Caption This

Page Two

"Damn it, JC. Would you stop doing that stupid dance? My contact just fell out!" -Joey
"La deda de da. La deda de da. La de..." -JC

"Hmmmm, maybe if I sit here long enough with this stupid grin on my face nobody
will see my anger seething at JC for showing off for Britney. I'm such a grand actor afterall.
For example, with me sitting a few seats away from her, it will completely throw everybody off
to the fact that we're going out. If we were going out, I'd be standing right next to her, right?
I will fool everybody with my superb abilities. Ha ha ha." -Justin

"I... don't care... what my teacher says... I'm gonna be a supermodel."

"What can I say? If you got it, you got it."

"Say my name, bitch! They don't call me Big Daddy for nothin'." -JC
"Hey, hey. Let me get rid of this basketball first." -Joey

"Look, Mama, look! Do you see my new friend I made? He's so ghetto fabulous.
They don't have kids like this back home in Mississippi." -Lance
"Holla!" -Chris

"My dream has finally come true. I've never been so happy in my life.
Oh, wait, I'm supposed to be tough here. I forgot." -Joey
"Who am I again? Oh right. I'm the Flash. Woo!" -JC
"We all knew I was Captain America... please, who else could fill these shoes?" -Justin
"I am BATMAN!" -Lance
"God, I'm already to old for this. I had pajamas like this when I was 4." -Chris
