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Denkou Kage



Season 1

Age 14
Birthday October 15th
Hair Blond
Eyes yellow
Fav. Food Fish Dumplings
Fav School Subject Gym, Math
Likes Marthial Arts, Beeing a Ninja
Hates Shruiken
Magic Thunder
Best Chance Beating... Wind, Water
Weak Against Plant, Earth, Black
Weapon Thunder Rapier
Armor (DA-1.1 Orange and yellow ninja jacket, black belt, white ninja pants with grey elestics, orange and yellow shoes
Extra Info Denkou is a very spacecase girl. She's energtic and can't sta in the same place for 10 seconds. She just loes her martial arts courses.She's always a cherry girl.

Season 2

Age 17
Likes Martial Arts
Hates N/A
Human Armor (DA-2.1) Yellow ninja suit, Ninja shoes, orange fingerless glove on right hand
Animal Armor (DA-2.2) Bird helmet covering face, lightning bolt on chest, yellow shorts, arm and leg armor, orange and yellow wings, all that over an orange body suit
Animal Spirit (AS) Electrified Bird
Extra Info Denkou is still just as energetic. She adores beeing a ninja now that she is finished her training.
Pic DA-1.1 comming soon
Pic DA-2.1 comming soon
Pic DA-2.2 comming soon
Pic AS comming soon
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