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The GemCaptor Chronicles

Last time on CardCaptors . . .

     As you all knew, Julian is the character who is as well Yue. However, Julian doesn’t know about this. In the last episode, Julian began investigating the cause of his increased appetite and all of his memory lapses since the archery tournament two years ago.
     “When is the right time to tell him about Yue?”
     Later that night, the Fly Gem appeared, causing the gang to chase after it. During the battle, Yue suddenly got hit and so he had no choice but to transform back into Julian.
     “Uh oh . . .”
      Thanks to Madison’s video camera’s screen they were able to reveal to Julian about Yue and how the memory gaps are simply when he would transform into him.
     “Now it all makes sense . . .”
     He had a hard time believing it at first, but he soon accepted his other half’s existence. The gang was glad that Julian knew of Yue, because it now meant it would be easier getting his help.
     “Welcome to the team.”
     Now that Yue can be of more help, will the quest to capture all of the Kayo Gems become any easier?

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Episode Thirteen

Welcome Back Meilin

     Li whistled to himself as he walked down the street, carrying with him a plastic bag full of streamers and noisemakers. New Years was two days away, and he, Sakura, Madison, Tori, Julian, and Ceaira decided to throw a huge party at the Syona Residence. It was snowing lightly, which would add to the large amount that they had already gotten the day before. As he walked down the hill, he suddenly slipped on black ice. He fell over to land on his back, which at the same time, caused him to hit his head. He felt dizzy for a few moments, but when his sight started returning, he saw three images of Sakura looking down at him. "Wow, three Sakura's . . .a dream come true." "What did you say?"
     He suddenly gasped as his vision became restored, as he saw one image of Sakura. He blushed from embarrassment, then scrambled to get back up onto his feet. She giggled then kneeled down to pick up his bag. "You must have hit your head harder than it looked." "I guess so . . .oww!" He rubbed the back of his head, embarrassed that he wasn't able to stop blushing. Fortunately for him, Sakura didn't seem to notice as she handed him the bag. "So are you excited about the party this weekend?" "You bet Sakura! It'll be awesome to celebrate with all of my closest friends, excluding Tori of course." "Cool. Is that bag have your share of the party preparations?" "Yeah, so where's yours?" "At home!" "Okay! You don't need to bite my head off!" "Sorry for answering your question then Li!" Li stuck out his tongue at her, and she did the same, which then caused both to break down into laughter. Sakura calmed down then looked up at the sky. "It's been a couple weeks since we captured a Kayo Gem. What do you think they're up to?" "I have no clue. Let's just concentrate on the party for now." "Right. I hope Madison and Ceaira will have everything cooked in tome for the celebration." "I hope Tori can get the right CD's! Remember last year at the Halloween dance when he was the DJ?" "Major disaster. His music was awful!" "Tell me about it." "Let's hope he follows the list, I want this to be an awesome party." "Is it just going to be us five?" "I think so. You know who I wish was here to join us Li?" "Who?" "Meilin. She's part of our original CardCaptors Gang you know." "I talked to her last week, she says she misses all of us big time." "Have you told her what's been going on?" "It keeps slipping my mind." "Oh. Well, if she calls me soon, I'll tell her about Ceaira and the Kayo Gems." "Okay. I'm heading to the post office to check my mail. Want to come?" "Sure. I'll make sure you don't slip on any more ice!" Sakura smiled, causing Li to quickly look the other way, for he started to blush again. She then giggled and slapped him on the back, which caused him to fall back on the ground, but he had the last laugh as he pulled down Sakura with him.
     "Look out! It's gonna blow!" There was a loud pop, followed by a stream of smoke coming from Ceaira's kitchen. Inside, globs of batter and dough were everywhere; on the walls, the cupboards, the ceiling, and the floor. Ceaira poked her head out from behind the counter to reveal herself being covered in the same substances. She stood up from the ground and walked over to the oven, to pull out the remains of some kind of baked item. "I think we added too much yeast again." "That's about the seventh time now we did that?" Madison appeared from behind the counter next, covered as well by batter and dough. She started to pull some out of her hair as Aquilia rose and flew over to the oven. "You two can't cook well can you?" "Well, how were we supposed to know that adding that much yeast would cause the cake to explode?" "You should have realized that no later than the third attempt." "Oh well. Thank goodness dad's visiting his friends in Cairo, he would totally ground me if he saw this mess." "So what are we going to do about the cake?" "I'll measure the yeast, so you two don't make another mess!" "Alright Aquilia, whatever you say."
