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Psychiatric – Mental Health Nursing

The Dynamics of relationships - Chapter 5

Definition & Purpose of Relationships

- Giving of self (you the nurse).

- Meeting patient (client – whichever you prefer to use) needs in a timely manner.

- Providing comfort measures for the patient & family.

Types of Relationships

Dimensions of the therapeutic relationship

Conceptual Framework

Characteristics of a Therapeutic Relationship

Phases of the Therapeutic Relationship


The Therapeutic Relationship & the Nursing Process

Expectations of the nurse

Expectations of the client (patient)

therapeutic relationship.

Issues in the Therapeutic Relationship

Attitudes of the Nurse

Tolerance – is a passive activity, no action is required by the nurse.

Acceptance – is an active process that requires recognition of the patients behavior as meeting a need & as the best adaptation at the time.

Facilitating Growth

Interpersonal Growth



Additional Class Notes