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NAME                                                 :        ABDEL AZEEM ALI  EL-DAWLATLY



BIRTH  DATE                                             :       12  MAY  1954



PLACE  OF  BIRTH                          :         CAIRO,  EGYPT



MARITAL  STATUS                           :       MARRIED,  3 CHILDREN



RECENT  ADDRESS                           :      DEPARTMENT  OF ANESTHESIA

                                                                       KING SAUD UNIVERSITY

                                                                       COLLEGE OF MEDICINE

                                                                       KING KHALID UNIVERSITY                                                                     


                                                                       P.O.Box 2925

                                                                       RIYADH 11461

                                                                       Tel: +9661  4671599

                                                                       Fax: +9661  4684075





NATIONALITY                                  :        EGYPTIAN



QUALIFICATIONS                             :       MD  IN ANESTHESIA , EGYPT

                                                                       JAN.  1987

                                                                       MsC  IN ANESTHESIA, EGYPT

                                                                       MARCH, 1982

                                                                       M.B.B.Ch.   (VERY  GOOD)

                                                                       ASSIUT,  EGYPT

                                                                       SEPTEMBER,  1978








FROM            1978  TO  1979                                     :     INTERNSHIP


                                                                                           ASSIUT  UNIVERSITY                                                                          


                                                                                           ASSIUT ,  EGYPT


FROM            1979  TO  1982                                    :      RESIDENT

                                                                                           DEPARTMENT OF


                                                                                           ASSIUT UNIVERSITY

                                                                                           ASSIUT,  EGYPT



FROM        1982   TO   1984                                  :         ASSISTANT  LECTURER


                                                                                          ZAGAZIG  UNIVERSITY 

                                                                                          ZAGAZIG,  EGYPT



FROM      1984     TO   1986                                 :          RESEARCHER                                                                  


                                                                                          BONN  UNIVERSITY




FROM     1987   TO   1996                                 :            LECTURER


                                                                                         DEPARTMENT  OF 


                                                                                         ZAGAZIG UNIVERSITY

                                                                                         COLLEGE OF MEDICINE

                                                                                         ZAGAZIG,  EGYPT




From 1988 to 1989                                              :          SPECIALIST                                                    


                                                                                       ANAESTHESIA DEPT.

                                                                                       AL_NOOR HOSPITAL                                                                                                                                                                                                    




FROM     1989   TO  1992                                  :           SENIOR REGISTRAR


                                                                                       DEPARTMENT OF


                                                                                       KING KHALID                                

                                                                                       UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL

                                                                                       RIYADH,  SAUDIA



FROM    1993   TO  DATE                               :           CONSULTANT


                                                                                      DEPARTMENT OF


                                                                                      KING KHALID UNIVERSITY


                                                                                      RIYADH, SAUDIA ARABIA




FROM  1999  TO  DATE                               :           ASSIST. PROFESSOR


                                                                                   COLLEGE OF MEDICINE

                                                                                   KING SAUD UNIVERSITY



















1.     EL-DAWLATLY, A.A. : Effects of different inhalational anesthetics on the   


       postoperative  mental performance. Annal  of Saudi Medicine. 1990; Vol. 10(4): 




2.     Naguib, M., Sherif, A.,  Seraj, M.,  El Gammal, M.,and EL-DAWLATLY, A.A .,: 


       Ketamine caudal analgesia in children:   A comparison with caudal Bupivacaine.


      British Journal of Anesthesia,  1991; 67: 559-564


3.     EL-DAWLATLY, A.A,  Seraj, M.,:  Venous air embolism in a child undergoing


        posterior fossa craniotomy:  A case report. Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology


       1992; 11(6), 549-554.


4.     EL-DAWLATLY, A.A, Bakhamees, H., Seraj, M, : Anesthetic management of


       cesarean section in a patient with Wilson’s disease. Middle East Journal of


       Anesthesiology  1992; 11(4),


5.     EL-DAWLATLY, A.A., Mastan, M.: Nimodipine and Halothane combination for


       controlled hypotension during intracranial aneurysm surgery. Journal of Anesthesia              


       and  Clinical Pharmacology  1992; 8: 149-151.


6.     Ukra, H., Seraj, M., EL-DAWLATLY, A.A : FiO2 of 0.5 in one lung anesthesia.


        Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology 1993; 12(2), 155-163.


7.     EL-DAWLATLY, A.A., Seraj, M., Channa, A., El Bakry, A., : Interpleural analgesia


        in post- cholecystectomy patients. A clinical study.  Middle East Journal of


        Anesthesiology 1993; 12(2): 91-99.





