norsekrieg & norsekrieg
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Official Warfare Page
NorsekrieG Was formed in late December of 2000 in a hate filled moment of disgust for the state of the world and the fools who walk upon. We then released and recorded the first demo in the winter of 2001 with Seth-on vocals,Ria-drums and Yimfur-guitar, it was self titled and was limited 10 copys and was more of black grind metal , but still had it's tight roots in NSBM, very raw and fast simplistic riffs. Next came DYING FORRESTS,RISING BATTLES aka Psychopathic Black Metal and that demo proved to me to be more of a black noise,(SETH all instruments) it's very erie with odd noise's going on with simplistic raw guitar riff not much for drums and very raw ,is not for trendy ears. that demo was recorded for the pure soul of hatred and nothing else,it was released and recorded in the winter/fall of 2002, not many released,very few to the people who understood my hatred and grasped upon the idea and never let go. Then we mix another demo from edited tapes and songs recorded for our split with DRY SPELL and went under the name of DYING FORRESTS(Psychopathic)..Very few released maybe 15.FUTURE
As of now we are working on geting our split out with Dry Spell, but because of set backs that where almost unstopable to us it is still in the works and we are also starting on another demo tape which we hope to have out with in the end of 2005 or the begining of 2006....MEMBERS
Seth O.O.t.S.S.
Ria Gromendoff