Rants & Raves

March 4, 02
Well, I just got finished making a new layout for our lil' ole site here. The whole frames thing, yeah, not cool with all the ads. They were beginning to bug me. And you may be askin' yourself what inspired the whole Chris layout. Well, honestly, he just doesn't get enough lovin' around here. Chris is awesome. We all know that. The guy makes me crack up. Can we say 'the making of POP'? Great stuff. But for some reason, I can't write about him. Probably because most of the stories are cheesy love stories, and I just can't think of him like that. Call me a bad writer or whatever. I don't care. But I figured I would give each guy their own time in the spot light and why not start with him. Like the main page said, there probably won't be too many updates this week. Florida is calling my name. Granted I'm going with my Daddy and big brother to visit my Grandma for her 80th birthday, but hey, good times are waiting to be had. Oh, I'll have to end it here, like ya'll care, but I have to go finish tapin' the news. First big fire for my bro was tonight. Gotta love them crazy young firemen... Happy Spring Break to all those college kids out there. -Cali

February 19, 02
-Hey everybody, what's up. Right now it's 11:13 on this lovely Tuesday morning. I just rolled out of bed not too long ago, basically cause my class isn't until two, and I stayed up late watching the Olympics (ice dancing baby), Pillow Talk (the old movie with Doris Day), and fluffing Bennie hair... We lead exciting lives here, don't we. Ahhh, I'm so tired this morning. I'm really just coming on here right now to babble cause I have nothing to do, and I'm bored... Well, I guess I could write, but, well, let's look at the stories I could update... 1)Loves Me, Loves Me Not: yeah, I guess I could update that. I was having problems with this one scene I'm working on, and I was waiting for Sunny to get back to me on this little Nate/Justin issue that had come up... I still need to work that out. 2)The Sound of Silence: Did I write anywhere on that page that it would be updated slowly? If not, warning... I'm updating that slowly. That story is hard to write for personal issues, to say the least. It's my favorite on this site, and I don't want to ruin it. It just takes time. 3)Only In Dreams: yeah, chapter one isn't even up yet, I know. I have a whole lot of that written actually, about, um, wow, only 21 pages actually. That's not alot, but it's probably the first three chapters. I wanna start posting it, and I will, as soon as it gets done with Sunny. Things need to be proofed after all. Besides, I'm really really really not in the mood to write. What I want to do is crawl back into bed. Yesterday was a wirlwind of emotions to say the least... I hate boys. Have you ever noticed how they bring up things at the most pointless times... Stupid stupid stupid stupid people. Boys are stupid. Yet we end up going back for more. I think I need to check myself into an insane asylum. Okay, I'm going to end this pointless babble cause I'm sitting here talking about spelling bees with my roommate, Shanay, and I wouldn't be surprised if she opened up the Bible Trivia book again... How long was Noah in the Ark? Name the 12 apostles. Which sadly enough, I still can't do... -Cali