     Ceaira smiled and then pulled out the mixing bowl from the cupboards, placing it on the table. Aquilia then grabbed box of yeast as she flew over to the table. Madison placed out a measuring cup, and Aquilia began pouring the yeast into it. "Who would have thought baking would be so messy?" "Who would have thought we'd be so bad at it?" "Really though." The two girls laughed, then calmed down as they got out the ingredients again. Ceaira then began measuring some flour while Madison turned on the stereo, which began playing some upbeat music. "I wonder what everyone is doing right now." "Well, know them as long as I do, Li and Sakura ran into each other again, and Tori is probably trying to get to the music needed for the party. As well, Li is probably trying to not let Sakura see him blush." "Are you serious? He has a crush on her?" Ceaira gave Madison an odd look as the black haired girl kneeled down in front of the oven to take out a tray of cookies. Placing them on the counter, she turned to Ceaira and nodded. "Yeah, and Sakura has a crush on Li. Of course, those two are clueless. I'm not trying to insult them or anything, but it's just everyone's realized it except for Li and Sakura themselves. Even Meilin knows, and she doesn't even live here!" "Who is Meilin?" "Meilin Rae, she's a friend of ours who lived here two years ago. At first, she didn't like Sakura, and as well she always hung off Li. She's also part of our gang cause she helped capture cards. But after a while, Sakura and Meilin started to get along, but then she had to go back home to Hong Kong. We've been keeping in touch with her since. She misses the old days of CardCaptoring, and wants to do it again." "Well then, you should tell her about the Kayo Gems." "She hasn't been talking to me for a little while. Li talked to her last week though, she misses Reidenton, and all of us." "I see. Does she know any magic?" "We don't think she does. She is skilled in the martial arts though, which has helped us many times." "She sounds helpful." "Yeast is ready!" "Thanks Aquilia." Ceaira took the cup from the small bird, then poured it in with the rest of the ingredients. After mixing them all, they poured the substance into the pan, then placed it in the oven. Madison then pulled out the last of the dough from her hair, then walked over to the window. "Wonder what Meilin's up to right now."
     "Please don't ever do that again Li." "Well then don't knock me over like that again." "Deal." Li smiled then opened the box in the post office for his mail. He took out the large stack of envelopes and began looking through them. "Bill . . .bill . . .scam . . .bill . . .junk mail . . ." "Anything good Li?" "Not yet. As usual there's nothing for me . . .wait a minute." He pulled out of the stack, a light blue envelope marked "Air Mail" The envelope was sealed with a yin-yang sticker. He opened it and read the letter, while Sakura watched looking a bit puzzled. "Who's that from?" "I don't believe it! Meilin's coming back! Her grandmother finally got better, but her parents are staying in Hong Kong to make sure. However, she is also saying that Wei said she could live with him because she wanted to come back pretty badly." "Really? When is she coming?" "She says she will be here on the 30th." "That's tomorrow! You know what we'll have to do!" "What?" "Make the party this Friday in celebration of Meilin's return as well as New Years." "You're right!" Li smiled, then turned away to put the envelops in his bag, but then frowned as he thought to himself. "Oh no . . .what if Meilin does what she did before? I'll never be able to tell Sakura I like her because Meilin will kick her butt if that happens. . ." He then picked up the bag and began walking out of the post office, with Sakura following him. "So should we get anything different Li?" "We should maybe cook some Chinese food, that's her favorite dish. Or, we could make some of her favorite desert, that’s marble cake." "So we'll get Ceaira and Madison to cook that?" "Sure, they agreed to cook everything else." "So let's head over to Ceaira's house and tell Madison the news!" "Okay!"
     The two ran off, going from block to block until they stopped at Ceaira's house, where Sakura slid on the ice and fell onto her side. Li rushed over to help her up. "Are you okay Sakura?" "I'm fine. Don't worry about me." They both smiled, but then cried out when the sound of a loud pop echoed out from the house. They looked at each other quickly, then rushed inside and into the kitchen to see Aquilia pinned to the wall by a glob of dough. "GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!" Li held his hand over his mouth, while Sakura giggled. "Poor Aquilia. Where are Ceaira and Madison?" "Hiding from the explosion." "Looks like you can't measure yeast either."
