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My 1993/1994 Journal

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The Christmas of 1992 will be remembered for a number of reasons. My huge Thunderclash Transformer. Crocodile Dentist. And a whole host of Toronto Blue Jays stuff. I had been into baseball for about a year and a half, and to have my favorite team win their first World Series that year was just awesome. Aming the items I received was a Blue Jays journal. Was it time for an 8-year-old Matt to report about all of the exciting things in his life? Would the world be ready for it? Regardless I did, and for the benefit of everyone, here it is. I still get a kick out of it. If you’re looking for the hot woman that I usually put at the bottom of these types of articles, *sigh* she’s at the bottom...jerk.

Jan 1, 1993

A new year at last. Back to school in a few days, oh no! I’m going to try to get Transformers soon.

There you go, short and sweet. I had really been interested in getting Transformers ever since YTV played “The Five Faces of Darkness” Mini-series in November. Looking back, it seemed kinda odd for a network to play a mini-series of a show that they didn’t air, but man was I hooked. I would later write them a letter stating that they should put it back on the air. Ugh, if only I could remember where it is.

Jan 2, 1993

Pat, Cliff, and Kelly came up and my plans for more Transformers is not going very good. I need to start a big war between Autobots and Decepticons. I need more.

There you have it, after one day, Matt circa 1993 is discouraged. I also find it funny that I want to instigate a war between the otherwise peaceful Autobots and Decepticons. After all, they only fought when I was around.

Jan 9, 1993

Today I am going to Halifax for a few days. I hope there is Transformers. Mich’s birthday was yesterday. If you ask me, she was pretty good and didn’t act like a total meanie as usual. Well I must go.

Wow, longest page yet! Still talking about Transformers. I remember having a really good time on that Halifax trip, but don’t remember what toy I got. I do remember coming across multiple Power Master Optimus Primes that were all opened and missing pieces. Damn Zellers.

Feb 24, 1993

Today was my birthday party. I had a Garfield baseball cake. I got 2 books, $30, and Two-Face, Lazer Batman, The Penguin, Penguin Commandos and Lex Luthor. Today was a good Batman day.

And just like that, Transformers were out of the way. Back in the day, I really needed to keep seeing/getting a toy to stay interested. This was during the brief period between G1 and G2, so there weren’t any Transformers in stores, and the show wasn’t on TV. And then we have Batman, who still has movie figures, an upcoming animated series, and YTV was airing reruns of the old 60s version. I couldn’t resist.

Mar 25, 1993

A few days ago I got the Lazer Blade Cycle. It is really cool. It can drop a bomb on bad guys like Joker or Catwoman. It can turn into a Batwing or a cycle. Really Cool!

I’d say that’s one hell of an endorsement. Basically taking what would have been a normal journal entry and turning it into an ad for Batman toys. Batman figure sold separately.

May 24, 1993

Today I went to the fair, which was not too good. First we got a bracelet that cost $11 and then the guy on the scrambler tried to rip off my bracelet. And a guy spewed just when we were about to go on the Fireball. But I did find a picture of Demolition, the tag team, and the YoYo was cool. And I had to sit with a GIRL on the helicopter ride. I am not going to go next year.

Ah the fair. Oddly enough, the most annoying thing about the day, the fact that we had to wait an hour to go on the ferris wheel, was not mentioned in the journal entry. I love how it was a big deal that I had to sit with a girl. I guess they still had cooties at the time.

May 26, 1993

I got a new comic today. The Superhero in it was Spiderman and he is facing Styx and Stone and an other guy. It was pretty good. Today Michelle had her Forever Free thing. It was good.

I love my descriptive skills from that era. That was good, this was pretty good. I went to the thing. Wow! Anyway, the other guy in the Spidey comic was Cardiac. His name was omitted at the time because I couldn’t spell it, and I was too lazy to get up and copy it from the comic. The Forever Free presentation was basically your typical EMS play, but this time the students sang about living a drug-free life. Its funny because within the next several years, I’d estimate that at least 75% of them did use some sort of illegal narcotic at least once. Ah, the youth of today.

May 27, 1993

Today I got 2 more comics and now I have 22 comics but Kirk next door wants to get 3 back that I traded with Kevin. I am not going to give them back. Next I want to get a Punisher comic.

Wow, 22 whole comics! I’ve been known to buy that many in a day. Its funny cause I ended up getting a few Punisher comics, but Mich squealed to Ma about the violence, and that was the end of that.

June 19, 1993

Yesterday I got some new comics. They are really neat. Oh yeah, I am also madly in love with ****** ****** (yeah, I’m not putting that in). She is so nice; a while ago I got some pictures of her.

Wow, does that ever sound creepy: I have pictures of her. They were honorable, and she agreed to them. Anyway, it was around this time that I realized that Michelle was snooping around, as she was the one who put the semi-colon in. Subtle.

June 20, 1993

Today I went to play mini golf. I was pretty good. I got four in 1s. Michelle didn’t get even one. What a sucky player.

Good old Mini-Gold. I guess the remark about Michelle was to show her that I knew she was peeking. Either that or I believed she was a sucky player, which could also be true.

July 23, 1993

Today I got the Batmobile. It is really neat. There is 2 vehicles in 1 and there are a few other cool special features. I really like it.

I must have been really blown away by that bad boy, because my spelling and grammar are waaaaaay off. I spelled features, F-E-A-T-H-L-E-R-S. Wow, that’s not even close. I guess I got it confused with some sort of Penguin-mobile that I just made up.

Oct 23, 1993

I thought it would be good if I brought you up to date. First, I now have 35 comics. Here are some new ones I have: Batman Adventures #10-15 which are cool and some M.A.S.K. comics, including the first issue! And I also now have Two-Face and Robin!

Great comics, great memories. Sadly, these comics now occupy my Non-Marvel/Forgotten comic box.

April 4, 1994

Let me bring you up to date again. So far I have a new Big Brother. His name is Ross Wheaton. Plus today I got the video game called WrestleMania Challenge and Bret Hart is the new Champion, and Razor Ramon is the Intercontinental Champion.

I have always been into wrestling, but not so much in much of 1993. I still watched, but it wasn’t as important. That all changed in 1994. Also, WrestleMania Challenge was one hell of a great NES game.

May 26, 1994

Today I was sick in school and was sent home. I was not happy to leave, but I had to. I also found a tape I made when I was 5! Also a few days ago I got Sid Justice and Razor Ramon is in the King of the Ring.

Sadly, Razor would be defeated in the Finals of the King of the Ring to Owen Hart. Its funny that I would be so sad to leave school early. I still have the audio tape kicking around and listen to it from time to time. It was mostly me hosting my own radio show, and using my favorite catch phrases, “Bango-Bango” and “They’re gonna tear the walls down!” Man, I gotta go listen to that!

And there you have it, a glimpse into the mind of a young Matt. Funny that over a decade later, I’m still buying comics, toys, and watching wrestling. Sounds good to me.

And as is the case where I write an article that only a handful of people may get, here’s a pic of a girl that probably frequents the website.

She loves this site!