February 12, 2002
*Note*I am writing this entry as a letter to Nsync

-Dear Justin, Chris, Joey, Lance, and JC,

-Ok, do you guys honestly know what us fans do for you? I do not think so. Now, I am not talking about crazy things that some fans do to, say, buy some nasty leftover breakfast or come in contact with Joey only to meet a nasty porn star. I am talking about the hoo-ha that is the Nsync concert. I know that you are all doing well, financially. So I would like to ask, now, why do your concert tickets cost so darn much??? This is a problem for some fans who are doing not so much of the good in the money department. I know that many of your fans are of the teenybopper variety, and probably think that money is something that you buy Park Place with. Now, lets think a moment here. How long have you guys been around? Six years or so? By my calculations, the fans that have probably been with you since the beginning are slightly older than that. Like maybe college age. Our age. I know that you boys have been removed from this type of life for awhile, but let me spell it out for you. People in college are always always broke. Like quarters are gold to us. Guess what? You need a lot of quarters to buy an Nsync concert ticket. As I am sure that you have read in previous entries, Cali and I have had quite a hassle procuring some good tickets for this upcoming tour. First of all, we had to get some money out (ahhhh) of our accounts to be able to afford the good tickets. (Yeah, some tickets are only like 40, but you would be sitting behind the stage and would need to be Mr.Gadget to see anything) Then, Ticketmaster sucks. For many reasons. There are none around middle michigan. You need to get up at 6 and drive 2 hours to get anywhere. And people at Ticketmaster are incompetent for the most part. By the time we get tickets, they are in the upper bowl. No meet and greet or floor in sight. So what does a hardcore desperate very very stupid dumb college kid fan do? Go on ebay and bid on floor seats. At 180 a pop. Why? Because we love you guys. Because every other concert we have been to we have needed binoculars to make you look one inch tall. Because it is not fair to have the same people meeting you guys and getting the good seats for every show. Lets spread the love a little here. Now you may ask why I am writing this. I am writing this because Cali and I just got back from two places:the bank and the post office. To send the money. The money for floor tickets to your concert on April 1st. For four floor tickets(and not that good of floor tickets, mind you) we paid Seven Hundred and Thirty-Two Dollars. Pardon me while I go be sick. Why did we do this? You would not believe the amount of lectures we had to endure when our parents found out. My Dad actually said, and I quote, "I wouldn't even pay that much to see the Beatles." That speaks volumes to me. And all of those volumes say that I am stupid. All for you. And it's not as if we are getting to meet you. There's not even a possibility of that. I am used to going to shows in small small small venues where the tickets cost no more than fifteen dollars and if you persevere and wait after the show, the artist you went to see will come out and chill with you. Now, I am not delirious. I know that if you did that, all that would be left is worthless piles of dust where you once stood after the pack of youngins was done with you. But still. I am thinking that some major reworking of how you connect with your fans is in order. We can't all join contests and do weird things to get a "dream date" with you. I think that I would like to wind up here with this: if any one of you is reading this, please, sign the guestbook, email us, let us know that you do care about your fans. And hook us up with some passes for the meet and greet, because we have done more than prove in the past month or so that we deserve it. (Oh, and JC, cut the mullet...it just doesn't suit you)

Febuary 7, 02
-Righto. We said we'd tell ya'll about the way super rad Linkin Park concert. A few days have passed. That was the 4th. Today is the 7th. BUT! I am here now. Of course now I'm not really sure what I want to say about it... Where to begin? So it's a three hour drive from where we are to Detroit. So Bennie and I, Cali, hopped into my baby and drove down there, got some gas, hoped to buy a little disposable camera, yadda yadda. And we get there, and pay $10 for parking by some scary guy, and change in the car infront of the scary guy cause we had to put our $2 good will T-shirts on... it's kinda tradition now. So we go to Cobo and go down the escalator not once, but twice to get to the floor, cause gasp, we be on the floor baby. So Bennie wasn't feeling well, so we were just chillin looking around everywhere for the place to turn in our forms for the LP Underground so we could meet 'em again, and get some Chester huggin's. But the e-mail they sent us was wrong or something and we couldn't find it. But that's okay. So, we watched a bit of Cypress Hill, but we had to go into the bathroom during that set because once they started passing around Excalibur or however you spell it (my english teacher from last year would be so disappointed in me right now) which is a friggin' huge bong, and it was already smokey but after that, Ahhh. My contacts were drying quicker than the desert. But we came back, minutes before our boys came on, just enough time to see some girl flash a camera and it was disturbing to say the least. Now, Bennie was miraculously cured by the time Linkin Park came on. And we made our way deeper and deeper into the pit and somehow we got separated. But, alas, we're hard core chicks, we can handle ourselves well. A little elbow here, a little push there, a whole lot of pulling out of the hair on the dirty old dude who kept trying to feel both of us up... he made his way around. *shudders* Bastard. To keep this somewhat short, HA! they rocked the show. It was better than last time and we didn't even get to meet em. Chester... aka Chazey Chaz... looked so so so hot that I said somethings that I really shouldn't have in response. Black spikey hair, wife beater, plaid pants, lip ring 'hugging his little pouty lip' (that's a direct quote from Bennie). Wow, put all that together with me being only a few feet, two people away from him while he's singing My December. Holy Jesus! Now the trip back to the parking lot wasn't uneventful either, mostly just some guys trying to stick their tounges down Bennie's throat... ew... but it was a great night. Four stars, two thumbs up... Brilliant. -Cali

