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Annoying U
Annoying University Junk

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As I enter my final semester, here at St. Mary’s, I think back to many great and hilarious times (some of which will probably find their way to this site). However, it seems that there are some things that annoy the crap out of me as well. Last Monday (Jan 31) I think that I experienced all of those minor things that annoy me, so by the end of the day, I was both tired and cranky. Stuff like this could make anybody a little angry, even me. Here are a few examples of comparisons to my anger:

If I was Bruce Banner, I’d turn into the Hulk

If I was Marge Simpson, I’d grit my teeth so hard that it would mess up a CD recording

If I was Chunk from The Goonies, I’d scream and knock a door down

If I was Ken Shamrock, I’d snap and put somebody in the ankle lock

If I was Ricky from Sleepaway Camp, I’d start swearing profusely

If I was Carrie, I’d use telekinesis to kill everyone at the prom

Whoa dude, that last one’s a little intense. Probably wouldn’t do that :)

I’m not a rageaholic, I just like the taste of Rageahol!

Anyway, since I can only be me, I’d just say something like “son of a bitch” or “goddammit” and write an article like this one.

So without further ado, I give you the list of things that annoy me at University!

The Bookstore

There is no bigger scam going at University than the good old bookstore. Well, maybe the fact that they raise their prices so we can have a better football field. Regardless, the bookstore is where all students get suckered into buying textbooks at ridiculous prices. Its like a convenience store at an airport. Yeah, $12 for a sandwich? We think that’s fair. Anyway, so we fork over $100 a book, leaf through them a bit at home and class, all the while looking forward to trade them back at the end of the semester. That day finally arrives and a handful of things can happen:

a) They buy the book, at less than half the original price. That wouldn’t be so bad, if they actually charged less for these books when they resell them. Usually there’s only a $10-$15 difference in the price of a new book to a used one, and that’s even assuming they have any left. RAs and other folks that work for the university get first dibs, so good luck waiting for their scraps. I once bought a used accounting book that was marked all over and missing a cover. Keep in mind that this was one of the better texts that they had available, and it was still $50. There was a class that I took last semester that was done on the computer, and you had to pay $40 to register. That seemed like a pretty good deal to me, as I didn’t have to deal with the bookstore. Apparently a few years back, students had to get their registration from the bookstore, and they tacked another $15 on. Bloodsuckers!

b) They don’t buy it back. They’ll say something like, we already met our quota of used books, even though you’re first in line on the first day. Either that, or the Prof isn’t using that book again, and you’re shit out of luck. $100 for a paperweight!

c) They spit in your face. Well, not literally, but they may as well with the offers they make. I had a Sociology book from last semester that they offered me $8 for. I paid $120 for the damn thing. Screw you!

Egocentric Profs

There are profs out there that actually believe that their course is the only one that you are taking. I don’t mind doing homework and such, but at least try not to schedule things when I have exams in other classes. I once had this prof that actually believed that the average student only took three courses and didn’t work. We took an in-class poll and found that the average was five, and that most worked. Profs like them often replace their books each year, so you’re stuck with it. Its like one last kick in the balls after you’ve finished the class.


On Monday I had two different classes where I was stuck behind somebody who wouldn’t shut up. They have an opinion on everything, usually incorrect, and yet that doesn’t stop them from continuing to interrupt every two minutes.

There’s this one guy, lets call him Stephen, that I’ve had in at least one class each semester since my first year.

He speaks out in every class, except...uhhhh...




Seriously, every class.

Then there’s this only chick in Strategic Management class, lets call her Ratty, that also doesn’t know how to keep it to herself. Her answers were consistently wrong and shot down by the prof, and yet she still kept talking. Other times she’d start talking, but get lost halfway, making her comment make even less sense than before. How the Prof didn’t finally flip out and say, “NO, stop talking”, or “at least let somebody else speak” is beyond me. Frankly I applaud him.

So anyway, the point of the story is you are free to speak in class, but for the love of God, have something relevant to say. It was funny too, cause you could tell the rest of the class was getting pissed.

Cell Phones

Did I also mention that Ratty’s cell phone must have gone off about four times in class? I don’t care what anybody says, vibrate can be just as loud and annoying as people’s retarded ringtones. Then of course there’s the people that don’t even put it on vibrate. I guess they think their ringtone is so cool that we won’t mind it going off. Frankly I don’t see the need to have a cell phone on 24/7, but I’m clearly in the minority on this one.

Here is a message for all the people with cell phones attached to their ears:

You are not a doctor! You don’t need a cell phone 24/7. Turn off your cell phone and keep quiet in class. You can call Cindy, Gladys, Ruth, and Monkie when you get out of class, and confirm your plans to meet Raoul and Lester for booze later.

Blocked Halls

What is it about people and their need to block the hallways, just talking or whatever. Hey moron, I have class to go to. Go a lounge or something, after all, that’s what they’re there for. A great example of this would be the drawing below.

The crown represents me, and the “X” is my destination. However, blocking my way are red dots (commies), green dots (hippies) and yellow dots (morons) throughout the hallway. I should just start kicking.

Then there are the people that walk super slow, and then just stop, most likely to talk to other red, green, or yellow dots. Take it outside!


I don’t recall when it happened, but for some reason, a vast majority of women dress like sluts. What with their cleavage and plumber’s ass pants, they look more like they’re headed to a rave than to a marketing policy class. And the clever slogans on their asses or chest like, “Just do me”, or “I’m coo-coo for cock”. Well, they probably didn’t have ones that obvious, but since when were double entendres clever anyway? I’m not saying that all women should get all prim and proper, but at least try and have a little class. I, for one am a little more concerned about a woman’s personality, than whether or not she can fill out a kid’s t-shirt. Damn Prostitutes!

Anyway, that’s my rant. I encourage you to check out Maddox’s profile on morons that you’ll find in every university, right here. Its actually pretty darn creepy how bang on he is on the subject. I wonder how he’d feel about a skankily dressed loudmouth talking on a cell phone and blocking the hall. He’d probably kick ass! I should do that...