A Little Bit About Us!

Us? Us? Who is this us? Who is this we I so often hear about? Who in the world writes all this junk?
Well, just in case ya'll were wondering who these crazy cats responsible for this madness were, we're gonna tell you. I know you are super excited now and thrilled to the bone. You're questions will finally be answered!!!!!!!

Name: Cali

Age I feel: 5

Hometown: Detroit, MI

Where am I now: CMU

Job around this joint: I don't know anymore. Lines have been blurred!!! I'm one of the authors. I make a lot of banners... Um, I change the layout when I get bored? Who knows... I'm a web mistress, I guess.

What is your preferred way to eat Ho-ho’s? First you peal off the chocolate outside. Second you have to unwrap the cake part and eat it a little bit at a time.

Favorite ‘NSYNC song: It Changes Day to Day.... ha ha. You know the red ‘NSYNC book. Well when it asks JC’s favorite song it says “It Changes Day to Day.” For the longest time I thought that was the title of a song and I was so confused, until I finally realized I was a moron. But for real? Have you guys ever heard Riddle, from the first European album? I love that song. It cracks me up. I would also have to say I really love Something Like You off Celebrity. That first verse and the chorus is amazing. It hits home and reminds me of a nightly prayer of mine.

What’s under my bed? Shanay.

Favorite magazine: Rolling Stone

Favorite ‘NSYNC guy: Well, I’ve had a long history with Lance. Then for a good year and a half it switched over to J-dawg. It was the whole NSA-fro-wow-I’m-hot thing he had going on. But then the whole Britney/Justin thing really began to bug me, so I slowly drifted back to Lance. What I think really did it for me was his thank-you’s (Yahoo for God:))

What is the first thing you think in the morning? Must... find... snooze... button... stupid... alarm... clock... must... die...

a little something more...

Name: Bennie

Age I feel: 6

Hometown: Trenton, MI

Where am I now: CMU

Job around this joint: Who knows anymore?? All I know is that I finally learned Html...how proud of me are you about that? Go Bennie, go Bennie, oh, and sadly enough, I think I have become a slash authoress...(not for good, sillys, just for one story) Oh, and the Misc.Weird Stuff Page? I have more to go on that page than any other...it suits me well, what can I say?

Favorite Ben and Jerry’s flava: S.N.A.F.U. (Strawberries Naturally All Fudged Up)

Store I would max the credit card out in: Other than Toys ‘R’ Us? Best Buy. I could spend a million kagillion dollars in there and still be okay.

Favorite ‘NSYNC song: I have a different favorite song for each album, and actually it totally depends on my mood at the time...you know the song from their first album, You Got It? Yeah, so sadly enough, I will never ever get sick of that cheesy song...and they actually let Joey sing in it. Of course, this is before they made the rule that only Justin and JC are allowed to sing, so its not THAT big of a surprise. I think I will update this part of the site every few days to reflect upon my favorite song of the moment...that means you have to come back! AHA!

Favorite ‘NSYNC member: Hairy Beast... um, er, uh, never mind. You had to be there. Lance is my favorite. (Just a FYI, Lance is definitely nowhere near being the hairy beast) Anyways Lance is my favorite because he tries so hard to dance. You can see it in his face. Like in Bye Bye Bye when he tries to do the thrusty-hip thing, and he is like afraid to touch himself or something, so he just thrusts into his hand really awkwardly. Which says a lot about the boy. AND, he is fine. That is another reason. If I ever met him, I would say, "Lance, you are fine." and then he would say, "I am from Mississippi." And then we would ride off on a horse into the sunset. Though, lately, I have been liking me some Joey. Honestly, like if I ever met him, I would be like, "Hey, there, can I have a piggy back ride?" And then he would say "Hop On, Baby." And then I would ride him like a horse. Goodness, and he can do the Girlfriend dance the best...there are times, (like that) when he is a big fat hunk of sexy, and I am like, me likey you Joey. Ooh! I could get the best of both worlds if Lance and I used Joey as our horse to ride off into sunset on. THAT would be a nice happy ending. Ahhh!...I need help.