January 29, 2002
-Ok, folks, I am retarded because I was under the impression that we had gotten two sets of the same tickets from some shady people but no, no no no, THEY WERE THE SAME PERSON. Does this person tell me this while I am corresponding with them through many emails. Nope. They wait until I send many emails to both addresses, then, when I send the accusatory one asking for proof of ticket, I get the one email that says:"I am the same person as such and such". Well color me retarded. Thank goodness I never actually have to meet this person. Once again, the boys owe me-BIG TIME. ~Bennie

January 29, 2002
-AHHHHH!!!! Honestly, Nsync and their concerts give me such a migraine. So, as you read before, Cali had quite the experience getting the tickets for their concert which should have been at the Silverdome, but no, its at the Palace.(grrrr) So there I am, noodling around on ebay, when on a whim I decide to look and see if we can't improve upon our (ahem) nosebleed seats. Well, goodness gracious, I am such a loser and we got all excited when we realized that we could get floor seats....for $180 a pop. So basically, I went bid crazy. I bid on two sets, and we bought directly this one set. Well, to make a long story short,(haha-it's long anyway) I won both other sets. Now, the guy that I bought the one set from was super nice enough to let me know that the one pair I had bid on and won was the two seats next to his.(yay! four in a row!) However, he didnt tell me which ones. And the sellers didnt tell me either when they contacted me. So I emailed both of them, asking them if it was in this certain section blah blah blah blah. THEN they both get back to me and each email is ONE LINE LONG. And they both say "yes, that is correct" WHAT IS CORRECT? I am retarded. I need things spelled out for me. So, I, Bennie the Idiot, just emailed them again explaining my predicament, and hopefully they will feel bad for me and explain things slowly and carefully so I can pay for the darn things. (and thats a loooot of moneys) But now I am deathly afraid that I am getting cheated and they are both trying to send me the same tickets, WHICH IS NOT COOL. Arg. Lets all say a little prayer that this works out for us. And, also, goodness, we just found out that the concert is the day after easter sunday. What is up with that? That must suck for the boys way hardcore. I am not liking the fact that all these concerts are on Mondays. Like, Cali and I are going to the Linkin Park concert which is next MONDAY. Monday? Oh, come on, I mean, some of us have Calculus every day at eight oclock in the morning. Sigh. The things we do. Lance or Joey had better notice me from the stage and whisk me away and marry me so I know that it is not all in vain. Seriously.~Bennie

