Psych-Mental Health Nursing
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Chapter 2 Mental Health Promotion
All nurses contribute to mental health promotion & illness prevention in the course of their work with patients, families & communities.
Healthy People 2000
- Is an agenda to prevent unnecessary disease & disability & achieve a better quality of life.
- There are 3 categories: health promotion, health protection & preventive services.
- Health promotion
strategies are tied to lifestyle choices that have powerful impact on the persons present & future health status. These strategies which are largely the result of individuals behavior include physical activity & fitness, nutrition, tobacco, alcohol & other drugs, mental health & disorders, violent & abusive behavior.
- The Healthy People 2000 report has also proposed that a reduction must take place in violent deaths, violence & adverse health effect from stress.
- Health promotion
strategies are related to environmental or regulatory measures that protect large population groups. Examples are prevention of injuries, occupational safety, reporting of suspected child or elder abuse.
- Preventive services
include counseling, screening & prophylactic interventions within clinical settings. Examples are interventions to prevent chronic disabling conditions, HIV & STDs.
The D/ART Program
- This stands for Depression/Awareness, Recognition & Treatment.
- The projects message is to communicate the following:
- Depression is a disorder that when recognized, can be treated.
- Effective medications & psychological treatment exist & may be used in combination.
- Even the most serious forms of depressive disorders respond rapidly to treatment.
Mentally Healthy People
- People that are mentally healthy display resilience, freedom, hardiness, androgyny & balance.
- Psychosocial Resilience
is the ability of the person to readily recover from or adjust to difficult, painful situations & events & to mobilize coping resources & strength. An example would be a childs ability to "bounce back" quickly from a loss or misfortune.
- Research shows that how people respond to stress & adversity depends on their protective responses. The protection resides in the ways individuals perceive & deal with life changes & cope with stressful life circumstances.
- Hardiness
is a personality characteristic that has been identified in healthy individuals. It has been proposed that hardiness allows people under high levels of stress to remain healthy & resist illness.
- The three components of hardiness are - Control (of ones own life), Commitment (feeling your life & activities are of importance) & Challenge (knowing change is normal & obstacles as challenges & opportunities).
- Androgyny
is the interaction & balance of feminine & masculine characteristics in an individual. It allows a person to adapt behavior according to various situations & needs, rather than gender. One study showed that professionals viewed androgynous behavior as more acceptable in female clients than male clients.
- Balance in Life
is something healthy people strive toward balancing physical, spiritual, emotional & social aspects of life.
- One aspect of a persons life dominating other aspects can be a detriment to their health.
- There are 3 types Primary, Secondary & Tertiary.
- Primary prevention
refers to reducing the incidence of disorders, preventing disorders from occurring in the first place. Nurses engage here by teaching stress management & relaxation techniques etc.
- Secondary prevention
refers to reducing the prevalence or severity of the disorder which can be accomplished by screening, early detection or diagnosis, & prompt treatment of mental disorders. Nurses engage here by screening for s/s of disorder, participate in case management, & help in crisis & health promotion after crisis.
- Tertiary prevention
refers to reducing the severity of disorder & associated disability by means of rehabilitation this is when mental illness already exists & efforts are toward minimizing or managing symptoms. Nurses engage here by giving medications, teaching assisting with self-care & relapse prevention.
Primary Mental Health Care
- Is defined as the "Continuous & comprehensive services necessary for the promotion of optimal mental health, prevention, maintenance & management of mental health.
Mental Health Promotion
- Strategies to promote mental health & prevent mental disorder fall into 3 categories universal, selective & indicated preventive interventions.
- Universal preventive interventions
are targeted at very low risk groups. Example teaching parenting classes for all new parents.
- Selective preventive interventions
target groups at risk for mental problems. Example someone mourning the death of a loved one (is a risk for depression).
- Indicated preventive interventions
target those at high risk for a disorder those who show minimal but detectable signs or a biological marker for a disorder.
In Closing
- Nurses should practice all those self-care measures they teach their patients! Absolutely!
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