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Christmas Shopping

Is all your Christmas shopping completed?
Have you purchased or made perfect gifts
for every person on your list?


Well, neither have I!

One year I shopped early,
It was the same year I
also shopped middle and late.
My Christmas gift list was complete
by the end of September,

But it didn't feel right to have
no Christmas shopping to do in
October, November and December.
So, in order not to feel strange
I continued to shop.

It was glorious,
I found more "perfect" gifts that year
than in all the years before or since.
I had wonderful gifts...
for people I hardly knew,
for relatives I hadn't seen in years,
for old best forgotten boyfriends
and even for people I didn't like
who didn't like me in return.

I sure surprised alot of
unsuspecting people that Christmas.

In January
MasterCard raised my credit limit,
VISA offered me a platinum card
and I ate beans.

I have never shopped early since
and do not recommend it for others -
as an old sage once said,
"She who shops last shops best",
or something like that.


*Nancy Sue Greets*