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The Saiyan Saga Part 1

Android 17 and Goten were training together. "Masenko!" 17 yelled. "Burning attack!" Goten shouted. The two energy beams hit each other, and it seemed that Goten was haveing the lead until 17 smiled and increased his power, and Goten got hit by the energy beam. Suddenly in Android 17's mind, Dende's voice was heard. "No. 17, please bring Gohan and Goten to the Lookout..."Dende said. Android 17 said ,"ok", and gave Goten a senzu bean to heal himself. Goten's power level went up a little bit, as did 17. After reaching Gohan's house, Gohan answered the door. "Oh, hi Goten and 17, what bring you here?" Gohan asked. "we received a message from Dende...iw as told to bring you and Goten to Dende's lookout..."17 explained. The three of them flew up the giant tower. Suddenly on Goten's scouter, a power level reading came in. "...?! Whoa, a power level of 100,000!! That's about as same as 17's!" Goten exclaimed. "That's why I called you all here today..." the thing that's coming will probably power up more...if we don't stop it at Planet Namek, then nothing will stop it. But before you go, there's a room here I want to tell you about. They walked a while until they came to a wooden door. "Why, what's in here?" Gohan asked. "This is called the Room of Spirit and Time..."Dende answered....