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Michiru no Boken

Michiru no Boken (Advnture of Michiru) is about a girl elf who saw her mother die when she was young. She wants revenge on the person who did it. Years pass, and a war starts between Humans and Elves. Michiru wants no part of it, but is forced to by General Mushu Kakiro. She becomes the messenger for the elves, She is the Strongest girl elf in her Elf Kindom.

Michiru no Boken(L'Aventure de Michiru)est l'histoire d'une fillette elfe qui a vu ca mere mourir, lorsqu'elle avait 5 ans. Des annees sont passes, et elle est devenue la fille la plus forte dans son royaume. Une querre commence entre les Humains et les Elfes, Michiru ne veut pas en faire parti, mais le General Kakiro lui force. Donc elle devient la messagere des Elfes, et voici que son aventure commence.

Season 1: Revenge

Michiru Shuki: By hand/A la main
With Armor/Avec armure
B+W Armor/Armure N+B
Winter clothes/Habit d'hiver
B+W Winter clothes/Habit d'hiver N+B
With staff/Avec baton
B+W With staff/Avec baton N+B
Ryu Kakiro None yet/Aucun a date
Basarou tribe Leader of the Basarou- Hitoka
Mikoshi, best worrior

Season 2: Dangers

Michiru Shuki Pose

Season 3: Strengh

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