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Anastasia Gonzales

Name: Anastasia Gonzales

Age: 17

Birthday: July 31

Fav Food: Iced Tea

Fav School Subject: All sciences

Likes: Calm, quiet things

Hates: Being depended on

Best friends: Mujaki Yotukan

Anastasia is Marietta's twin sister in the series, both originating from Madrid Spain. Unlike her sister however, Anastasia is very cold and prefers doing everything alone. When she is forced to work with a group however, she says nothing, but gets her share of the work done with no arguements. Her personality always clashes with Yuuki's causing the two to have constant arguements.

Role in GemCaptor Chronicles

Anastasia appears in Episode 17, but creates no effort to make any new friends. She keeps her distance and has many secrets like her sister. Miss Mackenzie seems to sense something about her, and because of this she never seems to place her any of Ceaira's work groups. Ceaira tries to befriend her, but Anastasia simply rejects the offer. What is her connection, along with Marietta's, to the second Star Guardian, Sabaki?

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