" and was likely to call.  The last message... was from Lucien Lacroix.

Shuddering, Thorne settled in to read, imagining the ancient vampire's sonorous voice as he did: "My dear... Severan.  Although I was deeply displeased with your behavior a week ago at the Prince's house, I am willing to give you another chance.  We live in the same city; there is no reason we cannot all live in harmony.  Just present yourself to me for further...discipline... and the matter is forgotten.  I will expect your call for... arrangements... within 24 hours."

[Oh, FUCK,] Thorne thought morosely to himself.  [Such bluster... maybe getting a sample of his blood wasn't worth it after all...]  He had the sudden thought that perhaps Lacroix really believed he would come running, that he truly liked being tortured after all.  [Bound, fucked, yes, but not shredding my flesh...]  Sighing, he called the ancient one's house.

"Yo," came the response when the other end was picked up.

[The Spanish...]  "Vachon, I would like to speak to your master, please.  This is Thorne Severan."

A snort came from the other end.  "Lacroix isn't my MASTER... eh, I'll get him anyway."

Thorne smirked, wondering if the rest of Lacroix's family had the same perception problems.  The smirk was gone when he heard Lacroix's voice come on the line.

"Severan... good... you called."  The deep voice of the vampire sounded very pleased.

"Not for the reason you think, Lacroix," Thorne shot back, venomously.  "You are going to find it... difficult... to marshal my cooperation.  You think that you mastered me once, but I allowed you to use my body, no more.  I had my reasons..."  He let that hang so the other would think to wonder about that.

"Oh, you will come to me," Lacroix countered smoothly.  "I know your kind, Severan.  I know all kinds.  You will come to me because something in what occurred between us you will one day have to have again.  It is a drug..."

"Not one I'm addicted to," Thorne retorted, though the vampire's confident words shook him within.

"So you say," Lacroix oozed.  "I know what I know."

[You do not know why I gave myself to you,] Thorne thought to himself with relief.  [You will never know.]  "I called to tell you there are other ways to live in harmony in a city.  I have no quarrel with the rest of your 'family'..."

"Indeed... well, observing the Masquerade is tedious, but we do not want to be discovered by mortals any more than you do.  If your *prince* were not so stiff-necked..."

[Or yourself...]  "Lacroix, Julian Luna did back off on insisting you apply to him for approval in making new progeny, though of course if you were to flood the city with new fledglings..."

"Yes, he did back off on that..."  Lacroix sounded irritated.  "I do not lightly make children, Severan.  My son, however, has possibly..."  He trailed off as if remembering who he was talking to.  "We are having to ship blood in from outside the city.  A terrible expense and bother."

Thorne noted the shift in subject with alarm.  [What does he mean about his son??  The police detective?  I'd better alert Julian to have Nick Knight watched.  James Ellison works in that same department...]  "I cannot help with your blood procurement, Lacroix. But if you could only see fit to set your... desires aside..."

The vampire broke in rather rudely.  "Tremere, when I bite a mortal to feed, I drain and kill.  It is in my nature..."

"You cannot do that here," Thorne shot back in a quick panic.

"Perhaps not," Lacroix replied.  "But we NEED blood, Severan.  Luna cannot regulate whether we FEED or not.  I will not have it."

Thorne did not reply to that.  He had enough on his plate trying to get his own clan to reform the strictness of the Pyramid, to get the Tremere accepted in the city, to continue to assure the prince of his good intentions, to get one Gangrel primogen over his fear of "wizards", to keep a hard eye out for the machinations of one Brujah primogen, and still manage to enjoy life...  Finally he said, "If you will relent on your personal request to me, I will speak on your behalf to the Nosferatu who can advise on 'alternate arrangements', perhaps even find you an officially sanctioned source."

"Why?" Lacroix demanded.  "You deem that I took something from you unwillingly..."

"I allowed you to torture my body, no more," Thorne shot back.

Now the vampire paused.  For the first time since encountering the Tremere last week, Lacroix thought to wonder about the man's motives.  [If not for masochistic pleasure, then... why?]  "Suppose I do... relent.  Why would you then assist us?"

[He's not going to understand this, not this one,] Thorne thought to himself with a sigh.  "Altruism.  And a wish for peace.  Life is already difficult without introducing tensions between species where none existed previously."

The response, as expect, was a snort.  "A do-gooder!  Tremere, considering what you allowed me to do to you, I find this VERY hard to believe.  Are you bucking for sainthood, then?"  The comment was sharp, derisive.

