
"What?!?!" All five members of ‘NSync shouted at the same time.

"It's only a month, and it's for her school, you guys," Johnny Wright, their manger argued.

"You would say that," JC retorted. "But you won't have to play babysitter for a month." They were all cramped into the bunkroom of the ‘NSync tour bus, just out of rehearsals for their upcoming Pop Odyssey tour.

"Let me explain this again," Johnny continued, like JC never said anything. "She's 19 years old, and I think that would classify her as a 'big girl'. Which means you won't have to look after her. All she'll do is hang around you guys with video cameras. What's so horrible about that? It might just be good publicity."

"We're on camera enough," Joey said, standing up from the middle bunk. With Justin and Chris sitting beside him, to say he had been cramped was an understatement. "We don't need to be on camera any more than we already are."

"I don't know you guys," Lance said, from the couch across from Chris, Justin, and Joey. "You can never have enough publicity. Besides, you guys haven't even met her. It might to turn out to be fun to have a girl around."


"What!" Vanessa yelled. Rachel pulled her phone receiver away from her just in time to save her eardrums from her friend's yells. She sighed and listened to her friend continue to scream, "YOU GET TO MEET ‘NSYNC?!?!?!"

"You make it sound like it's going to be a jolly good road trip or something," Rachel replied, bringing the phone back to her ear.

"Are you delusional, or are you just on crack? You get to spend an entire month of your time with five of the most famous guys in the world, and you..."

"Ok, first of all," Rachel started, standing to pace the floor with the phone in her hand. "I don't want to be with five older guys that I don't even know for one month! I might not even like these guys and then what? I'm stuck with them! What would I do then?"

"Well... at least you could say you had been miserable with the five hottest guys in the..." Rachel didn't even let her best friend finish. She hung up the phone and sighed. How was she ever going to get through this? She really didn't have a choice as to whether or not she would go. She had to write a 10-page essay on "The Life of A Celebrity" when she returned in a month. It was either that or fail the class. And since she was on scholarship, failing wasn't necessarily an option.

She stood and walked into the bedroom of her small apartment. The digital alarm clock on her bedside table said 7:30 PM. She had to be at the WEG complex (whatever that was) at 8:00 the next morning. She opened her closet door and pulled out the biggest suitcase she could find. "Why me?" she complained out loud.

Out of all the people in her General Music class at Orlando State University, she had been the one chosen to take the all too special outing. "I'm gonna look like some freakin' teenybopper." She pulled clothes out of her dressers and started shoving them in the luggage. Six people on one bus. For a month. "I'm going to go insane. I bet they'll talk about guy things." She shivered in disgust. "I don't wanna think about that..."

Then she smiled to herself. "They're nothing but a bunch of pretty boys to the world, but when I get some of the rarest footage in the business...I could make a fortune on EBay!" Then she shook the thought away. "I don't have the money to fight the lawsuit they would slap me with. They may be pretty boys, but I'm sure they're pretty boys with good lawyers..."

Chapter One