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The comics were last updated September 15, 2002
The news was last updated September 12, 2002

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Introducing 'Nuther World Comics!.

'Nuther World Comics features characters similar to those in television sitcoms, like, say, Friends, in situations more "comic-booky".Influenced by the Hernandez Brothers, Mike Allred and Howard Chaykin, I've taken pen to paper and started my own world development. I hope you guys like it. Feel free to e-mail me with any suggestions or complaints. Compliments are good, too!

So, without further ado...

As I worked on the current comic strips that I'm doing, I decided on how they'll be formatted... Mis-Adventure! and Wizdom will continue to be online comics. They will be collected in print form in 'Nuther World Comics #1, once "Pitt Stop" is finished. It will be $1.00 for 30-something paged mini-comic. I will continue writing and pencilling Mis-Adventure! and Wizdom, as well as inking Mis-Adventure! If my friend still has an interest in inking Wizdom, he will continue. If not, I will. The Extremists will be print only. I've decided this since I'm putting much more effort in producing this title. I will be posting the first three pages as a preview on my site. I'm planning on 24-paged mini-comic for the first issue, with a price of @$2.50. If you guys have any suggestions, let me hear them. Thanks.

The Extremists has just begun. It's gonna be more of an action/adventure title than the others. Check out the first page and let me know what you think!

Woooooo-hoooooo!!! Wizdom has begun! All five pages of "From the Ground Up", the prelude to the ongoing series, are now up! By the way, I'll be adding colorized versions of them later- as an extra. It was originally going to be in color, but ultimately I decided that b&w fits the overall style of the series. I hope you guys enjoy it!

A return to the comics! Coming by the end of the week is a five page prelude to Wizdom, called "From the Ground Up". It's pencilled by me and inked by David Seigler, from Ground Zero Comics. I'm currently lettering the pages.

I've uploaded two mixes of my new song, called "Isn't It Late?". You can find the links on the Music page.

I've taken a break from my comic... to focus more on my mixing again. I've just added a new song to my collection, called "Pimp Superstar". You can find it on my Music page. It's not the best mix I've done, but it's the first I've made with all-original loops made by me. Give it a listen!

A MOMENT OF SILENCE (literally): SomaFM has closed its doors. They had the BEST variety of streaming electronica and mood music. Go to their site for more information. Internet radio is being shut down. It's sad, but true... It's especially sad for me and other people who are in small towns and subjected to closed-minded, genre-specific FM radio stations (top-40, country, r&b/rap, oldies), who apparently aren't being targeted. My choices are being limited... Well... I guess if I want to listen to downtempo or drum&bass or trip-hop or acid-jazz or lounge or atmospheric electronica or anything else of that nature... I'll have to make it myself.

I had a recent visitor submit to me a piece of work that he did for me, sporting a cool logo design! It features the Hope Squad! And although the colors aren't exactly what I had planned, they look pretty nifty! All I know about the guy who did this is that his name is Mick and he likes robots! And that's okay by me! Clicking on the small pic to the right will take you to the bigger picture!

What have I been up to? Hmmmm.... Well, I'm still studying anatomy. Not as much as I would like, since I've had to work extra hard this month. My car payment's holding steady at three months behind. Maybe someday I'll get my head back up above water and can actually take the time out to go to school. Meanwhile, I'm trying something new. Mis-Adventure! is still running, but at the same time I'm going to be doing my next series, Wizdom. Wizdom is that series I mentioned a while back featuring the lady from the last panel of My Greatest Mis-Adventure!. Wizdom is going to be a much more serious comic with a mystical theme. It's geared towards fans of Doctor Strange, Books of Magic and Alan Moore. The first story features the introduction of the main characters, Morganna and Nigel. I'm putting a bit more effort into this one. The story, titled "From the Ground Up" will be five pages long. And I'm doing them as a set. Which means I'm going to pencil all five pages before I ink them. And I'll ink all five pages before I scan and letter them. I plan to have a few preview pics up pretty soon of Morganna and Nigel. I haven't decided whether or not "From the Ground Up" will be added to Mis-Adventure! #1. I might add it as a bonus.

