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by Soledad

A Swordfeast universe story Timeline: about a year after ''Finally'' Second part of the Cameron-storyline, follows my own SWF-story, ''The Conclave''.

Disclaimers: None of the ''Kindred''-vampires belong to me, and the background situation and the Richmond Tremere belong to the Swordfeast Universe. Cameron's bloodline, however, was created by me. I took his ancestors from the Brujah genealogy on the web-site White Wolfe Online. Some of the blood relations are authentic, others I simply made up. All the L.A. Kindred can be found in my original stories of the ''Pathways in the dark'' universe, as well.

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After discussing the unexpected visitor of L.A. as well as more common local matters, Julian Luna adjourned the Conclave meeting until next time. As usual, Cameron was the first to leave, without a word, without even looking at the others, as it had become his custom for the last year or so, and everyone else followed suit - with the exception of Cash. The Gangrel stood petrified, starring at the Brujah's vacanted seat.''Julian'', he said in a quiet voice that sounded positively shaken, ''take a look at this!''

The Prince followed his stare and was equally shocked to see a shallow pool of blood on Cameron's seat. ''What is the meaning of this?'' he asked. ''As far as I know there weren't any fights among the Brujah recently. Cameron managed to stabilize his position, he hasn't received a challenge for months...''

''I think that's something else'', Cash murmured. ''Have you noticed how he always wears dark clothes recently? This might not be an isolated incident. Either he's caught some bizarre cause of the Blood Curse or something else is horribly wrong with him.''

Julian made a sour face. ''And I thought I could finally stop worrying about Cameron. Ever since Thorne took over the problem, Cam has been remarkably cooperative.''

''I know'', Cash nodded. ''Doesn't it seem peculiar to you? Everything is running smoothly, the Brujah obey Cameron completely, and he doesn't cause any problems, himself. What the hell is the Tremere doing with him to make him this... docile?''

Julian frowned. ''You think Thorne is hurting him?''

''He's broken, Julian!'' Cash shook his head in exasperation. ''God knows I hate the Rabble as a whole, but we're speaking about the same man here who won the seat of a Primogen through a series of especially brutal duels to Final Death. He used to have courage, fire, strength. But now... Have you looked in his eyes lately? They are dead. Empty. And his spirit... He never argues on a Conclave, does what he's told, sits rigidly all the time, without the slightest move...''

''You think it's from pain?'' Julian asked.

The Gangrel shrugged. ''When he's sitting in a pool of his own blood, yeah, it probably is. You know about the warlock's appetite, and he hates Brujah as much as I do... Yeah, maybe he is hurting him... badly, if it causes him bleeding so profoundly, in spite of accelerated Kindred healing.''

''Well, whatever Thorne does to him, it seems to work'', Julian replied, not just a bit harshly.

''It's wrong, Julian'', Cash said tiredly. ''Above everything else, Cameron is a Clan Primogen. He reached his position through tough fights, and he doesn't follow Eddie's path in shady businesses. Whatever we might think of him personally, he deserves some respect for that.''

Julian gave him a sharp look. ''What is this sudden sympathy towards the Brujah? Since when do you feel the need to protect him?''

''I doubt that he'd need - or even want - my protection, and sympathy has nothing to do with this'', Cash answered, his eyes suddenly hard and cold. ''But as another Clan Primogen, who starts to worry about his own well-being, I have to ask you, my Prince, how much more leeway you are planning to give the Tremere?''

''Your own well-being?'' Julian replied in utter disbelief. ''What does it have to do with you?''

''That is exactly what I am trying to find out'', Cash responded in an even, emotionless voice. ''I can see how enthralled you got with the Tremere. I've accepted your choice; it's not my place, nor is it my right to question your decisions. But I do ask myself sometimes, how long it would take until you get so bored with me that you'll kick me out of your bed completely... and what's gonna happen when you do. Will you only chase me out of your house... or will you give me to the warlock to play with as well?''

''What are you talking about? You're mine, blood, body and soul.''

''I know that'', Cash said, his face still blank. ''You're my Regnant and I'll do whatever you tell me to do. But things aren't the same they used to be just a year ago.''

''Sure they are...''

''No, Julian. A year ago, you'd have gone through fire for me. Right now, you barely use me any more. When you aren't being screwed by the warlock, you drag Frank into your bed...''

''Cash! Are you jealous?''

''Of course not. It's not my right to question your choices. You are the Prince. You can claim whomever you want. I just wish you'd be a little more careful.'' With that, Cash bowed slightly and left the Conclave room, without waiting for Julian's permission.

The End