Thorne didn't dignify it with a response.  There was none.

"I will... entertain your... proposal," Lacroix added after a long lapse between them.  "But I still may require *something* of you... sometime."

"I cannot allow that," Thorne murmured, closing his eyes against the remembered agony.

"I am NOT talking about... torture."

"Good," Thorne countered.  "Which is beside the point.  The... encounter... served a purpose which no longer exists.  The 'mastery' over me that you desire is impossible.  I would never allow you to conquer me again."

"And you could prevent that?" Lacroix snorted his derision again.

"Let me remind you that I have power..."  Thorne referred to the glimpse of his personal power which he'd displayed for Lacroix to see at Julian's mansion.

"I do not believe in your... magic," Lacroix murmured.

"Pity that you will not believe until it stops you cold.  And it will."  To himself Thorne thought, [And I must redouble my guard against this one and his own.  I have the means now...]

"It seems our conversation is ended, Severan," the vampire replied, not having any sort of appropriate response.  "Until we meet again..."

"Go to hell, Lacroix," Thorne sighed and hung up the phone.  He glanced at the other phone messages.  Lillie could wait, and he didn't have to call Price back as he'd already heard from Belyde.  Cameron? [The Brujah will just have to fucking wait,] he decided.

It was time for action, now that Lacroix had troubled to stir up the waters some more.  Thorne closed his eyes, concentrating on those bound to him who lived in the chantry.  He selected two... then called them.  [Elishan, Lydon, meet me outside my laboratory immediately.]  

Several minutes later, Elishan Wulfshire and Lydon McEvoy arrived at the door of the deep subterranean laboratory of the Regent.  Thorne, solemn and revealing nothing in his expression, ushered them inside... and set wards on the door.  No information would leave the room... and he made sure that his magus and apprentice would be unable to divulge what they would be doing in the laboratory.

Magus Elishan - Dr. Wulfshire, that is - was a biochemist specially trained by Thorne and other chantry scientists for a particular task - namely to analyze blood and reproduce components of same which could be used in blood magick... in this case, defenses that would void tampering of a subject so warded.  Lydon, a Third Circle Apprentice, was also a chemist, already showing a remarkable talent for blood magick.  He was Elishan's student as well as Thorne's.

Thorne held up the blood sample from Lucien Lacroix.  "This... is critical to our safety.  Until we use this, we are vulnerable.  Ely, I have already completed the preliminaries on it.  I have identified the vampire component and other particular signature elements that we can use.  I need a substantial batch of this, for we need to place protection on all Tremere in the city as well as a selected group of... others."  [Including the prince, I hope,] Thorne added to himself.  [And a couple mortals...]

The magus looked over Thorne's findings, his eyes gleaming.  "A True Undead!  Master, this will be a most pleasant challenge..."

"You can do it?"  Thorne asked, running a hand lightly up the back of the magus's neck.

Elishan shuddered with delight at the caress.  "Yes, regnant.  I have worked with their blood before, long ago."

The apprentice watched the Regent avidly.  "When do you need this, Master?"

Thorne smiled at the eager young neonate.  "Last week, but in two days will be satisfactory.  I would like to begin the warding before the prince's Ball on Hallows, however."

"It will be done, Master Thorne," Elishan murmured, brushing his regnant's lips with his before moving away to the laboratory bench to get started.

"Hmmm, you are the best we have, Ely," Thorne replied with a grin.  He kissed Lydon as well, then left the chemists to get to work.    

Thorne had just picked up the phone messages again in his office when the phone rang.  At first he wanted to just let the voice mail pick it up, but a sudden feeling told him to answer the phone.  "Severan," he replied into the receiver when he picked it up.

"Thorne!  Man, I was afraid I'd get some switchboard or one of those automated messages or something..."

A rush thrummed through the Tremere primogen.  It was Blair Sandburg.  "Shaman," Thorne breathed in delighted surprise.  "Ah, it's a little late... or I guess that would be early..."

"Not for you," the anthropologist countered cheerfully.  "I couldn't sleep.  I... I'm sorry, I really don't know why I called..."

[Because we're drawn together,] Thorne wanted to say to him, but replied instead, "It's good to hear your voice, Shaman."