     Just then, Ceaira appeared from behind the counter, her hair covered in dough. As she pulled it out, Madison appeared next with the same problem. Li wasn't able to stand it any longer. He burst out in laughter and used the frame of the door to keep himself from falling over. Sakura giggled a little more, but then walked over to Aquilia and started to clean away the dough. "What happened here?" "We all proved we can't measure yeast. This has happened nine times today." "Are you serious?" "Yes!" "So what were you trying to cook?" "A cake." "What kind?" "Marble Cake." "That's perfect!" "Why? It's just cake." "Madison, it's perfect because it's Meilin's favorite. She's coming back and will arrive tomorrow!" "You're serious!?" Sakura nodded, which caused Madison to smile and laugh. "This is great! We're all going to be back together again!" "I know!" "We have to go to the airport and meet up with her." "I have to tell Wei so he'll pick her up! The letter said she'll call home once she's picked up." "Does it say which plane she's arriving on?" "The 12:25 PM." "We have got some major planning to do no that she's coming back." "Yeah. We'll secretly turn this party into a News Years celebration combined with a Welcome Back Meilin Party. She'll love that." "Yeah!" "So let's all meet her there okay?" "What about me? I don't know if I want to come, seeing as she doesn't even know me." "Oh come along anyway. You're part of our gang after all, and if Wei can't go to pick her up, you can take us there in the your dad's van right?." "Yeah, you're right." "Okay, can think you could give us a hand with the cooking?" Ceaira made an amusing smile, which caused everyone else to burst out laughing. Sakura nodded, then they all gathered in the kitchen to cook some more for the party, with Madison making sure that Ceaira, Aquilia, or herself didn't go anywhere near the yeast.
     Later, everyone was sprawled out all over the living room, totally exhausted. Ceaira walked out from the kitchen, wiping her face with a face cloth. "I'm glad we got all the baking done." "Now Ceaira and I can relax." "We should go home soon." "Yeah, I still have to tell Wei that Meilin's coming back tomorrow." "It'll be great to have her back." "It'll be interesting, I'll say that." "Well, I'm going to go home now to tell him, or how about I just ask about Ceaira picking her up?" "Sounds good." "I'll come along Li, seeing as I have to go that way too." "Okay Sakura." "Bye everyone!" "Wait for me you two!" "Hurry up Madison!" Ceaira laughed as the three ran out the door, joined by Aquilia who perched herself on Ceaira's shoulder. "This should be an interesting team once their friend comes back." "I guess so. They told me she's a karate expert, even helped them capture the Fight Card." "Shouldn't you go to bed? Seeing as you're going to drive them down?" "You're right." Ceaira nodded then left the room to head upstairs. As she reached the halfway point, Aquilia left her shoulder and flew over to hover in front of her. "Can I ask just one question?" "What's that?" "Can I come along? Pretty please?" "Sure. As long as you are willing to travel in the bird carrier. Can't have people knowing you can talk right?" "I guess so . . ." Ceaira giggled then headed into her room, followed by her little bird friend.
     The next day after a long drive, the gang finally arrived to the Reidenton County Airport, where they went inside after Ceaira parked the van. Carrying the birdcage with Aquilia, and the backpack with Kero, they all headed into the main terminal, where they looked at the flight schedule. "When does it say her plane is getting here?" "Should be anytime. The schedule says the plane should arrive at ten o'clock, and it's about that time now." "Hmm, sounds right." Everyone nodded, then walked over to some benches and sat down. They were only waiting for a few minutes when suddenly a voice began speaking over the intercom. "Attention travelers. Flight 149 from Hong Kong is now arriving at Gate 4B. I repeat, Flight 149 from Hong Kong is now arriving at Gate 4B." "That's her!" "Let's go and catch her when she walks through the gate!" Sounds like a plan." Sakura, Li, and Madison smiled, and then raced off toward the gate mentioned on the announcement. Ceaira panicked, then quickly picked up the birdcage and ran off after them. "WAIT FOR ME!"
     Dozens of people of all races and ethnic’s were walking off the plane, either talking on cell phones, conversing with other passengers, or simply looking around. Suddenly, a young girl walked out from the corridor. She was wearing a aqua blue sweater, black jeans, and black shoes. Her hair was black, and it was tied up with emerald green ribbons to have two meatball like buns on both sides of her head. She held the strap of a red backpack as she walked over to the window. Looking outside, she could see some of Reidenton covered in snow. "It's good to be back. I wonder if Li got my letter in time . . .maybe I should have just called instead." She looked down at her wrist, where she wore a watch with a black strap and a white face. The hands were shaped to look like a set of blue and red nunchaku's. "Well, better go get something to eat, then I'll call Li and tell him I'm here." "Meilin! Over here!" "Huh?"