8.        EL-DAWLATLY, A.A., Ashour, M. :  Anesthesia for thymectomy in myasthenia


       gravis: A non-muscle relaxant technique. Anesthesia and Intensive Care 1994; 22: 


       458-460. this paper was in the list of “suggested readings” during the 4th annual


       problem-based learning discussions on October 21-24, 1995 at Atlanta sponsored by


       the American Society of Anesthesiologists. This paper was used as reference by


      Tortosa  J.A., ( Anesthesia for laparoscopic cholecystectomy in myasthenia gravis:


      a non-muscle relaxant technique) published in Anesthesia 1997, 52: 797-811.  



9.     Samarkandi A.H.,  Seraj M.,  and EL-DAWLATLY A.A.:  The role of laryngeal


       mask airway in  cardiopulmonary resuscitation.  Resuscitation 1994; 28: 103-106.



10.EL-DAWLATLY A.A., Ukra H, and Ashour M.: FIO2 of 1 and CPAP 10 during one


        lung ventilation. Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology   1994, 12(6):  587-592.



11.EL-DAWLATLY A.A., Seraj M., Kabiraj M., Samarkandi A.H.,  Bakhamees H.:


       Brain-stem auditory evoked potentials study during isoflurane-nitrous oxide


       anesthesia- A measure of depth  of anesthesia. Middle East Journal of


       Anesthesiology 1995, 13(1): 61-70.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             



12. Naguib M, EL-DAWLATLY A.A., Ashour M, Albunyan M: Sensitivity to


     mivacurium in a patient with mitochondrial myopathy. Anesthesiology 1996, 84(6):





13. EL-DAWLATLY A.A., Thoracic Anaesthesia   part (II).  Saudi Anaesthesia


      Association  News Letter,  1996, October.



14. Naguib M, EL-DAWLATLY A.A., Ashour M and Bamgboye E.A.: Multivariate


determinants of the need for postoperative ventilation in myasthenia gravis.


      Can J Anaesth 1996, 43: 1006-13.



15. Ashour M, Alkattan K, Rafay M, El-Bakry A, Serhani A, EL-DAWLATLY A.A.,


      Naguib M, Seraj M and Johary I. Surgery for postintubation tracheal and


      tracheosubglotic stenotic lesions. Annals of Saudi Medicine  1996, 16(5):545-49.



16. EL-DAWLATLY A.A., Moukhtar H.T., and Al-Majid S. Anesthesia for


bronchopulmonary lavage- The use of modified CPAP system. Middle East


      Journal of Anesthesiology  1996, 13(6):573-9   



17. EL-DAWLATLY A.A., Kabiraj M, Bakhamees H and Al-Dohyan A. Brain-stem


auditory evoked potentials: Comparison between 1.3 and 1.5 MAC of Isoflurane


      Nitrous Oxide Anaesthesia.  Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology  1997, 14(2) :





18. EL-DAWLATLY A.A., Bakhamees H,  AlMajid S and Saddique A.: Physostigmine


      reversal of carbon monoxide  poisoning . Annals of Saudi Medicine 1997, 17 (3):


     334-336 .        



19.EL-DAWLATLY A.A.,: Brain monitoring in anaesthesia practice. Saudi Anaesthesia


Association newsletter 1997, 8(3): 4.





20.Bakhamees H, Kabiraj M, Takrouri M, Al-Shweikhat J and EL-DAWLATLY A.A


    Diagnostic evoked potentials in a quadriplegic child after an unusual hyperflexion


    of cervical high spines combined with head injury. Letter to the Editor.


   Saudi Medical Journal  1998; 19(5):522-23.



21. Magboul M.A, Odugbesan C. , EL-DAWLATLY A.A. and Saud S.


     Pulse oximetry: An added criterion for discharge from PACU. M.E.J. Anaesth.


    1998; 14(6):417-24.



22. Quadir N, Takrouri M., Seraj M., EL-DAWLATLY A.A., Alsatli R., Al-Jasser M.


     and Baaj J. Critical incident reports. M.E.J. Anaesth. 1998; 14(6):425-32.



23. Bakhamees H, EL-DAWLATLY A.A., Kabiraj M, Al-Shuwaikhat J and Takrouri M.


     Evoked potentials in high cervical spine injury. M.E.J. Anaesth. 1998;14(6):451-58.



24. EL-DAWLATLY A.A., Gomma S, Takrouri M and Seraj M. Amphotericin B and


    cardiac toxicity – A case report. M.E.J.Anaesth. 1999; 15(1):107-112.



25. Alsatli R.A., EL-DAWLATLY  A.A., et al. Arteriovenous fistula in chronic renal


     failure patients: comparison between three different anesthetic techniques.


    M.E.J.Anaesth. 1999; 15(3):305-314.



26.EL-DAWLATLY A.A., Murshid W. and El-Khwsky F.: Endoscopic third


     ventriculostomy: A study of intracranial    pressure vs haemodynamic changes.   


    Minim. Invas. Neurosurg. 1999; 42(4): 198-200.



