Vicki Notes
What are the differences in a leader and a manager?
- Leader qualities include vision, values, role models, teaching, coaching, facilitating, listening & stimulating creativity. May create chaos & uncertainty with changes & creativity. They want to do the 'right thing' & are value oriented.
- Manager qualities include being able to implement, operationalize, go by the recipe, follow the rules, direct people, plan by the rules & get the job done. They also use leadership qualities & are organized.
When you are being interviewed you should also?
- Interview the person interviewing you. Ask question's such as 'What are your values? Will you have a preceptor? For how long? When will you be left on the unit alone? Can you grow in this environment?'
A Leader must be able to break the mental models of how care is delivered so they can?
Examples of formally elected leaders are?
- Chairman, vice president & CEO
Examples of an informal leader are?
- Could be anyone who surfaces in a group, for example a student in your clinical group.
What are the four leadership styles?
- Autocratic, democratic, participative & laissez faire.
The style of leadership that is task oriented, directive & authoritarian. Decisions are made without staff input?
Leadership style that compromises between authoritarian (autocratic) and democratic styles?
Leadership style that values staff input & motivates people to set goals & plan their own work?
The leader with this style takes input from the staff team, analyzes it and makes a decision?
This leaders style best empowers towards excellence?
What questions might you ask in hiring staff?
- 'Who is your hero?' 'What if questions?'
The style that allows staff to work without assistance, direction or supervision. The staff plans, implements & evaluates as they see fit?
What is one of the most important structures for staff?
- Staff development, it is important that staff be clinically expert & sound critical thinkers.
Is it OK for team members to 'agree to disagree?'
When there is competition between the different departments (nursing, PT, dietary etc…)
What occurs?
What is one of the most important relationships in the delivery of patient care?
- The nurses relationship with the allied health & support departments
What is one of the most adversarial coaching roles?
What is the purpose of sponsoring?
- To lead staff into new territory
What are the five coaching roles?
- Educating, sponsoring, coaching, counseling & confrontation
A unit leader is like a CEO of what?
What is the primary enemy of fear?
What might fear of reprisal inhibit?
- The accurate reporting of patient care incidents & errors
What is one of the most inhibiting factors in hospitals & health care settings?
- Fear of power, fear of reprisal, fear of loss of status, fear of management or management's fear of staff
In any one instant a nurse may hold what roles?
- At any given time nurses are employees, students, spouses, parents and children.
How time is managed may be a factor of what?
- Cultural upbringing and gender.
What are the two primary time management styles?
- Monochronic & Polychronic
In this style a person is very time oriented and likes to do one thing at a time, feel that deadlines are important, like well thought out plans, dislike interruptions and like their personal space.
In this style a person does many things at once and are easily distracted, they tolerate interruptions, deadlines are goals not absolutes & these people can change plans more easily.
What are the factors that influence effective time management?
- Procrastination, perfectionism and not be able to prioritize.
Often viewed as a block to effective use of time.
A common personality attribute in nurses. It can lead to procrastination for fear of making a mistake or it can cause nurses to do a job over & over again until they get it just right.
What are some things you can do to effectively manage your time?
- Keep a time log or calendar, focus on getting starting while keeping the goal in mind, anticipate things not planned for, organize your paperwork, use resources wisely, be positive and attentive to your personal needs, learn to say no, conduct effective meetings and end the workday on time.
Why should you keep a time log or calendar?
- A daily hour-by-hour log can help to give structure to the multitude of things that must be accomplished. For example to keep up with medications, treatments, teaching sessions, home-visits and committee meetings. A monthly calendar can provide structure for day-to-day things in the workplace or personal lives.
Why is it important to focus on getting started while keeping the goal in mind?
- Getting started on a task motivates you toward completing the task and looking at the final goal & thinking backwards allows you to break down the task into manageable parts.
Why must you anticipate to be an effective time manager?
- It helps you to plan for those things that could arise, plan for the unexpected & be flexible in dealing with urgent matters. For example in the possibility of staff absences plan for back-up staffing.
How might you go about organizing your paperwork?
- Know what to keep & what to throw away. If it isn't important throw it away! Each piece of paperwork should only be handled once. In reshuffling papers, important ones may get lost. Reply immediately to requests when you can & place important items where you can readily find them. Note: That some papers however should be handled more than 20 times.
Why is it vital to be positive and attentive to personal needs?
Feeling overburdened leads to feeling tired & hinders your ability to be productive. Try to see problems as challenges rather than roadblocks to success. Make time each day to attend to your own health. Take breaks and manage your stress i.e. workout or take walks.
Is it OK to say "No" to extra duties?
How could you conduct an effective meeting?
- Meetings in themselves can be time wasters. Prepare an agenda that outlines the reason for the meeting, and stick to the agenda. Start the meeting on time & end it on time. Redirect conversations that get too far afield of the topic at hand. A conference room may be a better meeting place than an office where the telephone may interrupt conversations.
Is it important to end the workday on time?
- YES. End the workday as close to on time as possible. Since the workload is expanding one cannot realistically expect to complete all that is required each day. Staying longer and always taking work home may indicate that a lot of time has been wasted during the day. Note: That for some creative projects working longer may be smarter.
The ability to lead depends on what?