     Meilin turned toward the main terminal, and gasped with joy as she saw Sakura, Li, and Madison running toward her. She jumped up in joy and waved to them , totally happy to see her old friends. "Hey everybody!" She then ran over to them, which started a chain of hugs and "good-to-see-you-again" speeches. After everyone calmed down, she smiled and removed her backpack to place it on the floor. "How have you all been?" "Great! We've got something really awesome to tell you when we get back home." "That's cool! By the way, I have some late Christmas presents in my backpack for everyone here." She smiled, then pulled out three gifts, each wrapped up differently. After passing them out, the other looked them over carefully, then began opening them. "Hey cool! One of those chocolate orange things that you hit against the wall before eating!" "A star shaped broach!" "A sword shaped pen?" "Seemed like the thing to get you Li." "I'm surprised you didn't get him flowers or something." "The only person I will get anything like that for these days is Damon." "Ooooooh, who's Damon?" "My new boyfriend." "Seriously?!" "Yup! Seven months on the 4th." "Why didn't you tell us!?" "Umm . . .it slipped my mind?" "Great . . ." "How could you forget something like that?" "I don't know! That was six or seven months ago. I might have been so busy or my time might have run out on the phone or something!" "Okay Meilin! Chill out!" The three stepped back as Sakura spoke, all three holdings their hands in front of them to shield themselves from Meilin's sudden outburst. She blinked a couple of times, then smiled and tilted her head to the left. "Okay. I'm calm." "Good. How about we go find Ceaira so we can get back to Reidenton?" "Ceaira? Who's Ceaira?" "A friend of ours in grade 11. She drove us here." “Cool. So where is she?” “Oops. I think we ran off and left her and Aquilia alone.” “Who’s Aquilia? What have you guys been keeping from me!?” "It's a very long story Meilin. It would be a better idea to tell you in the van when we go back to Reidenton." "Okay. I sure hope none of it is bad." "Trust me, it's very exciting!"
     Meilin smiled, then the four walked over to a luggage rack and picked up her stuff. As they headed for the main terminal, they heard their names being shouted. Turning to look, they saw Ceaira running over to them. When she got there, she spent a few moments trying to catch her breath. "Geez . . . it's about . . .time I caught up to . . .you three . . ." “Are you alright Ceaira?” “She’s fine. She was just wandering around the entire airport trying to find all of you.” “EEK!” Meilin jumped back and leaned against the window, looking totally shocked as she stared at Aquilia as she looked back. “THAT BIRD JUST TALKED!” Smiling, the small bird ruffled her feathers and bowed. “Indeed I did. I am Aquilia, guardian beast of the Stars. You must be Meilin Rae.” “Y . . .y . . .yeah . . .so THAT’s Aquilia. She’s a nice looking bird.” Meilin calmed down and smiled, then walked over and kneeled down in front of Aquilia’s cage. Sticking her finger inside, she scratched Aquilia’s neck and she giggled. “That tickles!” “Oh yes, you two are good friends already Meilin. By the way, I’m Ceaira Syona. It’s nice to meet a member of the CardCaptors Gang.” “You know about the Sakura Cards?” Meilin suddenly became confused, causing her to just turn and give the “what-is-going-on-here” look to Sakura, Madison, and Li. The three laughed, then calmed down as Sakura held out her hand to Ceaira. “She’s a GemCaptor. We seem to keep forgetting to tell you about it, just like you forgot to tell us about Damon?” “Oh right, guess we’re even then!” “Well, let’s get going. I’ll take you all to Li’s place so you can get your stuff dropped off, then we’ll go to my place for lunch. Sound good?” “Okay!” Everyone nodded, then headed over to the luggage rack to pick up Meilin’s belongings.
