The Odd Lamb

Once upon a time there was a little lamb.  It was very odd!
It had white fur but his paws were brown and black!
This type of thing was never seen before! Because of the lamb's appearance,
He had no friends at all!
He was alienated from the whole flock!
One day there was a fox and he was spying on all the sheep!
"Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm...  Don't those look just great?  It's steak for me tonight!"  grumbled the fox.  He ran through the flock and grabbed a ram!
The Ram screamed and shouted for help!  The little odd lamb ran in and bit the fox's foot...
The fox wailed and cried and ran away.  After that day everybody Praised the odd little sheep and he was then made the king of all sheep.

                ~The End~

Sent in by: Belinda Peep