Name: Samuel Bailey Esquire the Third a.k.a. Sammy B.

Age I feel: I am only 5 months old

Hometown: Chesterfield, MI

Where am I now: CMU(MU- as DJ Skribble put it when he came to campus for the Moon Jam. So, yeah, I’m at Central Michigan University Michigan University)

Job around this joint: As much as Bennie sits around and looks pretty while Cali does all the work, I do 50 times as much sitting. And I do look rather pretty. If only I didn’t have this tape around my neck holding my head in place. I also lend loads of moral support and keep the girls on track. For example, if they are slacking off I simply bite them as they come out of the bathroom or as I’m holding the door open.

How many rings before I answer the phone: Technically I can’t answer the phone. It’s the whole being a cement goose and all. My wings don’t quite reach that far so I let the machine get it.

Favorite ‘NSYNC song: Up Against The Wall, because that’s usually where I am. It’s not easy being me.

Favorite ‘NSYNC guy: I’m partial to Joey and Lance after reading the Teen People article which talked about them having an ‘Animal Planet’ in the back of the bus. If ya’ll need a goose, give me a ring and leave a message on the machine. I’ll have my people talk to your people. And you know, Joey was so good in On The Line. And he sings Ready To Fall twenty times better than Meredith Edwards, the stupid country hoe.

Name: Sunny

Hometown: Detroit, MI

Where am I now: CMU in spirit:)

Job around this joint: Editor-in-Chief a.k.a., I fix all the screw ups. (I got some mad proofreading skills.)

Favorite 'NSYNC song: This totally depends on my mood. Sometimes I'm all about the cheesiness of "Tell Me, Tell Me Baby", oh that song cracks me up. I just imagine them singing it as a joke b/c I can't really picture them that codependent. Anyway, sometimes I like the cheesy ones, sometimes I like the supersweet heartfelt ones especially Justin's latest inventions "Gone" and "Something Like You." I also like the old school sound of songs like "Best of My Life" and "Together Again." Yeah I think it's safe to say I like just about everything best depending on the feeling or the way the song speaks to me at a given moment.

Favorite 'NSYNC member: Wowee, this is a hard one now. OK, so the story is that for like, the last 4 years I was absolutely positive that I was gonna marry J-Dawg, my Justy. However, I guess God has other plans because uh, it don't look like that's gonna happen. Not only because he's with Brit, but because now that he's with her, what does that say about him? I don't really want to be associated with that. And I don't want to be with someone who actually respects that. OK, so now it sounds like I'm hatin' on her, I'm not, I just still have issues with the whole Justin/Britney thing, it sorta crushed a childhood dream, ya know? Also, I don't respect her at all, and I hate what she stands for. She's a horrible influence on the young women of today. She tells girls that it's ok to make musical porn and that her usual 7-inches-of-material-clothing is acceptable and expected of the female gender. She promotes steriotypes, and exemplifies the idea that in order to get ahead in life, women MUST degrade themselves and throw away all walues. It's a spit in the face of all the feminists and equal rights activists, along with all the the young women who struggle with loving themselves and their bodies, and the parents who are trying to raise moral and well adjusted daughters who love their bodies no matter what size or shape. So, to actually answer the question at hand, Justin is my "favorite" but now it's only because of his amazing voice, writing talent, and the fact that he is extremely easy on the eyes. (Oh, and because I got me a man. Yahoo 4 Andy!)

Favorite holiday: Christmas, oh I just love it, the dysfunctional family get-togethers, the snow, the pine smell of the tree, my mommy, the dogs getting all confused with the whole concept of trees in houses and boxes and paper thrown about, etc. Also, it's God's Birthday. I'm so all about that. Jesus came and suffered enormous amounts so that we could spend forever with Him in paradise. Aw Yeah!!

Is Sammy B. really a cement goose? Yeah, and he bites too so watch your shins.

Wow, you are super interesting people. I can't wait to go back and see what else you've done.