     Later that day, Ceaira had just finished backing up into the driveway and everyone was now climbing out of the van. Upon entering the house, Ceaira opened the cage and allowed Aquilia to fly out. She perched herself on Ceaira’s shoulder as she walked into the kitchen to begin as she said in the way home, “nuking a surprise lunch.” The others went into the living room where they sprawled out everywhere. Meilin stretched out her arms as she sat on the couch with Madison. “That was such a long plane ride . . .” “So what made you want to come back?” “I just wanted to be with all my friends again!” “And?” “And . . .I was hoping something exciting was happening here with all of you. Now that you’ve all told me about the Kayo Gems, I’m glad my parents and Wei let me come back.” “We’re glad to have you back. You’ll have to sign up for your fine arts class when you start school in the new year.” “Right. Back to the old Reidenton school’s. I wonder if the others will recognize me.” “Most likely. And they’ll be glad to have you back too.” “I hope so.” Meilin smiled, then pulled her legs up to her chest and hugged then as she looked around at everyone. “By the way, where’s Kero? Or is he back at your place Sakura?” “Actually, he’s in my backpack. Must have fallen asleep or something.” “I see, say does this bring back memories for anyone?”
     Smiling, Meilin opened her backpack and pulled out her battle costume from the old days. Holding it up, everyone nodded and smiled. “Of course! Your costume!” “Yeah! Figured since all this talk about Kayo Gems, I better keep the costume with me just incase.” “Good idea.” “Hey you guys! Lunch is ready!” “We’re coming!” Everyone jumped up at the word lunch, and walked into the dining room to see Ceaira had reheated Chinese food. Meilin’s eyes lit up with joy as they all sat down and ate. “Wow! You’ve got all my favorite stuff here!” “Well they told me that your favorite food was Chinese takeout, so I ordered some this morning and placed it in the fridge.” “Thank you so much Ceaira!” “No problem.”
     Everyone smiled, but just before they began to eat, a large lightning bolt crashed down, and the power suddenly flickered until it completely shut down. Everyone looked around as it got somewhat dark, then Sakura got up and walked over to the window just as another bolt of lightning crashed down. It startled her, causing her to stumble back and fall, fortunately Li and Meilin both caught her and helped her up to her feet. “That was some lightning bolt!” “But this doesn’t make sense . . .winter is too cold for lightning to strike at anytime!” “Li’s right . . .” As more lightning crashed down, Ceaira suddenly cried out and dropped to the ground, spilling her glass of cola. “Ceaira!” Everyone panicked, then rushed over to her to see if she was okay. Ceaira closed her eyes tightly and placed two fingers up to her head. “Just a second . . .I feel something.”
     In her mind, she dark a black background, when suddenly a gem with no image appeared. It spun around slowly, but then suddenly all she could see along with the gem were waves of electricity, which formed the image of a thunderbird surrounded by electricity on the front of the gem. Ceaira’s eyes flashed opened as she climbed up from the floor and walked over to the window, watching the lightning crash down every few moments. “The Thunder Gem . . .it’s here.” “Thunder? We better get ready to fight.” “Okay, we’ll need our battle costumes for this.” “Alright. Madison, Li and I will meet you two at the radio tower with Yue.” “Sounds like a plan.” The three nodded, then quickly rushed out of the house and down the street. Meilin grabbed her costume while Ceaira headed upstairs to her room. When she knew she was by herself, Meilin sighed to herself and frowned. “I hope I can still do this . . .”
     Later that night, then lightning still continued to crash down from the sky as the clouds seemed to get darker with every passing hour. Meilin covered her mouth as she tried not to laugh at what she saw in front of her. “That’s . . .a battle costume?!” Sakura frowned as she placed her hands on her hips, while Madison handed her the cat ears to go with the pink frilled battle costume. As Sakura placed them on her head, Li simply shook his head at Meilin, while Ceaira, Aquilia, and Keroberos scanned the city. Yue was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed as he watch the lightning. “For your information Meilin, this is a very protective battle costume!” “Sakura’s right. I made it from rubber, so she would be protected form the powers of the Thunder Card when she captured it three years ago. All I did this time was make it a little bigger so it would fit her.” “It still looks a little silly. Why does it resemble a cat?” “Raiju looked a little like a cat, so I guess now it’s to honor him.” “I see.” “But then again, it sort of looks like a wolf . . .” “Whatever Li.” Sakura laughed as the three argued over her costume. She then gripped her sealing wand as she walked over to Ceaira. “Do you know where Thunder is?” “Not a clue. There’s lightning striking down everywhere . . .so it’s hard to tell where it is.” “What’s it visible form Ceaira?” “It looks somewhat like the legendary thunderbird. Clow Kayo loved using mythological creatures to represent as many of the gems as he could.” “That’s right Ceaira. You’re getting better at this.” “Thanks Aquilia.”
