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The Legend of Zelda: The Missing Link

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The Super Mario Bros. Super Show has a clear divide between those who loved it and those who hated it. Sure the live action segments have little to do with anything, but they did have great guest stars like Cyndi Lauper, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Ernie Hudson, and the guy who did Inspector Gadget’s voice. The Mario Bros. cartoon itself was pretty hit or miss, but did have some good episodes. However, most agree that the thing that saved the Super Show was the Legend of Zelda cartoon.

First of all it was Legend of Zelda. Next, was the fact that it was only on once a week, so it had a certain mystique to it. You know that you were lucky if you got to see one. It was like finding a free game at the arcade. Finally, you had the tension between Link and Zelda, and Link’s immortal catchphrase, "Well, excuuuuussseeee me, Princess!"

Anyway, 13 unforgettable episodes would be made with Link and Zelda defending Hyrule against the Evil Ganon.

Today’s review is of the episode entitled "The Missing Link".

The episode begins with Princess Zelda innocently picking flowers on a beautiful afternoon. Suddenly, her water fountain explodes, and Ganon and his troops are advancing on her. I’d say business has officially picked up. Link springs into action, and Zelda escapes to get the Triforce of Wisdom. It seems that Ganon has a new "wand of power" and he wants to zap Zelda with it, sending her into his "Evil Jar". I’m sure there’s some sort of joke in there, but I’ll take the high road. Zelda has the Triforce, and deflects Ganon’s zap right into Link. Whoops! Thankfully, Ganon is pretty lazy and decides that although he has her beat, he’ll leave, so she can bring him the triforce herself, or she’ll never see Link again. Now that’s what you call lazy. He probably has one of those mini-fridges installed in his throne.

Anyway, Zelda feels guilty, and starts to cry, when suddenly Link appears. Something seems different about him, like his transparency, but who cares, he’s ok! Zelda goes to hug him, but goes through him, and falls flat on her face. It seems Ganon’s blast got his body, but not his spirit. Sprite comes over, as she hears Link, but can’t see him. It seems that Zelda is the only one who can see him. I wonder why that is? Anyway, they have to get Link’s body back, so Zelda takes Link’s sword. Link thinks that Zelda only loves him for his body. Pretty funny line considering this is a kids show.

Back at Ganon’s, the baddies stand over Link’s body, and are puzzled as to why he hasn’t woken up yet. Ganon doesn’t care, and laughs maniacally. Oooooh, he’s evil, he even has the laugh down.

Zelda enters the Underworld with Phantom Link at her side. He scares her, and she stabs wildly.

Link: You swing that thing like a girl.

Zelda: I am a girl.

Link: Yes, hmm...I’ve noticed, heh.

Anyway, a bunch of Stafos, or skeletons, jump out at her, and she springs into action, with Link giving tips. One grabs her, but gets scared when Zelda starts talking to Link. Link then critiques Zelda’s swordplay. Funny. He wants a kiss, and she finally agrees. But wait, he a ghost, and she goes right through her. Poor Link.

Back with Ganon, the Stafos explains what just happened. Ganon figures out that he only got Link’s body, and the reason that only she can see him, is because she is in love with him. Link and Zelda just happen to be above Ganon and hear everything. Link takes the news well.

Link (smiling): Sooooo...

Zelda: Now don’t get the wrong idea, buster.

Link: You love me, huh?

Zelda: Oh, I do not!

Link (singing): Yes you do! Yes you do! That’s why you can see me!

Zelda: No! I mean, maybe just a little.

Link (standing up and singing) Zelda loves me! Zelda loves me!

Zelda: Shut up, you idiot! He’ll hear you!

Link (still singing): Zelda loves me! Zelda loves me!

Ganon: They’re here!

Ganon summons his boys from the evil jar, and the fight is on. Link hops into the jar and reclaims his body, right before a Stafos tries to steal his hat. Link takes a bomb from the quivering Stafos, and Zelda gets overpowered by the Moblins. All seems lost, just as Link breaks out of the Evil Jar, surfing on the bright pink liquid. I’m guessing its Kool-Aid Sharkleberry Fin. Ganon is swept away by the Kool-Aid, and Link takes care of the rest of the Moblins. Anyway, Ganon’s lair is destroyed and our heroes make it out in time.

They climb out of a giant hole in the ground, and Link asks for a kiss. Zelda agrees, but says it doesn’t mean anything. She goes in for the big smooch, but the ground gives way, and Link falls back into the hole. Instead of helping, Zelda laughs at him, and once again, Link can’t catch a break, missing out on a kiss once again. Poor guy. Maybe this pic will make you feel better, dude!

Oooh, that Princess Zelda!