The Sheep Village Encyclopædia.

Welcome child. I am Hunter!!!
I am the most skilled sheep in all of the Sheep Village by means of catching fairies!
Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday are
spent with my crew of manly rams hunting down those wee fairies!
I don't work Sundays, I usually spend them in my deck chair soaking
up the rays of the sun (ie: my golden complexion), drinking rootbeer and playing
marbles with my sons.
I studied the fairies for many years and learned with experience that each kind is
different to catch. Evil fairies fly quite slowly and can be caught in a net with ease.
Joy fairies like buzzing around more. They lead me in circles and I often find
myself wrapped around a tree. Theif fairies are the most difficult to catch as they
move around in large groups rather like locusts. They always return to one place
but that place is extremely hard to find.  Once I spyed a different fairy, one that
I had never read about before... I'll catch it one day don't you worry!!!

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