     Sakura smiled, then looked out onto the city as another bolt of lightning crashed down from the sky. As she watched the flashes of light, she suddenly gasped and smiled. Turning to Ceaira, she snapped her fingers to show she thought of something. “Ceaira, how about using that Arrow of Syona spell to find the source of the lightning storm?” “That’s a great idea Sakura!” Ceaira leaped down from the ledge of the roof, then pressed her back up against the wall. Placed her two fingers in front of her face, she closed her eyes as she relaxed herself. “Kayo Gem's ancient force, show to us the correct course. Arrow of Syona show to us all, the bird of thunder, so heed my call!”
     As she shouted the last part of her spell, the arrow of light appeared and began spinning around on the spot. Sakura watched it, while Yue walked over and looked at it with a little amazement as well. “So that’s the Arrow of Syona?” “Yeah.” Sakura nodded, when suddenly Ceaira’s head perked up. The arrow stopped it’s spin to point toward the center of the city. “To the center, near the radio tower.” “Okay. How are we going to approach this Ceaira? A plan might come in handy, like it did with the Fly Gem.” “Yeah, I have some of the plan figured out. We need to launch a pentagon attack with dark magic, while someone draws out Thunder.” “A pentagon attack?” “A five way strike using magic.” “Then I’ll draw out Thunder.”
     Everyone suddenly gasped as they turned to face Meilin. Her face showed a serious expression as she clenched her fist. “I want to prove that despite my lack of magic, I can help capture a Kayo Gem like this. I want to be more help this time! Seeing as I’m the only fighter with no magic, I’m the perfect one to draw out that thunderbird.” “But are you sure Meilin? It’s dangerous!” “I’m aware of the danger Sakura! But you have the Sakura Cards, and Ceaira has the Kayo Gems. Li, Yue, and Keroberos have magical powers which they will need if Ceaira really needs it to be a pentagon attack. Please let me do this you guys.” “Well, okay. I believe you can do it.” “What?” Meilin turned toward Li, who removed his sword from it’s sheath and rested it on his shoulder. She wondered what got into him, for he never seemed to be that nice to her in the past. “If you think you can do it, then I think you can too.” “You really mean that Li?” He nodded, then smiled as he placed the tip of the sword on the ground, resting both his hands on the handle. Meilin’s eyes filled with water as she smiled, then cocked her head to the side as she quickly closed them. “Thank you so much for the vote of confidence Li!” “Well Meilin, you’ll need this if you plan to lure out Thunder.” “Huh?” Turning toward Sakura, Meilin watched as she slammed her wand against one of the cards. A pair of small pink wings appeared on Meilin’s shoes, causing her to look down with curiosity. “You’ll need to be able to jump between the buildings to get to the tower. We’ll need the rest of the powers, but I can give you this to use.” “Thanks Sakura.” “No problem Meilin.” “Okay, back to the plan. Madison, you stay here, and Aquilia you go with Meilin and make sure she doesn’t get hurt. Okay, now we need to divide our dark magic. I’ll use the Dark Gem. Yue, you use your ice powers. It may class as dark magic cause you are of the moon element. Keroberos, just attack with your fire magic.” “Okay.” “Sakura, you reply on either Shadow or Dark, and give the other card to Li.” “Gotcha.” As Li nodded, Sakura removed the two cards of dark magic, then handed the Dark Card to Li. He took it and looked at it for a minute before turning back to Ceaira. “Okay people, if Thunder is going to be captured, then we have to do this right. Is everyone ready?” Nodding, everyone became very serious as they turned back toward the city.
     Another giant bolt of lightning crashed down as Sakura and Ceaira stepped forward to summon their powers. “Fly Gem shatter and dispel!” “Fly Card release and dispel!” The energies dispersed from the cards to surround both of them, causing a pair of white wings to appear on Sakura’s back, while a pair of large, purple wings appeared on Ceaira. Meilin, Keroberos, and Yue gasped when they saw Ceaira’s new wings, while Sakura simply smiled. “Those are beautiful!” “Thanks . . .” “But why are they purple?” “It’s Aquilia’s dominant color.” “Oh, I see.” “Yeah. Okay people, let’s get to it.” “Right.” Everyone nodded as they knew the parts they each had to play. Meilin and Aquilia raced to the side of the building and leaped down onto the next, repeating the actions as they headed for the tower. Ceaira, Yue, and Sakura ran forward and leaped off of the side, catching an updraft that lifted them into the sky. Li climbed onto the back of Keroberos and they performed the same action. The gang then changed their direction as they headed for the radio tower.
