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Hannya Syona

Name: Hannya Syona

Age: 14

Element: Moon

Birthday: May 17

Fav Food: Apples, Lasagna

Fav School Subjects: English, Geography

Likes: Cats, Egyptian myths

Hates: Sharks, Scarabs

Best Friend: Ceaira Syona

Hannya was Ceaira's older sister back in Cairo. The two were inseperable until the day a poisonous scarab injected it's vemon into her bloodstream. Because of this, Hannya died in her sleep. Ceaira has never forgotten her favorite and only sister, especially after moving to Reidenton. Like Natasha Avalon, Hannya watches over her sister and helps her out. She is very different, because her hair is a natural sapphire blue color when she was born, which is later found out to be because of their magical lineage. Like Ceaira, she had magical powers of her own.

Role in GemCaptor Chronicles

Hannya's main role in Season 1 is to support Ceaira from beyond the grave, plus get her out of a few scrapes. In Episode 5, she saves her from Nightmare by telling her about her armguards. In Episode 21, she finally gets through to Ceaira and convinces her not to blame herself for the deaths of their mother and Hannya herself. She as well will give her a talisman called the Teikan Mirror, which will help Ceaira out during the quest. Finally, Hannya is a big help during the final judgment against Sabaki, but how she helps will remain a secret until that episode is revealed.

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