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The fishery is a major concern for those whose
entire livlihoods are dependent on it here on Digby Neck
and area. The threat of destroying it is very evident as more
and more information is recieved about the devastating effects
the Quarry can have on it.

Fishermen are united in the fight for what is
trying to be ripped from the very souls of
their being...all that they have learned to depend
on and love as their way of life is
being put up for grabs by people who
want to manipulate the innocent for their
own selfish gains not caring who or what
they destroy in getting it.
These are a pitiful people!!!

Lobster fishing is one of the major livlihoods here.

Dragger fishermen are dependent on fishery for their
livlihood. Seen here is a whale which also
implicates a concern for their safety and migratory
habits here.

Weir fishermen are concerned about effects on herring.

In order for the basalt to be shipped
to New Jersey as is the plan a
huge wharf would have to be built to
dock the horrific size container ship that would
have to come up through the Gulf of
Maine and into the Bay of Fundy.
The ships size is approximately 745 feet long
and 48 feet wide. They have holding wells
inside that carry bilge water from the southern
waters. These have to emptied out into our
bay before the basalt can be loaded
on the ship.
What is in the water?
Will it bring diseases for sealife,
will it kill more than just the fish?
Will the transportation through the Bay cause disruption
for the lobster fishery, weir fishing and whale habit??
So many questions and so few answers.We have
a right to be concerned !
Hopefully the DFO, Economic Development, Government, and other
authorities will open their eyes and agree to
seriously defend our livelihoods!


"Keep an eye on the enemy!!"