27. EL-DAWLATLY ET AL. Spontaneous chylothorax: A case report. Middle East J of


     Anesthesiology 2000; 15(6): 635-41.


28. EL-DAWLATLY ET AL. Incidence of bradycardia during endoscopic third


     third ventriculostomy. Anesthesia Analgesia 2000; 91(5): 1142-1144.


29. A. Al-Dohayan, M. Al-Sebayel, S. Al-Sulaiman, A. Al-Bakry, M. Al-Ageely. and




    Laparoscopic Port Closure Using Foleys Catheter and Special Eye Needle. Proceedings


   Of  7th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery. Singapore, June 1-4, 2000.


30. A.Al-Dohayan, M. Al-Sebayl and A.EL-DAWLATLY.


      Thoracoscopic Highly Selective Sympathectomy. Proceedings Of 7th World Congress


      Of Endoscopic Surgery, Singapore, June 1-4, 2000.


31. A.Al-Dohayan, M. Al-Sebayel and A. EL-DAWLATLY.


      Laparoscopic Percutanous Repair of Incisional Hernia (Initial Report).  Proceedings of


      the 7th World Congress Of Endoscopic Surgery,  Singapore, June 1-4, 2000.


32. A.A.El-DAWLATLY et al. Ambulatory anaesthesia and surgical care: An Overview.


     The Saudi Journal Of Sports Medicine 2001;4(2):68-71 .


33. A.A.EL-DAWLATLY et al.  Repair of craniosynostosis: A study of blood loss and


     transfusion practice. Accepted on 5th May in Panarab J of Neurosurgery.


34. A.A.EL_DAWLATLY et al.  Thoracoscopic Sympathectomy: endobronchial vs  


     endotracheal anaesthesia with CO2 insufflation.Accepted in J of Anesthesia. Jan 2001.


35. A.A.EL_DAWLATLY et al. Immediate pulmonary edema following carotid


     endarterectomy: A case report. Accepted in Annals of Saudi Medicine, Jan 2001.



36. A.A.EL_DAWLATLY et al. Carotid endarterectomy: A study of cerebral oxygen


     saturation vs stump pressure. June issue, MEJA, 2001.


37. A.A.EL-DAWLATLY. Perioperative care of critically ill patients. Accepted in


      June issue, MEJA 2001.


38. A.A.EL-DAWLATLY. EEG bispectral index during carotid endarterectomy. Sent for


      publication in J of Anesthesia, Japan.


39. A.A EL-DAWLATLY et al. Arrhythmias During Neuroendoscopic Procedures. Letter


      To the Editor. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology 2001; 13(1): 57-58


40. A.A.El-DAWLATLY. Sevoflurane vs isoflurane anaesthesia: a study of postoperative


     mental concentration and fine motor movements. Accepted in 2nd May 2001, MEJA.


41. A.A.El-DAWLATLY. Anesthesia for transthoracic endoscopic sympathectomy -


     An overview. Accepted 2nd May 2001, MEJA.








 1.  Electrostimulation Analgesia:  Prof. Herget, Giessen University, Germany




 2.  Anaesthesia For Patients With Liver Disease:  Prof. Brown, Arizona University,


    Tucson, Germany 26/4/1985


3. Symposium on Central Anticholinergic Syndrome: Bonn, Germany, Steinberger               




 4.  International Symposium On New Aspects Of Regional Anaesthesia: Dusseldorf


    University,  Germany  15-16/6/1985


 5.  Symposium On Inhalation Anaesthesia: Bonn, Germany 9-10/5/1986


 6.  Clinical And Practical Acute Medicine Therapy: Koln, Germany 10/11/1984


 7.  Acute Therapy With Positive Inotropic Substances: Bonn, Germany 12/10/1985


 8. Pain Clinic Workshop: Mainz University,Dr.Schwab, Germany 16-27/6/1986


 9. First  International  Course  On  Neuro-Interventional  Procedures:


    Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital  7-9 November  1993


10.Workshop In Applied Clinical Neurophysiology: 25-27/11/1995


     King Saud University, Riyadh


11.Symposium on Recent Advances in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine


     King Faisal Hospital, Riyadh 9-10 April 1996.


12. 1ST Thoracic Surgery Symposium in Saudia Arabia: 22-23 Feb. 1998


      King Saud University, Riyadh


13. Advances in neuromodulation therapies workshop. Riyadh 30-31May 1998.



14.The second Pan Arab Conference Of Thoracic Medicine and Surgery.


Cairo 3-6 November 1998


15.The 2nd Saudi International Neuroendoscopy Surgical Hands-on Course and


Workshop. Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital 5-6 Dec. 1998.



16. 11th ASEAN Congress of Anesthesiologists.  Kuala Lampur 7-11July 1999.