     “So Aquilia, how do I lure out Thunder?!” Meilin continued her way toward the tower, while Aquilia flapped her wings quickly to keep up. As they approached, another bolt of lightning crashed down near Keroberos and Li. “You have to get it’s attention. Thunder hates being insulted so maybe try that.” “Okay!” Leaped up into the air, Meilin managed to land on the platform of the radio tower. She looked up toward the sky, then breathed in deeply as she prepared to play her role. “Hey thunderbird! Show yourself if you aren’t a thunder chicken!” “Be careful Meilin.” “I will.” She smiled to the small bird, then looked back up to the sky and placed her hands by her mouth. “Hey Thunder! Your mother couldn’t even conduct a static charge!” “That’ll do it . . .” Aquilia sighed to herself, but then looked up when a loud surge was heard from the top of the radio tower. Meilin looked up as well, to see the lightning gathering into one source. As a burst of light shot out, the two plus the others gasped as they saw a giant bird made entirely of thunder. Meilin cried out at the sight of such a creature. “Okay Aquilia, what do I do now?!” “I . . .I don’t know Meilin! I don’t remember how to deal with Thunder like this!” “WHAT?!”
     As the two quickly argued, Thunder expanded it’s wings and then looked down at Meilin. Sakura watched, then suddenly panicked as she had an idea what it was up to. “Meilin look out!” Not knowing if she heard her or not, Sakura quickly grabbed one of her cards and looked at the image of the winged shaped shield. She held the card in front of her with her eyes closed, and turned the image outward to face away from her. She then tossed it forward and then began twirling the wand. “Shield Card . . .”
     As Sakura continued, Thunder brought it’s wings back in toward it, causing a large bolt of lightning to appear and head straight down at Meilin. She and Aquilia screamed out in terror just as Sakura was continuing her spell. “Protect Meilin and Aquilia from the force of Thunder!” She finished twirling as the card stopped in front of her. She raised the wand above her head, then brought it down, causing the point to slam against the card’s image. “Shield Card! Release and dispel!” Waves of energy and light appeared and travelled outward as she held the position. A light blue energy suddenly emerged from the card, swirling all around her and then toward the two.
     Just before the lightning struck down, Meilin and Aquilia were incased inside two bubbles which absorbed the impact of the lightning. Looking up at the others, the two waved and cheered to show they were okay. Sakura smiled with relief, then turned to Ceaira who was just getting the Dark Gem ready. “Okay let’s do it everyone! Get ready to attack!” “Right!” Everyone nodded, then turned toward the bird who was expanding it’s wings toward the sky. “Dark Gem shatter and dispel!” “Dark Card release!” “Shadow Card release and dispel!” As the three energies appeared and sped toward Thunder, Yue threw a sphere of energy which bursted into ice shards, while Keroberos shot a stream of fire from his mouth. All five of the energies collided with Thunder, allowing then to wrap around and trap it. Ceaira smiled then dove down toward Thunder, holding her crossbow in front of her face. “Thunder return to your power confined!” Shooting the arrow, it soared across the sky until hitting Thunder. It bursted into energy which quickly shrank until it formed the gem which Ceaira grabbed as it fell. Looking at it, she smiled at the image of the waves of electricity forming the image of a thunderbird, surrounded by the same electricity. She placed the gem in her crossbow, then flew down to land on the platform where Meilin and Aquilia waited. “That was great Meilin. We couldn’t have done it without you.” “Are you serious?! I actually helped?” “Of course! You’re going to make an excellent ally!” “Thank you Ceaira! You don’t know how happy I am to have been able to help.” Totally thrown off by the reaction, tears escaped Meilin’s eyes which she wiped away as she smiled warmly. The others soon landed and headed toward her with congratulation hugs and compliments. Aquilia flew over to Ceaira to land on her shoulder, then looked at her master and smiled. “What a team we are now.” “I agree Aquilia. We are quite a team . . .”
