

Sole Proprietor

An individual operating a business. The business does not exist separately from the owner. The individual accepts the risks of business to the extent of all his or her assets, whether used in business or used personally. Note: An individual who pays wages to a household/domestic employee must obtain a Federal Employer Identification Number as a sole proprietor.


All city, county, state and federal entities or departments are in this category. Examples include the United States Treasury Department and the Iowa Department of Revenue and Finance.


A person or group of people who incorporate by receiving a charter from their Secretary of State.


Withholding Tax Permit

Every employer who maintains an office or transacts business in Iowa and who is required to withhold Federal income tax on any compensation paid to employees for services performed in Iowa is required to withhold Iowa individual income tax from that compensation.

A withholding agent is a person who has the authority to make wage payments or delegate the authority. It does not matter if he or she does the actual work of keeping records, preparing returns or writing checks. A withholding agent is personally, individually and corporately liable to the State of Iowa for withholding and paying any money required to be withheld and paid. If a withholding agent fails to withhold and pay the required amount, that amount may be assessed against the withholding agent.

Please allow four to six weeks to process your application and receive your withholding coupon booklet.

No Fees Required ------------------------------------- From the Secretary of states Webite
Secretary of State