January 26, 02
-I wonder if 'NSync realizes what we go through for them. No they don't. Let me tell you about my ticket buying experience. So the other day, um, Tuesday to be exact, Alicia, the wonderful gal from across the hall comes in and she's like guess what! They're coming to the Palace on April 1st. And I was like the Palace, dang, I wanted them to go to the Silverdome cause then we would have some connections, even though the sound there sucks, but for some reason the guys love it and talk about it alot. Okay boys, whatever. So I venture around the web looking here and there for info on it. And it wasn't even on Ticketmaster. That just got me in a worrying phase. I was like oh no! But finally we found out they went on sale Jan 25. That's a Friday, kids. Odd to anybody? Yes it is. So, the day before was Bennie's birthday. To celebrate we went out to dinner all dolled up, and she got her picture taken with this table full of beautiful guys who 'smelled so good'. After that we went to the casino. We were sitting at the nickle slots for hours and by the time we came back it was 1. Then we ate cake and watched Hercules. By the time we went to bed it was... well I didn't fall asleep till 3. But tickets were going on sale, so I woke up at 6 after a fitfull sleep. Now, we live in Mt. Pleasant, MI for school (CMU) and it happens to be in the middle of nowhere, with no Ticketmasters within any decent distance. I'm so used to ticketmasters in Detriot where there's like 50 in any direction. But not for us. So, Bennie, Alicia, and I climbed into my baby, my truck, and drove and hour and a half to Lansing to this one mall. We got there at like 8, so we went to McDonalds and everybody thought we were druken college students or something, and yeah. But we go back to the mall, thinking it opens at 9 and then we get tickets at 10. The whole place is swarming with speed walkers. It's like a cult. I dare all of you to go to a mall before it opens and watch these people. It's scary. All going in the same direction in the perimeter of the mall and if you don't go with the flow you'll get trampled on. So we sat there, and sat there some more. And found out the mall didn't open till 10, then Bennie finally calls Ticketmaster on my phone and they tell her that tickets go on sale at 5. What the... FIVE? What tickets go on sale at five? Oh my gosh. I almost had a nervous breakdown in the middle of the walkers. So, after my companions calmed me down, we climbed back into the car and drove back to school. Simple, right. Ha ha! No. I got us so lost, I don't even know how that happened. Insanity. And my driving wasn't exactly up to par either, I don't even want to think about all the illegal moves I pulled. Running red lights, stop signs, turning from the middle lane... I'm usually a safe driver. Anywho, after a like, 3 plus hour drive we make it back to sit for an hour while Alicia had a meeting then we hop back into the car to drive to Saginaw. The directions were easy, great, clear, whatever. They led us to a house. A HOUSE!!!! Ticketmasters' aren't inside houses. So we pull some guy over and he's like I don't know where it is, go to seven 11 and ask. So we did. They gave us really shady directions on how to get to some civic center thing. We drove a while, baffled on what we were doing. So we stop at Rite Aid. There's a super nice lady who lets us follow her there so we know where to go. So we get there and we're looking at this box office and there's like one person there. Beautiful! Mind you that we were all fully willing to pay the 110 for floor seats. This will be my 5th 'NSync concert, and they've all been crappy seats. I think it's about time I got some slammin' ones. So, yeah, I'm super stoked about this. We park, run over there (we just could not contain the excitement) and go to the window and she's like, this isn't a ticketmaster. She was all snooty about it. We asked her where the Ticketmaster would be and she was like, the mall. Do we know where the mall is? No. That's where we were trying to get in the first place. So finally she gives us some shady directions and we get to the mall. blah blah blah. It was the most unorganized, slowest, worst handling of tickets ever. I've been to many-a-concerts and have stood in many-a-lines. This was horrible!!!! Needless to say, the floor seats sold out in less than a minute. Then the 70 dollar seats went 'bye bye bye'. By the time we got up there, only 50 and 40 dollar seats were left. No biggie, right? yeah. We're in the second bowl. That's not exactly the floor! But we get to go. I'm actually really excited. The three of us (me, Sunny, and Bennie) are going, along with Alicia, and Bennie cute as pie little sister Annie. She's so adorable. She calls JC her lover (think Saturday night live here). So, to make this very long story short, I spent seven hours in a car yesterday to get possibly the worst seats I've ever had for an 'NSync concert, but you know what. It's all in an 'NSync fan's day's work. -Cali

January 23, 02
-Ha ha ha ha ha. This is gonna be super short. But Bennie was just doing a 'Lance dance'. It had a song that went like this: "I am Lance, I can't dance, I have white capri pants... (repeat)" It was quality. I was laughing so so so so very hard. I thinks it's time for bed. -Cali

January 21, 02
-Okay, so just for the record, I only have 14 VHS tapes up here, not 15. And I honestly didn't realize that over the past 4 years or so I had gathered that many tapes, but I did. And the really really really sad part is that there are more at home and those 14 don't include 'N the Mix, Making the Tour, Live from Madison Square Garden, or the McDonalds video. But, honestly, that's not really that bad, right? Don't some of you have that many tapes? Please say yes. And I really did spaz out when I couldn't find the tape with making the video for Bye Bye Bye on it. That tape is like prime NSA stuff. It also has Making the video for It's Gonna Be Me and Snowed In, which is what Bennie really wanted to see because I was talking about how beautiful This I Promise You is on there and I just love it. That's all I have to add now. It's just a response to Bennie's last entry. -Cali

January 20, 2002
-Ok, so I have said before that Cali tapes absolutely anything that has to do with the boys. So tonight, after we watch the golden globes(Hayden Christensen and Lord of the Rings didn't win...grrrr) we decide to watch the making of the video for Bye Bye Bye.(because I haven't seen it) So then Cali spazes because she can't find the tape that it is on. And she has like 15 tapes full of Nsync-y things.(and that is just here up at school) So we get distracted and first watch the Britney "Crazy" video to look for Wade.(and he is in it and he is pretty-bonus) And then she shows me the Drives Me Crazy video where Lance seems to be unable to look like a guy in. Which is giving me some more fuel for the story I am writing right now that is, well, cute in a really Lance-and-Joey-get-together-in-the-end way. But that is a completely different entry. So then we get to when the boys were on Miss Teen USA (the second time). There they are, performing I Just Wanna Be With You, and I was like, oh, Joey looks like a perverted elmo who is FLIRTING WITH EVERY SINGLE GIRL IN THE PAGEANT. And then I notice it. Lance is wearing white pants. And we are not just talking any white pants here, folks. We are talking about WHITE CAPRI PANTS. The rest of the guys have the decency to wear full length dark colored pants. But Lance? Nope. Why wear nicely tailored dark colored FULL LENGTH pants when you can wear white capri pants that make you look like a gay sailor? I think that the same person responsible for the uh, cough cough mullet cough is responsible for dressing Lance at this occasion. Oh, and another thing. The girl from Virginia like, blows a slutty slutty kiss at them as she struts her stuff in her ugly bathing suit. What the fuck? Honestly. I will admit it, I completely spazed as we watched it. And Cali will tell you all about it, I know, when she writes her rant/rave later when she gets her lazy bum off of the futon and walks to her computer. Later!(and I am sure that I will have more to babble about later)-Bennie

