Labor and Delivery
Laborà rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the uterine muscles in the process of expelling the POC, the neonate and the placenta.
It is not known exactly how labor begins.
There are theories:
Four Factors is Labor Process
Refers to the birth canal. Made up of the inlet and the outlet. Pelvis is measured at first prenatal visit called the diagonal conjugate. Should be >11.5. Outlet is also measured, which is the diameter between the ischial spine, which is the transverse measurement. Any problem with these measurements is called CPD or cephalopelvic disproportion.
Three things that cause CPD:
Things that alter the descent into passage:
2. Passenger.
Since the fetal head is the largest part to be delivered, it influences the ease or difficulty of the birth. The head is formed by 8 cranial bones. The 4 that are most important in OB are the 2 parietal (top of head), the occipital (back of head) and the frontal bone. These bones are separated by sutures (membranes that have not ossified). This allows the head to be delivered easily. As a result, the head may be out of shape (molding). As they mold it adapts to the shape of the birth canal. Goes away in a few days. The areas where the sutures comes together, is a fontanel. They are membranes.
Fetal lie à position of fetal spine in relationship to the mother’s spine. Long axis of fetus to long axis of mother.
Longitudinal and transverse lies are most important.
Longitudinal: spines are parallel.
Transverse: baby’s spine is like a right angle. Mom’s is straight and baby’s is horizontal.
Fetal Attitude à relationship of the fetal parts to one another. Most common is the tucked position. Flexion is the fetal position.
Fetal station and engagement à refers to the level of the presenting part to the mom’s ischial spines. Above this level is (-) numbers, below is (+) numbers. Determined by vaginal exam.
Here is a way to remember:
-3 à floating
-2 à in the right direction
-1 à settling in
+1 à inching out
+2 à nearly there
+3 à get the crown (baby’s head is visible at perineum)
Fetal presentation à part of the fetus that enters the birth canal first. 95-97% the head enters the birth canal first. Cephalic presentations are vertex and face. Vertex is the most common cephalic presentation. Occipital (O) bone is reference point for vertex. Baby’s chin is tucked to the chest. For face presentation (more rare) the occipital bone is extended back and the leading bone is the chin (M).
Can have breech presentation, the buttocks enters first. (S).
Frank breech: legs are straight up.
Full or complete breech: baby sits indian style or tailor position.
Footling breech: one or both feet are presenting.
Most breech are delivered C-section.
Normal to see meconium in amniotic fluid.
Fetal positionà relationship of the fetal presenting part to the mom’s pelvis. Pelvis is divided into 4 quadrants. Documented by 3 letters.
1st: indicates which side (R or L).
2nd: indicates the presenting part.
3rd: indicates anterior or posterior.
Most common is LOA.
3. Powers.
The primary power of normal labor is uterine contractions. Puts baby in position, causes decent, cervical dilation and effecement. Pressure of the baby descending is the secondary power. Uterine contractions hurt. Contractions are rhythmic and increase in intensity as labor progresses.
DIF: duration, intensity and frequency. Each contraction has 3 parts. Increment, Acme and Decrement.
After a contraction there should always be a period of relaxation. The placenta can only provide oxygen for 90 seconds. If not, then baby will be in distress.
Two points about contractions that are very important:
Cervical effacement and dilation:
Effacement à softening, thinning and shortening of the cervical canal. When this occurs the internal os becomes shorter and becomes part of the lower segment of the uterus. Usually in primiparas cervical effacement occurs before dilation. Multiparas effacement and dilation occur at same time. Effacement is measured in %. At 100% a rim or edge cannot be felt during a vaginal exam.
Dilation à increase in size of the external os. Must be 10cm to be fully dilated.
Both are determined by palpation with fingertips during SVE.
Force of amniotic sack pushing against cervix will often aid in dilation. After membranes rupture the fetal part help in dilation.
4. Psyche.
Be aware that as labor progresses, her behavior will change. Early in labor she is excited, maybe aprehensive, communicates well, will follow instructions easily. Do teaching at this time, if she has had no prenatal training. As contractions increase in intensity, she will become more serious and will want you to stay with her. She will have difficulty following instructions. As birth nears, she’ll feel it will never end and questions her ability to cope. Will have trouble following directions.
TRUE labor signs:
This will help you remember when labor is about to start:
W: Weight loss. Often have nausea, diarrhea and indigestion. Not unusual to experience 1-3 pound loss.
O: Observe change sensation. About 10-14 days before labor, lightening occurs. Fetus is settling down into the brim of the pelvis. Will be able to breathe better. Increase in urination and more leg cramps. Back ache typically low and dull. Burst of energy a day or two before, called nesting behaviors.
R: Rupture of membranes. Typically will go into labor. If longer than 24 hours, then at risk for infection. Chance that the cord will drop down with the water. As a nurse, check fetal heart rate after ROM because she can have a prolapsed cord.
L: lightening.
D: Dilation and effacement. Most indicative sign.
S: Show of blood. When cervix dilates the bloody show comes out.