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Beautiful Serene WHITE COVE

Future Planned Destruction for...

A generation of families lived here years ago. There are remnants of old cellars and possible graves of past ancestors to Little River residents. Some 60-80 children have has been recorded in history to have lived here with family. Folks made a living by fishing and farming in White Cove. Many of the children died in a diphtheria epidemic in the 1870's.

In the 19th century farm life at White Cove was a livlihood with oxen, sheep, cows, and horses. Hay and grain were grown, roots and vegetables available,too.

A sea captain, whose name is inscribed in the memorial cairn across from the Digby post office, was born in the Cove and raised a family there.

Up to this time White Cove has been a place for many happy memories to the generations of this area. There have been gatherings of families who have roots of past generations return often to commerate the memory of their past heritage here. Many, yet, take trips to White Cove for recreation and fun activities. Children love to experience the places of adventure, much treasure hunting along the shoreline.The spectacular sunsets were, and still are, breath-taking sights to behold for those who have sat in the quiet solitude of a nights venture there.

Artists have spent a day here now and again leaving with visions of beauty still etched in their minds which have no doubt inspired many sea and landscape pictures.

Nature at its fullest can be seen as the many deer and other wildlife roam the forest and shoreline.They move about and make their trails through here.It is a habitat familiar to them all.

Being a part of our past, present and we thought our future, it leaves us with an ache and sadness in our hearts as we grieve over the possiblity of having it destroyed. Our land is very important to us who have had it a part of us for so long.

Lets hope and pray her children &
grandchildren get to see the beauty we see...

The cleared land has begun for possible Quarry.

The storybook, "Fog Magic " has its roots in White Cove.
Julia Sauer wrote this childrens book.
To learn more about her and the beautiful history she depicts of White Cove,
click on the book..

More of Julia