January 17, 02
-It's five to one a.m. right now, and basically I'm really bored, almost everyone is sleeping due to 8:00 classes tomorrow, but my first class isn't until 2:00. So, after staring at the screen, I decided to come here and just babble. Yeah, hmmmm. I'm listening to some slammin' tunes right now. (Very nice, Bennie, very nice) I would say who I'm listening to, but, nah, I don't really want to. I have my reason, I really do, but it's kinda a selfish one. I guess it would be wrong for me to say it, cause it's the first time I'm listening to this band, but for Bennie's sake, I won't say anything. It can all be summed up in the lovely quote from Spike Minoda, friend of Chazey Chaz the Chemist: "...When I was in high school, if certain people started liking my bands, I felt like I couldn't like that band anymore; it was like, the idiots were ruining it for me..." I guess that sounds kinda mean, and I'm not calling ya'll idiots or anything like that, it's just... Wow, how'd I get on this. I think I should switch to another topic. I need a name for the main character in my next story. I don't think I have ever had such a hard time picking a name. If anyone has any good ones, e-mail me saying 'Hey Cali, how bout this one?' I'm really itching to write this next story. But I told myself that I couldn't write until I finished Loves Me... I wanna say sorry to anybody who's waiting for an update on that. Things have been way crazy and busy round here with the start of the new semester and then Bennie and I have this conference thing this weekend with our roommate who's in charge of it for our hall... yadda yadda, she made us do it, otherwise, we're kinda lazy about school activities. So, yeah, the story. I've actually written the first four sentences, but don't tell anyone. Have I told you anything about it? No! Well, uh, I'll just tell you it's a Justin story. Bennie's writing a JC story too. I can't wait to read that one. She's also writing a story for the Writer's Block outline Tired of the Lie. Ha ha. Funny funny funny stuff. Speaking of... I still don't have my new ethernet card. That's a slew of new stories concerning why, but I couldn't even check my e-mail earlier today. To get on here tonight I had to re-start my computer like three times and blah blah blah. Sigh. I think I may shut up now. I'm getting a wee bit tired and my leg is falling asleep. By the way, remind me to tell you about Bennie, Heather (one of our roomies), and my plan to kidnap JC and demullet-fy him. We also plan on force feeding him cake and forcing him to watch old 'NSYNC tapes (I have entirely too much taped. Ridiculous!) and stuff. We'll give ya the details later, alligator. I'm signing off now, basically because my typing skills are seriously going down the drain. Please ignore all typo's. Night ya'll and God bless!!!! -Cali

