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What is Community-Based Nursing?

Vicki Notes

Key Terms to know

Changing Times: Health Care Reform

Health Care Refocused

Implications of Health Care Reform for Health Care Education

Specific Implications for Nursing Education

Community-Based Nursing

Community-Based Nursing versus Community Health Nursing

See nursing roles compared next page.


Review Box 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4 not included here.

The majority of materials presented here are direct quotes from the following reference: Community-Based Nursing Care by Martha Ayers, RN, MN, Ph.D. for Mosby. ISBN 0-8151-1339-0




























Nursing Roles Compared

Community-Based Nurse

Community Health Nurse

Direct care provider




Case manager

Team member


Change agent

Direct care provider




Case manager

Team member


Change agent

Case finder (population)

Care agent

Data collector & analyzer (research & tracking)

Disease risk manger

Communicable disease reporter, monitor, and educator

Goals: Manage acute or chronic conditions

Promote self-care

Goals: Preserve & protect health

Promote self-care

Clients: Individual & family

Clients: Community

Philosophy: Human ecological model

Philosophy: Primary health care

Autonomy: Individual & family

Autonomy: Community autonomy

Individual rights may be sacrificed for good of the community

Client character: Across the lifespan

Client character: Across the lifespan with emphasis on high-risk aggregates

Cultural diversity: Culturally appropriate care of individuals & families

Cultural diversity: Collaboration with & mobilization of diverse groups & communities.

Type of service: Direct

Type of service: Direct & indirect

Home visiting: Home visitor

Home visiting: Home visitor

Service focus: Local community

Service focus: Local, state, federal & international