Blood Replacement:
Blood has 2 parts:
A à 41% of the population
B à 10%
AB à 4% : universal recipient
O à 45% : universal donor and can only receive O
Most transfusions are done with same blood type. O neg is given in emergencies.
Autologous: donates blood to themselves, such as when they know they are having surgery.
Homologous: donated by others.
Requirements for donating: 110 pounds, 99.6 temperature, range of V/S within normal paremeters, Hgb above 0.7, and age between 17-65.
Complication of blood donation: fainting, especially if you have had nothing to eat.
Whole Blood:
Procedure to give: page 1284
RN hangs blood.
LPN may NOT hang blood.
RN gets and is checked with MLT before blood leaves lab.
Checked again at the unit.
LPN can check blood with an RN according to agency.
What is checked:
Check MD order
Fill out lab slip and send it in.
Find out if client has ever had a transfusion and if had problems with it.
Explain procedure.
Obtain consent.
Have IV line wih 18 gauge needle (this is the best choice).
RBC will break with a gauge that is smaller.
Prime tubing with NS always.
Do not give meds with blood.
Dextrose will break it down.
Obtain baseline v/s. If fever is 101 call MD before tranfusing.
Check IV site.
Ask about back pain before it starts.
Check urine color.
Lung sounds.
Go pick up blood.
Agitate bag to keep moving.
Wash hands.
Put on clean gloves.
Spike bag.
Close saline clamp.
Open blood clamp.
Filter should not be used more than 4 hrs.
Open flow rate.
1st 15 minutes run at 20gtt/min.
Then increase so it will run in 2 hours.
V/S checked at 15, 30,1 hour then every hour.
Document: blood #, type, v/s, assessment
LPN can monitor infusion.
May pre-medicate with benedryl before or lasix between each bag.
After infusion, switch back to saline until filter is flushed.
Check v/s.
Document time completed, amount infused, v/s and reaction.
Lab has v/s section for before and after and what reaction.
Dispose of according to agency policy.
Can be hung using a pressure cuff, so it can be given quickly.
May need to warm the blood first with a blood warmer depending on client’s needs.
Complications: in fundamentals book (p 1286).