Name: Yue
Age: Unknown
Element: Moon
Birthday: Unknown
Fav Food: Doesn't eat
Fav School Subject: Doesn't attend school
Likes: Sleeping, Seeing a gem captured
Hates: Anything troublesome, admitting what he thinks or feels to some people
Best Friend: Aquilia and Kero (won't admit it though)
Human Form: Julian Star
Yue is the opposite form of Julian Star. He is the guardian of the moon and was the one who passed judgment upon Sakura. Now that the Kayo Gems have entered the scene, Yue feels it's his duty to aid the captors so Reidenton does not suffer. In Episode 12, he confronts Julian in a dream and explains about himself. Yue keeps emotions bottled up inside, but secretly he wishes not to see any of his friends hurt. His weapon is an energy bow and arrow, and his magical power is an ice shard attack.
Role in GemCaptor Chronicles
Yue doesn't want to see Reidenton destroyed by the Kayo Gems as stated above, so he joins the captors in the quest. He sees Kero and Aquilia as his best friends, but he refuses to admit it because of his personality. However, he seems to lighten up a little as the series goes, especially in Episode 40 when his personality begins to change. He will talk to Julian in dreams sometimes so that his human counterpart is brought up to speed with what's happening after Episode 12.