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Madison Taylor

Name: Madison Taylor

Age: 13

Birthday: September 3rd

Fav Food: Sushi, Oranges

Fav School Subject: Music, English, Drama

Likes: Video Cameras, designing clothes, singing, theater

Hates: low quality cameras, seeing her friends depressed.

Best Friends: Sakura Avalon, Meilin Rae, Li Showron, Kero, Aquilia, Ceaira Syona,

Never seen without her video camera, and never there without a new battle costume for Sakura Avalon, Madison Taylor is a true best friend. She is always looking out for all of her friends, even though she has no powers or abilities of her own. She, like everyone else in the 7th grade, has figured out Sakura and Li both have crushes on each other, so she teams up with Meilin Rae (when she returned to Reidenton) to try and get them together. However, each situation has been interrupted by a Kayo Gem's rampage. Now that Sakura, Li Showron, Kero, and Meilin must team up with Ceaira Syona and Aquilia to capture all of the Kayo Gems, which allowed her to video tape once again, as well as create protective battle costumes for Sakura.

Role in GemCaptor Chronicles

Madison is still around making battle costumes for Sakura and video taping the gang's adventures. Once in a while she will wish she has magic powers so she can help the group better. However, Ceaira has told her that watching tapes of the card captures helps her with some of the gems. Madison is the creator and president of CPC (Creative Productions Club). She is also a member of the drama club, and the lead costume designer.

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