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Vicki Notes

Chapter 42 – Suicide

Incidence & Populations Affected

Etiological Theories (What they think causes suicide)

Sociological theories

Psychological Theories

A. Psychoanalytic View

B. Interpersonal View

Biological Theories

Dynamics of Suicide


Application of the Nursing Process


Estimation of Risk

Risk Factors

Clues to Suicide

Behavioral Changes

Risk Periods

Goals of Assessment – Are to:

Interviewing Strategies

Interviewing the Family

Values & Attitudes

Content of the Assessment – Must include the following

Estimation of the Risk for Suicide

Formulating a Nursing Care Plan

Nursing Diagnosis – Example for the suicidal patient:


Short Term Goals

Long Term Goals


The following are interventions that may be used by all nurses & are listed by setting.

Community Intervention

Hospital or Treatment Center Intervention:

Providing Environmental Support

Demonstrating Concern & Offering Help

Establishing a ‘No Suicide’ Contract

Promoting Decision Making & Autonomy

Exploring Client Strengths

Protecting the Thought-Disordered Client


Postsuicide Intervention

Suicide Prevention Services

Survivors of Suicide

Resynthesis of Survivor-victims

Health Care Survivor-Victims


Professional Practice Issues

Legal Issues

Ethical Issues: Assisted Suicide