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Yuuki Robertson

Name: Yuuki Robertson

Age: 17

Birthday: November 29

Fav Food: Nacho's

Fav School Subject: Gym

Likes: New challanges, rock climbing

Hates: Losing, Anastasia Gonzales

Best friends: Kara Yanagisawa, Hope Anderson, Ceaira Syona

Yuuki is somewhat of a daredevil becuase she will attempt any new challange without hesitation and with great determination. She wishes to go into rock climbing and sky diving when she gets out of high school. She will also compete in track and field events. Yuuki has a warm heart, and will welcome anyone new and give them a chance before making a final judgment.

Role in GemCaptor Chronicles

When Ceaira first moved to Reidenton, Yuuki was the first of the three girls to befriend her. It was her idea to make her a part of their group, and Ceaira couldn't have been more thankful to finally have friends. Yuuki is someone who gets along with anyone, but she doesn't get along with Anastasia Gonzales it seems, because the two have completely different views about life and about taking risks. However, she gets along with Marietta just fine.

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