English 10 @ Horton |
Links of Interest: General Reference: Citing the World Wide Web in Style Fiction Writing Articles on the Internet Readers' and Writers' Resource Page Constructing Your Research Papers Poetry: Preparing Informative and Persuasive Speeches CUSID - the Canadian University Society for Interdisciplinary Debate Censorship Unit: Banned Books and Censorship Resources Civil Rights Unit: Timeline of the American Civil Rights Movement Novel Studies: Fahrenheit 451 Fahrenheit 451 - includes publishing history, a synopsis, and an excerpt. Fahrenheit 451 - the Movie Version ML Literature Connections: Fahrenheit 451 Teaching Guide - suggests activities and related reading on the themes of censorship and the value of literature. SparkNotes: Fahrenheit 451 - study guide to the novel, with plot summaries, context, and other information. To Kill A Mockingbird One Book One Chicago: To Kill a Mockingbird - resources and schedule related to the August 2001 event in which Chicago residents are asked to read the Harper Lee novel. Includes author biography, discussion questions, and reader recollections. Harper Lee & To Kill a Mockingbird - study guides to the book, four essays by Lee, links, and more. Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird - from Vanderbilt's English 104W-15 class. The To Kill a Mockingbird Student Survival Guide - annotated guide to Lee's novel, containing over 400 definitions for vocabulary, idioms, and allusions found in the text. To Kill A Mockingbird - The Movie@ To Kill a Mockingbird: Then and Now - Think Quest project offering resources from teleconferences dedicated to the book and film. Features historical background, film clips, classroom activities, and message board. Shakespeare: Internet Shakespeare - presents a collection of fully refereed materials on Shakespeare, including an exploration of his life and times, and his work in the context of those times. Shakespeare by Individual Studies Shakespeare on the WWW - University of Northern British Columbia offers plays' texts, and poetry search engine. Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet - annotated guide to the scholarly Shakespeare resources available online. About Shakespeare - includes themes on the plays and sonnets, quotations, and a biography. Absolute Shakespeare - resources including his sonnets and poems, plus summaries, essays, character analyses, quotes, biography, pictures, timeline, and the Globe Theatre Bardolatry - in English and Italian. bardware - information about the playwright's works, movie adaptations, and other resources. Bartlett's Familiar Quotations: William Shakespeare - quotations from all of Shakespeare's plays and many poems. Charles and Mary Lamb's Tales From Shakespeare - contains the complete text of the work. Coined by Shakespeare - book in progress about terms that Shakespeare coined or used in ways that were unusual in the writing of his day (or in ours!). Explore the World of Literature: Shakespeare - offers help and information on Shakespeare. Folger Shakespeare Library - independent research library housing a large collection of Shakespeare's printed works. Materials for the Construction of Shakespeare's Morals - examines the influence of Stoicism on the ethical substructure of Shakespeare's plays, characters, and plots. Savage Shakespeare - where anyone interested in Shakespeare can meet for friendly discussion. Shakespeare and Anti-Semitism: The Question of Shylock - analysis of Elizabethan anti-Semitism in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice and the character of Shylock. Shakespeare and Early Existentialism - essay on how Shakespeare relates to the concepts of existentialism. Shakespeare Birthplace Trust - official site. Includes information on the historic houses, educational courses, and library, museum and archive collections. Shakespeare Directory - includes pictures, quotes, forum, and more. Shakespeare Illustrated - paintings inspired by Shakespeare's plays. Shakespeare In Cyberspace - includes dates of Shakespeare's Canon. Shakespeare in Europe (SHINE) - project of the University of Basel promoting the study of cultures in contact, using Shakespeare as the focus. Shakespeare Learning Resource Center - features forums designed to help in teaching, explain theatre history, and offer employment advice. Shakespeare Literary Detectives QUARTO_BIB - mailing list to share information on the earliest printings of the Bard. Shakespeare Online - information on the life and works of Shakespeare, including a glossary, overview of major scholars, and other resources. Shakespeare Resource Center - dealing not only with the playwright's literature, but the man, and the environment in which he lived and wrote. Shakespeare Reviews - unique reviews of Shakespeare's best plays. Shakespeare Speaks - forum for discussion of the works of the Bard. Shakespeare Web - an interactive, hypermedia environment dedicated to the enjoyment of Shakespeare's works. Shakespeare Word Frequency Lists - word counts for Macbeth, Hamlet, and King Lear, sorted by frequency and alphabetical order. Preview: the most frequently used word in all the tragedies is "the." Shakespeare's Works - links, study guides, reproductions of historic editions, and more. Shakespearean Sonnet Lighthouse Greetings - choose one of Shakespeare's sonnets and a light house, add a personal message, and send the virtual card. Shakespeares Org - includes the complete works, chat, message boards, and other items of interest. Shakey's Place - 3D model of Shakepeare's Globe Theatre. An educational site providing text versions, study guides, summaries and a host of educational (and fun) features. Teacher utilities also provided. Surfing with the Bard - devoted to teachers, students, and fans of William Shakespeare. Undiscover'd Country, The - compilation of plots and dialogue from all incarnations of Star Trek which reference the works of Shakespeare or the man himself. Usenet - humanities.lit.authors.shakespeare William Shakespeare Quotes - a collection of quotes with references. WillShakespeare.com - includes works, timelines, quotes, and information on film adaptations of the plays, and movies that include or reference Shakespeare. World Book Encyclopedia: William Shakespeare Check up on your assignments by clicking below: |
discendo libertas fit ~ "through learning, liberty is born" Site Index: |