On the other end, the voice of the powerful Tremere magus was having quite an effect on the young mortal.  [Man, his voice is so beautiful, like music...] Blair, on the kitchen phone, huddled on the floor with it, was hoping Jim was sound asleep.  Though he wouldn't mind if Jim listened in, of course.  "I needed to hear your voice, too, Shaman, I don't know why..."

Thorne closed his eyes, inner sight feasting on the memory of his encounter with Blair on campus yesterday.  "Sometimes we ask too many questions, Blair."

"Yeah, you're right... "  The mortal made a noise of frustration.  "I shouldn't have called, I know you've got a lot of responsibilities..."

"Of course you should have called," Thorne murmured with a smile.  "It's been an interesting night... and your call was welcome.  I could use the break."

Blair felt a swell of warmth toward the beautiful, mysterious Tremere.  "Really?  You know, when I was working on my master's, I was quite the night owl... except for classes and library hours, I was up most nights.  It's... quiet, and I can think and study in peace.  Now that Jim's on second shift, I seem to have shifted my own hours again.  I don't have classes to teach so..."  He sighed.  "I do miss the involvement in Jim's police work.  Academic life is so... mundane, slow, okay, *boring* after the excitement.  Although..."  Blair groaned.  "I don't miss getting shot at, or..."

Thorne felt something of a psychic cringe from the other.  [Astounding that I could feel that at the distance of several miles... already there is a bond between us.]  "Or?" he prompted quietly.

"Never mind," Blair said hastily.  "There was some bad stuff.  What am I saying - I don't miss risking my life!  But... damn, Jim and I were partners..."  Blair shut up again.  He'd been on the verge of telling Thorne Severan about Jim's Sentinel powers.  [Not yet, not until Jim says so,] he told himself hastily.

"You fear Jim facing the 'bad stuff' without you at his side," Thorne stated.  [WHAT has this one endured already?]

"Uh, yeah... something like that," Blair hedged.  "Thorne, I'm sorry... someday I can tell you more.  Just... not yet."

"Who heals the Healer?" Thorne whispered into the phone, daring to send a trickle of deep concern into the rudimentary link between them.

"What?"  Blair gasped, "I... I don't understand..."  [How does he KNOW?]

Thorne felt the touch of the spirit plane, but resisted it.  He must not allow the attraction between them to rush them into something Blair was not ready for.  "Shaman," he breathed, "you are not entirely whole yourself, though Jim of course has healed you of much... but there are other things even he cannot touch.  I... sense them.  You both need healing.  We all do..."

"You do," Blair blurted out.  "I... I've seen it in your eyes.  Shadows..."

[Gods, no, he cannot see my darkness,] Thorne thought with a twinge of pain.  "I've done a lot of... living, Blair.  I've done and seen too much.  It's inevitable that one such as me not survive unscathed."

"You're also a Healer, Thorne."


"Yes.  Sorry, I've got an unfortunately uncanny knack about knowing that sort of thing," Blair explained firmly.  "I know, I just met you yesterday, but... I just know.  And I know the answer to your question."

Thorne nodded.  He felt something and touched his cheek.  Opening his eyes, he looked down to see blood on his fingers.  "Yes, as do I.  Healers heal Healers."

"Yep, you said it!  Oh, God, Thorne, I know this is all going to take time... I just... oh, man..."

"You just what, Blair?" Thorne asked softly, wiping blood tears away.

[I just want to love you, heal you, accept your Embrace, that's all,] Blair thought, feeling a little wild and reckless, but he did not say any of that.  "I just... want to get to know you, that's all," he murmured.  "Shaman."

The Tremere thought he could guess what the mortal did not say, hoped he could guess Blair Sandburg wanted what he did.  It was all he could do to keep back a groan.  "As do I, Shaman.  Not tonight, alas... soon."

Blair did groan.  "Yeah, soon, soon... I know!"    

Less than five minutes after the call from Blair ended, there was a soft knock at the office door.  "Come in," Thorne sighed.

A moment later a finger was wiping away the last red tear.  "Thorne..."

But the Regent pulled away.  "I suppose I haven't been very discrete... I'm sorry, I'll shield better."

"Master," Ecco murmured, sliding to his knees before him.  "Tell me what you need."

Thorne threaded his fingers into the short, spiky white hair of the other.  "Did they send you?"

Ecco closed his eyes, enjoying the touch of his regnant.  "There were a couple... inquiries, but, no.  I believe that after Davic, I may be the most sensitive to you.  You recall that my blood bonding to you was rather... thorough."

