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The following is an article I have had for many years and was found in our local newspaper. This is a great tribute to woman and it would be wonderful if all men could follow his words.

Guidelines for Men

1--Respect her philosophies, goals and ideals. She has a brain. Listen to her ideas and remember them. Make her feel appreciated.

2--Talk with her, not at her. Don't push her. Don't boss her around. Don't make her do anything she does not want to do.

3--Ask for her advice and opinions. Let her talk. Don't interrupt. Be a good listener. Include her in decision making.

4--Be honest. Never lie to her. Be open about feelings. Apologize for mistakes.

5--Give her space. Don't be a control freak. Remember that she has a professional life as well as other interests. Give her some support. Let her spend time with other friends.

6--Be sensitive to her problems. Help her. Show her you care.

7--Don't call her names. Never hit her. Treat her with respect, caring and trust.

8--Don't compete with her. The two of you have different goals. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a man seeing a woman who has more education and a more prestigious job.

9--Do fun things together. Don't bore her. Don't forget to make her laugh.

10--Should you meet that special someone and the two of you marry, I want to add these two cents:

 {a} A wife is not a housekeeper. You need to get off the couch and cook, clean and do the laundry. Help out. Remember, marriage is an equal partnership.

 {b} Should the two of you desire children, you should help raise them; change diapers, clean up, feed them, get up in the middle of the night. Perhaps you could take some leave from work to stay home with the new baby.

 {c} Never force your wife to have sex. That's rape. No means 'No'.

written by

   'A Gentleman in Texas'

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