Phantasm 'NSync Fiction Awards

These are the categories you can nominate and vote for... fun, fun, fun.
Red = Closed Category

Best Overall Story- It made you laugh, it made you cry, it made you mad, it made you wish that you could write that well.

Best Justin, Joey, Chris, JC, Lance...- Come on, Kiddies, this should be pretty self explanatory.

Best Group Story- Best story where no actual member is featured...just a happy group of boys in a fictional story.

Best Series-Keep on writing more extensions of this marvelous masterpiece!

Best Novel- The story that seems to go on forever, but you don’t care. It’s all good.

Best Short Story- You can read it in an hour or less, but what a fun hour that was!

Best Incomplete- You feel bad, but you have contemplated emailing this author to convince her to update faster...

Best Comedy- The story that makes you laugh so hard you snort. A lot.

Best Slash- The kind of story that makes you wish that they were gay in real life. I like to call this the Pink Triangle Award.

Best Adult- It’s smut. It’s the smuttiest smut you’ve ever read. But you don’t care because its high caliber well written smut.

Most Underrated Story- This story doesn’t get the credit it deserves...little exposure, yet everyone should read it!

Best Non-‘NSync ‘NSync Story (AU)-T hey don’t sing. They don’t dance. But they are themselves, and you love it.

Best Daddy Story- Who’s your daddy? A member of ‘NSync. (and please, not all Joey stories here)

Best story Set In Another Time- Is JC a revolutionary war hero and Joey his trusty steed? Or is it just in the future, when ‘NSync no longer exists? Either way, we keep on reading for more.

Most Original Plot- The kind of story that makes you think “Wow, I’ve never heard of this before...what happens next?”

Most Original Title- The kind of story that you read just because you really like the title...and then you read it again because the story was good.

Best Fitting Title- When the story was all done and finished, you thought about the title and was very impressed by the fittingness of it.

Best Title Inspired By a Non-‘NSync Song- It’s not an ‘NSync song. But it fits the story oh so well, and you listen to the song afterwards to reminisce about the good (or bad) times in the story

Best Villain- The character that you love to hate. You know, when you wish that you were in the story so you could bust a cap in their ass. That kind of villain.

Most Memorable Scene- The scene that you talk about for days after with your favorite ‘NSync Fan Fiction reading buddy...and then mention it again a few weeks later, and every time you see something that reminds you of that scene..

Best Love Scene- This category doesn’t have to be smut, kiddies...just a scene full with love...

Best Drunken Idiot Scene- They get smashed. They say stuff they should... and shouldn’t. And some really funny stuff.

Best Use of a Song- It’s not by ‘NSync, but goodness gracious does it ever fit the scene in the story! Who wrote it? I must download this!

Best Fight- The best part of the story, when one character gets up in the other’s biznass. Taking bets, anyone?

Best Makeup- Awwww...they are all happy again... isn’t that too cute?

Best Kiss- Your lips tingle just reading it.

Most Swoon Worthy Line- *Swoon*...say it again, boys.

Best One Liner- Hahahaha...say it again, Chris...(or whoever said it)

Best Jab- Ouch. Dis. That’s rough.

Most Unpredictable Ending- It gives you the “Wait...wha-?” reaction...and you read it again just to make sure that you weren’t imagining things.

Best Author- This author deserves mad props for being the most accomplished author around, writing the best stories of a FictionLyn caliber.

Nicest Author- That author that is just sweet as pie, always emails you back promptly...and is never snippy.

Best New Author- So good you wouldn’t have guessed that it was their first time up at bat. (Or maybe up at pen?)

Best Fiction Site- The site that you sometimes go to just to reread your favorite parts, or just to stare longingly at the layout...
