Nureyev NSN, by Florencio, out of Bosanova NSN Elite, shown above at 3 weeks old, foaled in the early morning of May 29, 2018. He is everything I could ask for as a breeder of international quality dressage horses. This very tall bay colt, likely to mature 17hh+, has so much charisma! He is a stunner, with two matching hind socks and a small star. Bosanova NSN Elite continues to prove herself as consistently producing very high quality foals. Nureyev NSN is for sale, preferably to an established show home.
From birth, Nureyev already showed very good articulation of his joints. Nureyev, true to his breeding, is the typification of the modern dressage horse with his refinement, pretty head, vertical neck, sloping shoulder, strong loin connection, and powerful hindquarters. Nureyev's canter is already very impressive, with a supple back, good jump, and very good use of hind leg. Walk is very good. The trot, powered from behind, shows very good use of front leg, with lots of knee and good reach. This colt is very bold and friendly, and comes right up to me to say "hello". He loves attention.
DE342422726999 Hauptpramie keur PSG/INTER 1 |
FLORESTAN I (REIN) pref elite DE343435126286 Pramienhengst |
RAUTE (RHEIN) Staatspramie | |||
WALESSA (WESTF) DE3414113103492 |
BOSANOVA NSN KWPN 124007 200600115 STB Elite |
FERRO WPN Preferent |
BRENDA WPN Ster Pref Prest | |||
Nureyev NSN, is shown here, as a newborn a.nd at a few hours old.
Above, is Nureyev NSN at one day old. So far, he has shown little of his trot, as he prefers to gallop and canter, but the above photo gives us a glimpse of what is to come. Very promising!
At 3 days old, Nureyev gets stronger in his legs and shows very good use of the hind leg and a very free shoulder, giving him good reach in front. He has a superb temperament - quite laid back and affectionate.
At 5 days old, already showing ability to collect and carry on his hindquarters.
As Nureyev fills out and gets stronger, we are seeing more suspension in the trot, and more propulsion from a powerful hindquarters. This colt is very supple through his back and elastic in his paces.
Nureyev NSN at his keuring where he was judged High First Premium, with a 78 for conformation, 74 for movement, and Champion Dressage Horse of his keuring. The KWPN jury particularly liked Nureyev's long lines, refinement, powerful hind leg, and suppleness.
Nureyev continues to impress with his supple and elastic gaits. Shown above as a young yearling. This tall gelding is expected to mature 17hh+. With his conformation and gaits, Nuryev is a serious prospect for upper level dressage.
Nureyev, above, at 2 years. I apologize for the cluttered background in the trot photo. Nureyev much prefers to canter, and very seldom to I manage to photograph his trot. Nureyev's walk continues to be outstanding - clear 4 beat, with good overstep and very supple through the back. The trot, already good, will only improve as Nureyev muscles up and levels out. His canter is already amazing, with lots of jump with that power behind and incredible shoulder, and very balanced. This gelding is very intelligent, learning quickly, and very, very bold. He has decided he loves being hosed with cold water on hot days. Standing free, he will position himself so the front, face, and all sides get adequately wet. When he is finished, he wanders off, but often comes back for more if I am hosing other horses. What a character!
Below is a video of Nureyev NSN at 13 months old.
More photos of this very special colt may be viewed on NeverSayNever Farm's Facebook page.