January 13,2002
-Ok, so we were sitting on our room tonight, and we find out that The People's Choice Awards are on, meaning that the boys will be on. So Cali gets the tape ready(that girl tapes everything) and we wait for it to begin. I have many what I am deeming rants to write about from watching one short hour of that program. First of all, I think that JC and Chris must have drawn the short straws that make them the ones that always have to go to the awards shows, as they have gone to the past two, and are the only ones to make both appearances. So they were sporting Lance as an acessory tonight, and in turn Lance had his "friend" Laura with him. Honestly, that girl looks like a completely different person every time I see her. And all of those people are ugly. Lance was looking good though, I am liking me the brown hair thing. And Chris, though he needs to trim his chin sprouts, was looking cute in his little sunglasses. And now for the whole reason I am writing in this...JC. First of all, he came with Emanuelle Chiriqui-again. What is up with that? Is she like his pity date for all these award shows that he has been attending? She must owe Lance a favor or something, because I gots to give the girl mad props for going out in public with JC with how he looked tonight. Ok, clothes are cute, good job, maybe he needs to eat a little, but I can let that one slide...good colors and everything. But...the...hair. What happened to the curly crazy moppish look that I was getting used to? Ok, he finally got it cut.(yay!) But that cut happened to be a modified female mullet.(boo!) Honestly, he had the look of a trailer park princess with a mullet she tames with a headband-I think that he actually had an invisible headband on. A mullet! A Fe-Mullet! How can a member of Nsync have a mullet! I am having strong issues with this one. I am gazing sadly at an old picture of JC sans mullet that is on my wall right now...sigh. A...gulp...mullet. You know, my aunt actually gets her hair done by the guy that is Nsync's hairdresser, I think I should get his number from her and call this horrible horrible, probably very gay man who I can imagine was like, "Oh, JC, you look positively dreamy in that wonderful new cut!". Thats it. Someone convinced him that it was a new "trendy" look. Well guess what. It's not. It's a mullet. A Fe-Mullet. I am now taking a break from writing my way cool JC story, for my fingers are itchin' to write some mullet jokes right now...mullet mullet mullet mullet. Sigh...-Bennie

January 10,2002
-Ok, I know that it's kinda weird that all of us have written something in here today, but oh well...we are interesting people with lots to say. So I borrowed Cali's disc-y thing with photo shop on it, and I would just like to say that I have become a master of the banner. So, needless to say, my previous Writer's Block Banners have been less than nice...so I am in the process of remaking the ones that I feel need it! I already have a few new ones up there, so take a look see and let me know what you think! Also, of course, once Cali and I become all busy with school again is when we get story ideas...woo-hoo her new one is a really good one..its a doozy. (Don't worry, I am making sure that she finishes Loves Me beforehand...I am being left in suspense just like the rest of you guys!) And I have this idea for a story, which I actually was just joking about at first, but now I have started thinking it out and I am making the banner already, so it will be done! How and when I don't know, but I figure that I will eventually have free time to do it...or I will make some. Oh well. Right now I am mad at certain college bookstores that give out the wrong 70 dollar book so that people have to get a new 70 dollar one and then only have one night to read 106 pages...Arg. Talk to y'all later! -Bennie

-I think I'm about to have a nervous breakdown of some sort. Do you know what just happened to me? I'll tell ya. I went to the ATM at the UC (university center) to take some well needed money out of my account to buy things such as my ethernet card so I can update this (I'm on Bennie's computer now), the other book I need for BCA 288, the course pack for computers AND the movie ticket to see Lord of the Rings tonight with Bennie and our friend Alicia. See... it's some well needed cash. So, I went to get the money, and I forgot my pin number which is something I do quite often. After messing up the machine sucked my card up and said ha ha, you can't have any money. Well, it didn't actually say that, obviously, but it's retarded. Then I went across the hall to the teller lady and she was like, sorry you can't have it today because our machine was already serviced. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I'm mad now. To top it all off, I've been trying really really hard to write some more of Loves Me, Loves Me Not, I really have. But, you see, it's a rewrite of the story cause that's the first one I wrote a few years back and to put it simply it sucked the big one. But it's at a low point in the original story and it's really hard to rewrite. It sucks though because I have the greatest idea for the next story but I told myself I can't start writing it until Loves Me... is finished and I have started to post Only In Dreams. That sucks. That's all for now. I think Brit got a nose job (did anybody else notice the drastic difference?) and it's time to go to Economics. Eh. -Cali

January 10, 2002
-So did any of you catch the AMA's last night? Yeah, well I did. So of course I have to comment. Um, well, Brit looked really pretty, but that's honestly all I can say to her credit. She just can't sing. I mean, wow, I can dance and look pretty so I can get a record deal. She even played it safe when she was supposed to go up an octive and was STILL incredibly flat. And Justin, the ever supportive boyfriend was so proud. It actually made the performance worthwhile to watch just because he stood up and was so adoring at the end. Aww. I'm very proud of our boys because they beat out some strong competitors. "Aww, quit your booing. U2's gonna win Grammys." He he, I liked that line. And did you look next to JC? That really cool guy next to him was his very amazingly talented old roommate Tony Lucca. Yeah, I was quite excited to see him there because I love his stuff. I LOVE IT!! Cali and Bennie will back me up on this one too. It's good. Well, that's all for now. Catch ya later! -Sunny

