Name: Aquilia
Age: N/A
Element: Star
Birthday: N/A
Fav food: Cupcakes, Strawberries
Fav school subject: Doesn't go to school
Likes: Flying, Cupcakes, hanging out with Kero
Hates: Being alone, dampness, cold weather, nonbelievers of magic
Best friends: Ceaira Syona, Kero, Meilin Rae
Aquilia is like Kero, as she is a guardian beast of the stars. She protects the Kayo Gems, and helps the GemCaptor, Ceaira Syona, get the gems back. She takes on the form of a small budgie like bird, but when she transforms into her real form, she is a large mystical bird. Like Kero is with pudding, Aquilia simply loves cupcakes, and throws a fit if Ceaira's family doesn't leave any for her. Whenever Ceaira goes over to Sakura's house to discuss the gems or the cards, Aquilia always insists that she comes along, for she and Kero were best friends long ago when the cards and gems were created. The picture above is her true form.
Role in GemCaptor Chronicles
Aquilia is Ceaira's primary guardian, which means she must help her to capture all of the Kayo Gems. She and Ceaira had a rough start after the chest was opened, but it only lasted briefly. She was pleased however to choose a descendant of Clow Kayo as the GemCaptor, but was disapointed upon her awakening because she thought two candidates would awaken her, the other being Hannya Syona it seemed. She returns to her true form in Episode 18, but until that time she must remain in the form of a small budgie. She needs five gems to return to her true form, which are Firey, Watery, Windy, Earthy, and Star. When Marietta and Anastasia arrive in Episode 17, Aquilia suspects Marietta of possessing strange powers.