The Regent smiled, relaxing.  He didn't want the whole chantry in an uproar because of his unbridled emotions.  He paused to consider what he felt from the others in near proximity.  Selsor was involved in Ritual, oblivious.  Del was still working with Tamos and his apprentice, but did not seem distracted.  Hunter was far away on patrol.  "Yes, I did rather a job on you, didn't I?" Thorne sighed, his hand sliding down to caress the other man's cheek.

"My blood is yours," Ecco murmured fervently.  "Master, you named me as second.  Please tell me what concerns you."

Unwilling to take the time for explanations, Thorne chose a more direct approach.  "Open to me..."

The magus widened his eyes, but immediately complied.  Then the stream of rapid thoughts commenced to flow into his mind from the Regent:  Davic; Belyde; Lillie; Cameron; Lucien Lacroix - though Thorne did not share about his torturing at that vampire's hands - Nick Knight; Elishan and Lydon; the mortals Jim Ellison and Blair Sandburg.  Healer-Shaman and his own healing powers versus his own personal darkness.  Cash's queasiness around him and Tremere in general.  The continual need to put forth a positive image for the Tremere in the community and with the prince in particular.  Sexual frustration regarding said prince and one particular mortal...

Thorne pulled out hastily.  He hadn't meant to share with his second what powerful sexual urges he was currently controlling.

Ecco was swift to reassure him.  "Thorne, it's okay, I can help you with those just as well, if not more easily..."  The magus straightened and pulled the Regent into his arms, meeting his mouth with his.

"Yes," Thorne breathed minutes later when they broke the kiss.  He looked down into the sincere brown eyes of his new second.  "Do you think it strange, Ecco, that I should seek sexual fulfillment elsewhere when I have such bounty here?"

Ecco, his hands settling onto Thorne's thighs, began to caress him.  "No, Master - you desire blood that is not Tremere.  You find Julian Luna intoxicating because he is prince... and Ventrue.  And one of the reasons you desire Blair Sandburg is because he is mortal... but I'm guessing there is much, much more there.  I know you wish to Embrace him..."

Thorne nodded, his violet eyes gleaming with the barest hint of silver.  "We are drawn together, he and I... but Ecco, if I do Embrace him... I cannot place him under regnancy.  Not this one."

The magus took the Regent's hand in his and kissed each fingertip tenderly.  [I understand, Master.  Because of his lover.  But the Embrace is still necessary... it will save his life, protect him from those who would subvert his gifts, use him as a pawn against you or the prince.]

[Thank you for understanding...]  Thorne's thought was accompanied by a bit of awe - that *this* magus, so closely bound to his blood, bound in deep regnancy to him, should understand Thorne's need to waive the same bond to another... the Regent felt an easing in his heart and a wash of love for his magus.  [Ecco, you are remarkable...]  Then he was holding the man's face in his hands, looking deep into his eyes, a new understanding swelling.  [Ecco, sweet, how long have you been in love with me?]

Ecco sighed as his Regent took his face in his hands.  [Since you first slit your wrist for me to drink... since your blood first coursed down my throat... healing me and making me strong...  Damn, Thorne, you knocked me clean off my feet...]

"And you," Thorne breathed aloud, beginning to understand the powerful feelings within himself for this magus.  "When you volunteered to be drained for my need last week... it broke open something in my heart, Ecco.  And now, that you can accept that I *not* place another of our clan under regnancy, you who are so deeply bound to me..."  He paused, caressing the man's cheek tenderly, warmed by the loving light in the other's eyes.  "Are you sure our bond isn't commanding you to love me?"

To his wonderment, Ecco opened his mind to him again.  "You must be sure of my love, Thorne.  Then forget your doubts and just love me... and let me love you as you deserve..."  He closed his eyes, yielding to his regnant and lover.

Thorne closed his eyes also, his hands sliding back to either side of Ecco's head.  He entered his mind...

Ecco, out of deference to his regnant and Regent, had hidden his love for Thorne, not wishing to seem to make any special claim on his attention.  Hence he normally displayed only the warm, loving regard of any other Tremere in this chantry for their remarkable Master.  Now Ecco hid nothing, laying open for Thorne to read his passion for and adoration of Thorne Severan.  Ecco was deeply, wonderfully in love with him, his soul open to be possessed by the Regent alone.

A moment later, his own heart full, Thorne had slid off his chair to gather Ecco into his arms.  [Beloved,] he murmured for the first time into his mind, [I accept the gift of your heart, my love, if you can accept my troubled spirit...]

