Daily Notice Board:

It's not long until the next Beautiful Sheep competition!
Be sure to get your best sheep ready to compete,
all entrants free!!!!!!!!!! No cost!!!!!!!!!!!!~

~A new competition has come up!
It could be you, and any of your sheep. If you find a red, green or blue lamb,
you'll win a Rainbow Sheep Award!!!~

~Did you know, that residents are picked at random to win a free pet? Great!~

~The village Librarian has decided that all good entries for the Poetry contest will be added to the poem section in the library~

~A dreadful unknown error occured whereas almost everything that everybody did...did not happen! My deepest apology for any inconviniences.~

~I am very unhappy...another error occured! The Sometimes Store was almost ready for opening when all the itmes vanished and have not been found. It will take much longer now :(~

~Curvy Cave is coming! Some great explorers discovered a cave the twists, turns and winds in all directions! Soon, it will be safe to walk through and find the way to the end. You see, at the end it is very worth the long walk.~

Officially signed: Sheep Village Mayor