Do you have the urge to write a slammin' 'NSYNC story, but you don't know where to begin?

Do you got the skill, but can't come up with anything good?

Well, this is the place for you...

Bennie here, with the answers to all your fan fiction qualms and queries. We here at Daydreams have put together this little section just for those of you who need a little help coming up with ideas. I have provided the banners, and short outlines for the stories. You can take what I've got here and run with it, have a little fun with it. If you choose to use one of my ideas, just submit your story back here, and we will gladly post it. However, there are some guidelines. As much fun as I'm sure it is to write smut, we don't swing that way here. Any stories with graphic sexual content will not be posted. That leaves you guys out there plenty of leeway to write what you want, so have fun and we look forward to reading your stories! Any other questions, just contact us and we will get back to you in a flash


Main Character: Chris

Object of His Desire: what ever you want it to be

The Sucky Boyfriend: your choice here, but should be something cheesy like Osvaldo

Plot Summary:

Chris has been in love with his friend for as long as he can remember, but she has had the same jerk of a boyfriend for that whole time too. Not only is this guy extremely ugly, he treats Chris’ beautiful princess like dirt, like she doesn’t even matter. And Chris is tired of it. With the help of his band mates, he devises a sure fire way of getting between them, an intricate series of practical jokes to put the hideous beast that is her boyfriend to shame and put himself in a position where she can see just what a hottie he is. Will it work? It is up to you, the author, to decide.

Quotes You Can Use at Your Leisure:

“Hello?!? I am sexy here!” –Chris

“How ugly can you get? And I thought Brit without make-up was bad…”-Justin

“You are aware that you suck, right?”-Chris (to the boyfriend)

“Chris, I hate to say this, but you are not as hot as you seem to think.”-Joey

“What does Joey know anyway? He looks like David Swimmer and Alf’s love child.”-Chris



Main Character: Lance

Girl he is with: Whatever you choose

Surprise Twist Character: Joey

Plot Summary:

Lately, Lance has been having some problems. He is tired all the time, tired of touring, tired of his girlfriend, and just plain fall asleep everywhere tired. He finally decides to go to a doctor, and is diagnosed with narcolepsy. His girlfriend, instead of standing beside him in his time of turmoil, can’t handle it and leaves him to his own personal sleepy hell. He finds comfort, however, in an unexpected source-his band mate Joey, who is having problems of his own with his longtime girlfriend Kelly. Together, they find love, happiness, and Lance is once again on a regulated sleeping schedule. However, Lance’s girlfriend is back, begging for a second chance. Will Lance give in to her and continue with living the lie? Or will he tell the world of the love he found in such an unexpected place? It’s all up to you. Surprise me.

Quotes To Use At Your Leisure:

“You fell asleep in the middle of ‘Digital Get Down’ and nearly lost your life on the treadmills…you need to go to the doctor, Lance”- Chris

“I just can’t handle your disease, Lance…you would leave me too if I had such a terrible condition!” –Lance’s Girlfriend

“Wait-so now Lance is a narcoleptic homosexual?” –Justin

“And I thought that I slept all the time…” –JC

“Every time I look at that piece of fat in that jar, I think of how you held my leg together that day…” –Joey, to Lance


Main Character: Justin

Girl to Help Him Get Off the Streets: Your Call

Plot Summary:

Justin has been on the streets for many years, ever since his parents died. He had only become a pimp at first for the money, power, and fly clothes, but now he found he couldn’t get himself out of it even if he wanted to. Then one day while singing on a street corner with one of his hoes, he meets her. The one. The girl that could make him want to give it all up, to give up his late night runs collecting from his assortment of skanks and sluts, hoes and call girls alike. He is willing to give it all up for her, but she, unbeknownst to him, is an ex-prostitute and knows how all pimps are to all women, and that no matter what he says, he will always be a pimp at heart. When he finds out about her troubled past, he wonders if he could ever really be with an ex-prostitute. But could she really ever be with a pimp? You make that decision.

Quotes To Use At Your Leisure:

“Listen, as long as you’re my hoe, and I am your pimp, you are going to give me my money, and you are going to make sure that money is on time!” –Justin

“I have seen pimps before, and you are no big deal, Mr.Thang.”-The Girl

“So what I used to sell myself? So what I used to be a Hoe? Hello? You are a pimp!” –The Girl

“Step off, skank!” –Justin to one of his hoes

“A hoe is a hoe, no matter what the packaging is…” -Justin


Main Character: Lance

Skanky Country Girl He Hooks Up With: Something Wholesome

Plot Summary:

Lance loves his horse Toby. He loves taking care of Toby, he loves brushing Toby, and he loves riding Toby everywhere. But this story is not about Toby. It is about how Lance uses Toby to get skanky country girls who hang around his ranch in Mississippi. (Cause he’s from Mississippi) He lets the girls ride Toby, he lets the girls brush Toby, but he does not think about Toby when they are around Toby. He thinks about things like how he gets to help them get on Toby and how he can lead them anywhere on the ranch he wants when he takes them on Toby rides. Sometimes Toby gets lost and they end up at Lance’s special cabin in the woods. Toby has a nice shed there for being such a good horse. Now you know why Lance loves his horse Toby. (Hey-I didn’t say that they were all good ideas on here)

Quotes To Use At Your Leisure:

“I love you, Toby.” –Lance

“Do you need help? Sometimes mounting Toby can be difficult.” –Lance

“I am from Mississippi. Toby is too.” –Lance

“Toby! Did you get lost again? He does this sometimes…Oh, Look! A Cabin!” -Lance

“Neigh…I love how Lance puts apples in my shed…Neigh” –Toby


Main Character: Joey

Girl Like Kryptonite: Something Perky

Plot Summary:

I bet that you always thought that Clark Kent was Superman’s secret identity…but you would be wrong. Superman is none other than Joey Fatone. (Audience gasps) It’s hard for him, especially when he is on tour and the world is ending. (Therefore he is needed) One day, whilst saving an old woman from utter death and destruction, he spots her. The answer to all of his super prayers. But there is only one thing wrong-he can’t go near her. She is like kryptonite to him. Can they overcome their differences to fall in love? I hope you write this one so I can find out. Because I have no idea where I even got this idea or what to do with it.

Quotes To Use At Your Leisure:

“I’m not Superman, I’m Joey Fatone!” –Joey

“Joey, why don’t you have a harness on? You’re floating!” –Chris

“You…must…be…krypt…onite…(gasp cough gasp)” –Joey

“Uhhh…I only use my x-ray vision for good…honest.” –Joey

“Kryptonite or not, I still love you…from afar.” –Joey


Main Character: JC

Plot Summary:

Actually this doesn’t really have a good story idea behind it, I just made the banner and liked it so much that we just had to post it. So, umm…yeah. JC is sweet like suga and blah blah blah…something about a girl should be in there, like a love interest for sweet JC, I guess. Ooh! I just thought of something, she would have to melt away his fear of something to get at his sweet inside, hence the inscription “How many licks does it take?” like she is getting to his tootsie roll center or something. Haha. I actually like this idea now. I’m more of a genius than I originally thought. Have fun writing this one folks, it’s a keeper.

Quotes To Use At Your Leisure:

“I’m trying to sleep here…” –JC

“You just need some good old fashioned TLC…and I’m not talking about T-Boz or anything, man.” –Justin

“I like French food, I am cultured.” –JC

“He may not seem like a sweetheart, but give me time…I can see it in him, deep down.” –The Girl in there

“Could you do me a favor and not lick me please? Thanks.” –JC

Just a side note. This one's my favorite- Cali

You weirdo's... take me home.