[Beloved,] came back the reverent whisper into his mind, [I accept all of your, and if you allow Blair and myself to love you, we can all seek healing with one another...]

The only response was a wash of pure joy from the ancient Tremere, and a tightening of the muscles of his arms around his lover's shoulders.      

Eventually, Thorne released Ecco but with great reluctance.  "Darling," he whispered, kissing his second's cheek, "I must attend to business - but stay, I need your help."  [Later, beloved...]

"Of course, my love," Ecco murmured.  [Always and anytime, beloved.  I am yours.]  He pulled over a chair as Thorne returned to his desk.  "You really should pass some of your burdens off to me... you shoulder too much, Thorne."

"Yes, I should," Thorne replied, sighing.  He handed over a black envelope with gold printing, and a gold embossed card inside.  "And this will be a good place to start."

Ecco opened the card, then smiled.  "Oh, my, what a concept - the Kindred Prince of the city is hosting a Halloween 'Vampire Ball'?"

Thorne grinned back. "Yes, novel... and I have an idea..."

His second matched his grin.  "I'll just bet you do..."

Mentally Thorne recalled two of his Gargoyles from patrol, then began to explain.  Fifteen minutes later, Ecco left to begin the arrangements, seeing to the costuming of Clan Tremere for the occasion as well as contacting the Richmond Chantry membership about the Ball.  Hunter and Justo would both deliver missives that would include news of Ecco's appointment as the chantry second.  As dawn was less than three hours away, they would have to fly swiftly to contact all twenty magus in the city.

Back to the phone messages.  Thorne picked up the phone and called his fellow primogen.  "Cameron, twice in one week, I'm honored."

"I doubt that," Ian Cameron, Brujah primogen countered.  To Thorne's amazement, the retort was not accompanied by a sneer.  "I assume you Tremere will be attending Julian's Ball?"

"Everyone will be there, Brujah, what's your point?"  As usual, Thorne was on high alert, talking to this one.

"I... need to meet with you, preferably before the Ball."

"What's this about, Cam?"  Thorne frowned.  Was that... *fear* in the Brujah's voice?

"Please, Severan," the Brujah bit back tersely.  "It concerns... the future of the Camarilla in this city."

[I was right,] Thorne decided, [he *is* afraid of something.]  "Your house-cleaning not going well, Cameron?"

"I need to see you," Cameron repeated firmly.  "Alone, Severan."

"You have troubles, you should take them to your prince," Thorne murmured, curious.

"No!" Cameron countered vehemently.  "The Ventrue will not listen to me, you know that, Severan."

"Depends on what you have to say."

"He will suspect everything I say, Tremere."

"And I shouldn't?"  Thorne frowned, wondering what game Cameron was currently playing.

"I know you hate Brujah as much as the rest of them," Cameron muttered.  "It occurred to me that you may be... different."

Thorne straightened, stunned.  [Could it be that the Brujah has discovered reason and actually developed principles?  Remarkable...]  "I am different, Brujah, but I would not have thought you capable of perceiving my... difference."

Cameron absorbed the irony with rare grace.  "You listened when I told you about Manzanita," he explained.  "Although I still believe Tremere are dangerous to the Camarilla here, my current... position... requires me to take a chance."  He paused, swallowing the bitterness.  "I need your help.  I want to work out a deal with you.  But not over the phone."

The Tremere primogen remembered, then, what he'd seen in the scrying last night... Cameron executing the traitor Brujah.  So the threat remained.  Likely he hadn't been able to discover who the man's associates were.  Short of taking blood samples from every Brujah in the city and analyzing them, it would be difficult to identify clansmen who were of Eddie Fiori's line.  [Ah, then that's it.  A telepath could probably find them.  Though Cameron is probably thinking of magickal means... ]

"I thought you didn't like being in debt to me, Cameron."  Thorne relaxed in his chair, wondering how soon he could talk to Julian about this little shift in the Brujah continuum.

"Severan, I loathe being in debt.  But if it comes to being in debt or staying alive, there's no contest."

"Very practical... all right, Brujah.  But we cannot meet before the Ball.  Tonight is better."

Cameron was startled.  Immediately his mind raced around, adjusting.  "Ah... tricky, but..."

"I'll find you," Thorne replied, purposely cryptic, and hung up the phone.  

The End (To be continued in "A Confusion of Brujah")