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Kara Yanagisawa

Name: Kara Yanagisawa

Age: 17

Birthday: October 1

Fav Food: Sundae's

Fav School Subject: Drama, English

Likes: Helping people

Hates: Rejection

Best friends: Hope Anderson, Yuuki Robertson, Ceaira Syona

Kara is very optimistic and loves to help people out when they have troubles. She is in the high school's dramam club, and will help out with the scenery, and as well she gets along well with Madison. She comes from a family of writers, and her dreams are to become a great actress and a great writer. Kara is as well Nikki's older sister, and the two get along based on the fact that they both write stories.

Role in GemCaptor Chronicles

Kara's biggest role is during Episode 16 when she finds the mysterious typewriter, which is really the Create Gem in disguise. She writes a story which involves a knight who must destroy the three magicians of his homeland. Unfortunatly, the magicians turn out to be Sakura, Ceaira, and Li! Fortuantly, she gets writers block which stops the knight.

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