     The next night, Ceaira, Tori, Julian, and Madison waited for Sakura and Li too arrive at the party with Meilin, who was blindfolded and confused as they headed up the walkway to the house. “Come on you two, what’s going on?” “We’re not going to tell you yet Meilin.” “Please Li?” “No!” Meilin frowned as she was lead up the stairs. Sakura opened the door into the house, and the three walked in. “Just another minute and you’ll see what’s going on.” “Finally.” The three walked into the living room, where they helped Meilin sit down in a cushioned chair. Madison, Tori, Julian, and Ceaira kept themselves from giving away the surprise. The four nodded to Sakura and Li, who then slowly removed the blindfold from Meilin. When it was gone, she gasped when they all shouted together at the same time, “SURPRISE!” “What the heck? It’s a surprise party!?” “It’s a welcome back party, for you Meilin. Welcome back to Reidenton!”
     Totally dazzled by the colorful banner reading “Welcome Back Meilin,” she wiped the tears from her eyes as she began laughing. Sakura frowned, then kneeled down beside her. “Are you okay Meilin?” “Yeah, I’m just so happy. I’ve never had friends as great as all of you. Thank you, all of you!” “No problem. You’re our friend and you deserve something like this.” Meilin smiled, then stood up and hugged Li and Sakura at the same time. The others watched, then joined in as they couldn’t resist a giant group hug. After pulling apart, Ceaira smiled and clapped her hands together as she looked toward the TV. “Everyone! The countdown is about to begin!” Everyone became excited as they scrambled to grab a noisemaker of some sort. Turning back to the TV, they watched as the number in the corner of the screen ticked down. “Five . . .Four . . .Three . . .Two . . .One . . .Zero! Happy New Year!” A loud cheer rose from the gang, followed by the noises of their novelty’s as hugs went all around. As they celebrated, Meilin was thinking to herself about everything. “A new year and a new chance to prove how helpful I can be. With the Kayo Gems on the loose, I’m gonna prove that you don’t need a magical lineage to help out the Captors of the Clow!”

End of Episode Thirteen

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Next Time on CardCaptors!

     Now that the new year’s celebration is over, it’s time to continue as normal . . .or as normal as it’s going to get for the captors in the next episode, when Meilin is training as hard as she is able to in preparation for an upcoming karate competition.
     “I have to concentrate extremely hard and focus all my energy to go far.”
     While she trains in the park with the gang, they are suddenly attacked by a ninja draped in red clothing. Ceaira attempts to battle him but she falls to his high level of skill. Seeing her friend down, Meilin jumps in.
     “I’ll take care of this so called martial arts expert!”
     Will Meilin be able to battle and defeat this ninja? Find out next time in Episode Fourteen: Unnecessary Practice

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The Kayo Gems

     “Each gem that is captured has a mystical seal . . .a new mystifying gem today we shall reveal . . .”
     The Kayo box is dark blue with the image of a golden eagle on the lid. It suddenly flipped opened and tipped over, causing all the gems inside to spill out onto the ground. they all bounced around, but one landed and spun around on one side. it then fell over into it’s flat side to reveal the image to be a mantis with both it’s large claws crossed over as it’s head was pointing toward the ground.
     “Earthy Gem!”
     The ground splits open and a large mantis slowly crawls out. Aquilia dives down to try and attack it, but she is knocked down. When the others are knocked down as well, Aquilia gets angry and attacks, causing it’s claws to shatter from her force. Ceaira then uses the opportunity to seal it. The Earthy Gem is then shown again before bursting into a light brown light.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Aquilia Chat

     “Hey there Card fans! It’s once again time for Aquilia and today’s segment talks about Ceaira’s house!”
     Aquilia then turns on the small TV to show a picture of the gang walking up to Ceaira’s large house.
     “Be ever so humble, there’s no place like home.”
     She then changes the channel to show a picture of the inside.
     “This house is very big, which makes Ceaira feel lonely when I’m visiting Kero and her father is working at the museum. However, as you can see there is a great deal of room for the furniture and of course, parties like the one in today’s episode.”
     Aquilia giggles then flies closer until her face is almost right up again the camera lens.
     “And now, how bout checking this out?!”
     She changes the channel once again to show a picture of Ceaira’s room.
     “This is Ceaira’s room. It has a large window that I am able to open, a nice little desk in the corner, the walk in closet where she keeps all her clothes, the bed, and of course my bird cage when I have to act like a normal budgie.”
     On then little TV is Kero doing an aerobic’s video. Aquilia is now seen wearing a sweatband on her head and on her feet as she watches the screen..
     “With all that room, it’ll be scary if I ever hear Misuteri or Ceaira complaining about a lack of room. I mean come on, you saw the size of that house! Well, that’s all for today. See ya!”
     She waves then begins exercising as the scene fades out.

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