January 6, 2002
-Ok, so Cali and I were getting reaquainted to our dorm room,(meaning we were both sitting and doing stuff on our laptops while discussing the boys)and we both realized that neither of us had seen the new video for "Girlfriend". So I, in my infinite wisdom, decided to use my laptop for good and download it from somewhere. So I get it, and we sat there transfixed by what I would like to call the best video ever. We kind of didn't breathe for the better part of five minutes after, then mumbled incomprehensible phrases like "hot" and "damn". AND THEN Cali actually said it. She said the words that no one should ever utter. "I want to be Britney Spears" And the worst part about it is that I...agreed with her. This is a powerful video folks, and just to let y'all know, the "money shot" is that one perfect moment when Justin winks...*sigh*...I need help now. We have watched it three times now, and its just too much for my heart to take. Thank goodness classes haven't started yet, I would def. have been VERY distracted from any homework I might have had. Well, I now must go rescue Cali from the cardiac arrest she's a-havin' due to the sexy piece of art that is the "Girlfriend" video. P.S.-Only one thing-Lance, honestly, the backseat of a car? Lets rethink this one. -Bennie

January 6, 02
-We reached 1,000 people in two months! Wow-wee. Bennie and I are back at school, and we went to the site to see if everything was happening all fresh and clean and wow, one thousand. You should have seen the little dance I did. It was rad. I'm one happy camper to say the least. Thanks for coming. Thank you, thank you, thank you. God bless you all!!!!!!! By the way, to reiterate how big of a dork I am... I saw it for the forth time yesterday. I need help. -Cali

January 4, 02
-Ya know what's really annoying?? When the 10:00 news says that an 'Nsync member got in trouble with the law and doesn't go into the whole story until later, then is completely wrong because it was Nick from the Backstreet Boys who got in the bar fight. It wasn't even the right group. Grr! So I came up from my basement, where I was comfortably sitting with my boyfriend, to see what the heck was going on, because I truely did not believe that someone from my favorite group would be so stupid, and sure enough, they weren't. It's good, but bad at the same time because I had to watch the whole darn news show just to find out that Nick, FROM THE BACKSTREET BOYS, got in a fight with some chick or whatever and is being charged with assault or something like that. However, the news did inform me that our boys will be appearing as extras in "Star Wars" because they are such big fans that they asked George Lucas if they could be in the film. They ASKED HIM! This is my other beef. I'm a big fan of 'Nsync, does that mean that I can just go up to Chris and ASK if I can be in the group? Or hey, I like Gilmore Girls, should I just go up to the producer/director person and say, "Hey, I like the show. Can I be in it?" Yeah, I'm excited for them, and I'll probably get the movie and watch it in slo mo just to try and see them, but I strongly dislike what fame can get you these days. I swear, if you're famous, you can do whatever you want, get a shoe named after you, guest star in a tevevision show when you have no acting talent at ALL, or be in the remake of a record breaking, big budget, almost legendary trilogy. What's next, president for a day? UGH!! It makes me sick!! Ok, I've vented, I feel better. Thanks for listening. -Sunny

January 3, 02
-You know what? If you ever want to make somebody feel good, just drop them a note saying that you like something they did. Honestly, it just makes a person feel very happy. We got our first 'I like your story' letter today. I woke up this morning and after wandering around the house aimlessly, I came to the computer to see if I had any mail. Much to my surprise, I did!!!! It's been a good day every since. So... I huge thanks goes out to Whitney from Dare to Dream fiction. (go see her site, too. it's on the links page) Oh, and just in case you were wondering what story it was for, it was The Best of Friends. That means if you haven't read it yet, you need to!! Chop chop. -Cali

December 30, 01
-I decided that I would shut up long enough up there to write something down here. But now I don't know what to say... I know. I am a dork. Huge dork. I am a dork obsessed with Lord of the Rings. I've seen it three times in this past week. Last night was the third, and I went with Sunny. Thank the Lord I've know her forever and a day so she's used to watching movies with me and doesn't get mad... when I sit there and quote all the lines right along with the movie and shush her if she even thinks about talking... I'm sorry, Sunny!!! So there you have it, I'm a loser in the most extreme definition of the word. -Cali,