Coming soon: Mis-Adventure! #1. Mis-Adventure! #1 was previously known as 'Nuther World Comics #1. I've changed the title to Mis-Adventure! since most, if not all, the stories in it feature the Mis-Adventure! cast. Mis-Adventure! #1 will be digest size, with about 24 pages and a cover price of $2.00 ($2.65 postage paid for ordering direct). Included in Mis-Adventure! #1 will be "My Greatest Mis-Adventure!", "Money Matters", "Pitt Stop" and "Wake Up Call", a yet to be seen story featuring Sarah. All of this, plus a new cover. More information will be coming soon...

I just made a few corrections to "Pitt Stop" page one. One thing that I'm sure is quite noticeable is that I re-lettered it. I found some nice fonts over at Blambot! and decided to switch to one of them. It's one of their free fonts. Go there and check out what they got! They're really keen!

Page 1 of "Pitt Stop" is now up. I'm going to try to have weekly updates to the comics while I'm training myself on my art. Hope the improvements start to show...

Notice the new logo? I've decided to name the title of the series that stars Amanda and Sarah "Mis-Adventures!". Especially cince I couldn't come up with a more fitting title. I think it works.

The 'Nuther World comic is going to be running behind as I am taking the time out to study more on my art technique. Plus, I'm working on a few other concepts... One of which involves the lady in the last panel of "My Greatest Mis-Adventure!". It will be a more serious title, focusing on magic and mysticism, ala Doctor Strange. More details will be coming later...

Well... I did it! I actually finished "My Greatest Mis-Adventure!". Yep, page 16 of 16 is finally up! Boy! Did I learn a lot doing it! I'm very relieved that it's over. I enjoyed writing and drawing it, though. I'll be returning to the cast of "My Greatest Mis-Adventure!" in the previously mentioned "Pitt Stop". Currently I think I'll be taking the moment to work on a couple of other ideas. If anyone would like to comment about my work, feel free to e-mail me at I would like to hear your thoughts.

I just did a major overhaul on the links page. I added alot more useful links for you guys to peruse.

There's a review of the 'Nuther World Ashcan in Obscurity Unlimited #16. Obscurity Unlimited is a small press fanzine that focuses on, you guessed it, small press comics! The latest issue has tons of reviews (there's a lot of small pressers). You can visit their website for more information!

Available again- the 'Nuther World Comics Ashcan! For those who missed it when it came out, it was an eight page promo for the webcomic. It includes the first five pages of "My Greatest Mis-Adventure!", as well as "Money Matters". Now you can have your very own for only $1.65 each (post-paid). Send orders to Lee Stone, 1205 N. Conrad, Palestine, TX 75803.

Because a lot of you haven't heard my music mixes and remixes, I'm adding a link to my music. All of the ones I'm listing were done with Acid Music 2.0 and Mixmeister. The links are to AcidPlanet, a site that allows mixers to post productions made with their product. I have a few others, including a house mix of the Dixie Chicks "If I Fall", that I can't post here... But if you want to hear it, e-mail me and I'll let you.

AggieCon was pretty cool! I finally got to meet the guys from Skunk Comics! I also met two other indy publishers, Ghostwerks Comics and Twisted Ink Productions. Both are really good. I reccomend everyone to check out their stuff. I also saw Neil Gaiman. I didn't talk to him, but my friend did and got a signing! The scariest part was when someone asked me to do a sketch for him. I was petrified... I had never done it before. Didn't know if I could... But I did! I did a drawing of Amanda, Sarah and Toni from the comic here, with Amanda's soon to appear boyfriend, Vincent, as they enjoyed AggieCon, with a sillhouette of Neil Gaiman approaching them. I was sooo relieved when I finished it. *wiping sweat from brow*.

Want to know more about me or 'Nuther World Comics? Head over to Spiritual Scream Productions! Click on "Interviews", and you'll find out everything you need to know.

'Nuther World Comics is now listed at Electric Universe, an excellent directory of online comics. Go look through their pages... You might find something you'll like!

In addition to this site, 'Nuther World Comics is now featured at PowerMojo, as well. It's an online comics magazine. Renzo and DX have a great comic going, also called PowerMojo, that's showcased there. Check them out!

Special thanks department!I would like to give thanks to the following for their continued support: Dave at Ground Zero Comics, Sam at Skunk Comics, Loco, aka Renzo, at PowerMojo, Monty over at Spiritual Scream Productions and Ian over at Dimestore Productions.

Since January 23, 2002
