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Concerned Citizens of Little River Site


This site has been created in support of

Claudia J. Tidd - one of many concerned residents of
Little River,Digby County, N.S. Canada
Information written has been passed on to the public as
was passed on to me. Some pictures are from
my own collection. Maps were given me from other
folks to add to the site.

The"Digby Neck Concerned Citizens Committee" was formed
at a public meeting in Sandy Cove in
April 2002. Many citizens from Digby Neck and
the Islands attended this meeting and based
on available information decided to stand together
in opposition of the proposed quarry development that was
being planned for White Cove in Little River.

The Committee has accepted the mandate given them to:
1)To preserve the pristine nature of Digby Neck
and Islands and to promote sustainable development that enhances
the quality of life.

2)To promote the principle that the community affected
approve any development proposed.

3)To create a heightened awareness which will nurture the
preservation and stewardship of Digby Neck and Islands
and the surrounding waters

4)To work with other groups having similar aims
and objectives.

5)To stop mega-quarry for Whites Cove, Little River,
Digby Neck, and to actively oppose other developments
which are inconsistent with the above criteria.

Research has been ongoing and what is known
is being communicated to all area residents in
the form of newsletters.There has been and continues to be
regular press releases and public meetings. Opposition to
the project is voiced locally, nationally, and internationally
through their efforts, as well as from concerned
residents and businesses of the area who have written
their concerns to the local newspapers. We have
the cooperation from friends of the vulnerable eco
systems contained on Digby Neck and Islands as
well as those contained in the larger
Gulf of Maine.

As concerned citizens in and with this committee,
we stand together in the fight to protect
our land from anything that could/will
affect our way of life that could cause
endangerment or harm to ourselves now or for
the generations to come.

Anyone is welcome to contact this committee with
their concerns or to request more information.

Contacts are listed below:

Kemp Stanton - Chair
Whale Cove RR#1 Sandy Cove, Digby County, N.S. B0V1E0
Phone: 834-2990

Don Mullin - Asst. Chair
Secretary: Carol Mahtab, Sandy Cove
Treasurer: Marilyn Stanton, Sandy Cove

Office: 27 Bay shore Road, Sandy Cove
Mailing Address: PO Box 25, SandyCove, N.S. B0V1E0

SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP -- $10.00 per person

Write to your MP, MLA or the Minister of Environment
stating your opposition to this quarry project.

Hon. Robert Thibault,MP
West Nova
P.O.Box 38, Yarmouth,N.S.

Hon.Kerrie Morash
Minister of Environment & Labour

P.O. Box 697
Halifax, N.S. B3J 2T8
Email: ?

Hon. Harold ( Junior) Theriault,MLA
Digby - Annapolis
RR 4, Digby
B0V1A0 or
Halifax, N.S. B3J 2T8

Your support is appreciated. This is our land and
lets do all we can to protect it...TOGETHER !

Financial Support is very important to cover costs
of materials for newsletters, publicity in newspapers, to
retain a lawyer for legal advice etc.
If you would like to give a donation
or become a member ,please do so
by contacting the Director.

Send mail to
'Stop the Quarry Fund 'Office
Box 25 Sandy Cove,

Information on this site is limited and basic so
please make contact with any of the "Officers"
for more detailed interests and is important
to keep informed as this fight progresses... Thanks..

get this gear!

Pages of Interest About Quarry

White Cove Quarry /Map / Photos
Beautiful White Cove
People Speak Out
Fishery Fears
PointPaper on Basalt Quarry at Whites Cove-Digby Neck
The Society's Bulletin (Regular Updates)
Bob Morsches Point Paper on Quarries
Photos / Presentation to Fishery Commission
Halifax Herald News - Last October 2002
Toronto Star News Write-Up - July 26/03
Public Participation by Sept.18
Ariel View of Quarry Site
Voices of Concern
Sept - Dec 2004 Update - New Site Coming