Age: 19
Birthday: December 25th
Fav Food: Anything
Fav University Subjects: Math, Philosophy
Likes: Eating
Hates: No food at all
Best Friend: Tori Avalon, Ceaira Syona, Yue
Julian Star is Tori's best friend, and as well a fellow classmate. His appetite is endless! Later in the TV series, it turned out Julian was really Yue, the one who tested Sakura. In the GemCaptor series, he finally finds out about Yue and the cards+gems. Now he wants to do ever to help. He as well acts as a good friend toward Ceaira, and someone to ask advice on when Tori is involved.
As stated above and in Yue's profile, Julian discovers his other half in Episode 12 in the battle against the Fly Gem. In his dreams later on as the series progresses, Yue keeps Julian up to date on what's happening seeing as Julian knows nothing about what Yue does. He acts as Ceaira's best human friend along with her classmates. However, when she needs advice from him, Julian always suggests lunch! Why? HIS APPETITE!