- Understanding what will move people to perform.
A true leader is someone who is what?
- Self-motivated to achieve and able to energize others
Leadership includes the ability to understand what drives individuals to take specific actions and then to do what?
- Create opportunities for them to meet personal and organizational needs at the same time.
Leaders are identified by the ability to do what?
If individuals are trying to perform this indicates what?
Action must be present, because wanting to do something does not always result in what?
What are the characteristics of a motivational leader?
- Preparation, presence & perceptual ability.
- Preparation - knowledge & skill
- Presence - communication, confidence, commitment & energy
- Perceptual ability - insight
What are the key qualities of a motivational leader?
- Knowledge & skill, effective communication of ideas, confidence, commitment, energy, insight into the needs of others and an ability to take the action necessary to achieve goals important to others.
Effective communication of ideas involves what?
- The ability to convey ideas clearly and in such a way that they can be heard positively.
What does confidence allow a leader to do?
- Be secure enough to have a lower need to control & as a result is able to encourage autonomy, participation & the empowerment of staff in decision-making.
How might the 'high energy leader' who is effective in one situation may be viewed as in another?
What is meant by "insight into the needs of others"?
That the leader has an acute awareness of the reason behind events and an ability to anticipate results of actions. When a leader can put goals into a form that has real or personal value to each person, then motivation will exists.
What are additional key qualities of a motivational leader?
- Abilities to listen, reserve judgement, give direct & positive feedback, recognize individual value through respect for others, and use humor.
Professional practice & shared governance depend on the clinical leader to produce an environment that fosters what?
- Autonomy in decision-making & provides the skills, resources & information needed for others to make this transition.
The Force-Field Theory refers to what?
- The extent that people can view the 'big picture' (or total issue) that they are dealing with gives them an opportunity to gain insight into the problem.
The Expectancy-Value Theory refers to what?
That people will choose the behavior with the largest combination of expected success and value. A leader can use this theory by evaluating what is important to a specific person & designing a means by which that individual can achieve their own goal while fulfilling the leader's goal.
Why is it important to evaluate whether working conditions permit staff to satisfy basic needs such as hunger, thirst or sleep?
- Because if these needs are left unattended, the quality of performance & morale will decline & resignation will increase.
What does the Equity Theory refer to?
- That a person's motivation is also affected by whether people feel they are being treated fairly. It involves the evaluation of what one puts into a job versus what one gets out of it in comparison with some other relevant person.
Motivational-Hygiene Theory refers to?
- The importance of job enrichment to improve the meaningfulness of assignments, perceived significance & worker autonomy. This works best with the self-motivated person.
What are sociological influences involved in motivation?
- The environment of the job in itself may be a motivating force. The need to be liked by others & a sense of belonging to a select group may fulfill needs for affiliation or self-esteem.
What does Theory X emphasize?
- External rewards & that close supervision controlled through the use of rewards & punishments.
What does Theory Y emphasize?
- That worker's are able to derive satisfaction from the work itself & make commitments to organizational goals.
What is Theory Z?
A combination of X and Y works the best. Theory Z suggests that people have both characteristics pertaining to both theories & that involvement of employees is essential for any organization to excel. Shared governance is one example of how a health care organization can extend full decision participation to its members.
What five categories of conditions need to be present to establish favorable motivation pattern?
- Norm design (standard operating procedures), external rules (Nurse Practice Act, JCAHO, federal & state laws, etc…), internal rules, standard benefits, incentive rewards, professional environment, managed care & nursing case management (gives nurses motivation to grow & continue education), interpersonal & social factors.
Controlling the spin means what?
- Making sure that communication & actions are clearly interpreted in the way in which they were intended.
How might a leader set new directions?
- Through group process techniques - Quality circles, Problem-solving teams, Delphi technique (think tank ideas) & Focus groups.
- And through leadership mechanisms - Delegation, Recognition & Collegial relationships.
How does a lattice organization work?
By allowing people to deal with others across the organization. It operates to reduce traditional hierarchy & give motivational autonomy & recognition to employees.
How does the organization using an Amoeba Diagram work?
- Organizational lines are draw according to actual working relationships & business dependencies. This would be like drawing a free-form line around the clinical leader, clinical nurses, dietary aide, pharmacist, laboratory technician, housekeeper and doctor for a given patient population.
What does intrapreneurship mean for employees?
- In this arrangement, employees are given autonomy to develop & implement new ideas & to benefit financially, personally & professionally from their efforts. (Example: A staff-created and managed clinic for abused children).
What does Entrepreneurship mean for employees?
- It goes a step further in that the employee or group of employees becomes independent of the organization to undertake & manage their own ventures. (Example: Nurses leave hospital employment to establish a home health agency for community-based care).
Enables others to act; increases employee job satisfaction & organizational commitment?
- Empowerment as a Motivator
Positively influences job satisfaction?
Professional satisfaction & satisfaction with the organization are predictive of what?
Enthusiasm & interest in work are significantly related to having what?
- A variety of experiences & to enhancement of patient wellness, pace, recognition, personal growth, & development & technology.
What is the basis for human behavior?
What is the hallmark of leadership?
- An ability to motivate others to develop & achieve established goals & a sense of personal accomplishment & satisfaction.