17. Pan Arab congress on Anesthesiology, Intensive care and Pain relief.


AbuDhabi January 2000.


18. 3rd International Symposium on Advances in Vascular Surgery. Riyadh


      6-7Feb. 2000.


19. Anaesthesia 2000 International Symposium: Riyadh Military Hospital 2-4Apr.





20. 2nd Integrated Surgical Course 16-20 September 2000, as Examiner and


      Lecturer on: Intravenous Fluid Therapy.



21. 10th Saudi Neurosciences Symposium. 30 Oct-1st Nov 2000, KFSH, Riyadh



22. 1st Laparoscopic Surgery Symposium. 2nd Feb 2001, KKUH


23. Mini Symposium and Workshop on Obesity. 21st Feb 2001, KKUH


24. Workshop on Thoracoscopic Sympathectomy. 28-29March 2001, Suliman


     AlHabib Hospital, Riyadh.









 1.  Postoperative Pain Management, King Faisal University, Al-khober, K.S.A.




 2.  4th Pan Arab Congress On Anesthesia And Intensive Care: Damascus, Syria,




 3.  Obstetric Anesthesia and Analgesia: Riyadh 2-3/3/1992.


 4.  2nd Middle East Symposium on Anaesthesia for Cardiac Patients: 14-15/2/1993.


 5.  2nd Annual Scientific Meeting Saudi Anaesthesia Association: 10-12/6/1993.


 6.  1st UAE Conference On Anaesthesia Analgesia And Critical Care Medicine, Abu


   Dhabi, United Arab Emirates,  27-29/10/1992.


 7.  1st International Symposium On Patient Monitoring In Anesthesia And Intensive


   Care: 18-21/2/1992, Cairo, Egypt.


 8.  3rd Middle East Symposium on Anaesthesia for cardiac patients: 28-29/1/1995.


   Riyadh, K.S.A.


9. 4th Annual Saudi Anaesthesia Association meeting:New trends in Anaesthesia


    and  Intensive care, Riyadh, K.S.A.  Feb. 1997.


10. 5th Pan Arab Congress on anesthesia, intensive care and pain relief. Cairo, Egypt


     9-12 December, 1997.  


11. 2nd International Symposium in Advances I Vascular Surgery, 7-8 December


     1997. College of Medicine, Riyadh, King Saud University, K.S.A



12. 1st Thoracic Surgery Symposium in Saudia Arabia: a)Thymectomy non-muscle


      relaxant technique. b) CPAP and a. Riyadh 22-23 Feb  1998.


13. The second Pan Arab Conference Of Thoracic Medicine and Surgery, Cairo


      3-6 Nov.1998: a) Anaesthesia for thymectomy in myasthenia gravis. b)The


     use of CPAP in one lung ventilation.


14.The 5th Scientific Meeting Of Saudi Anaesthetic Association Jeddah 2-4March


1999. Can phrenic nerve conduction help weaning critically ill patients from


ventilator. Kabiraj M., EL_DAWLATLY A.A., Takrouri M and Al-Zeer A. Red


by Kabiraj M.



16. The 2nd Saudi International Neuroendoscopy Surgical Hands-On&Workshop


Anaesthesia and 3rd Ventriculostomy, Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital 5-6 Dec 1998


17. 11th ASEAN Congress of Anesthesiologists, Kuala Lampur 7-11 July 1999.


a)Perioperative management of Chylothorax:case report (poster presentation)

     b)Anaesthesia for Endoscopic third Ventriculostomy:A hemodynamic study.

    c)Attended workshop on TEE, Malaysia, Kuala Lampur July 1999.



18. Pan Arab Congress in Anaesthesia, AbuDhabi Jan ‏2000‏-‏01‏-‏06


 Carotid Endartrectomy: A study of Cerebral Oxygenation (stage)



19. 3rd. International Symposium in Vascular Surgery. Carotid endartrectomy:


A study of Cerebral oxygenation. Riyadh 6-7Feb 2000.


20. Laparoscopic Symposium. King Saud University. Stage presentation:

Anaesthesia for thoracoscopic sympathectomy:Endotracheal vs Endobronchial

anaesthesia. Riyadh, Saudia Arabia.


20. Anaesthesia 2000 International Symposium:Riyadh 2-4April 2000, Two Posters

      a) Anaesthesia for thoracoscopic sympathectomy:Endotracheal vs Endobronchial



      b) Immediate pulmonary edema following carotid endarterectomy:case report.

21. 1st Laparoscopic Symposium. “Anesthetic Considerations in Laparoscopic


      Surgery”. 2nd Feb 2001. Riyadh, KKUH.


22. 1st Symposium and Workshop on Obesity. “Anesthetic Considerations in Obese


Patients”. 21st Feb 2001, Riyadh, KKUH.


23. Workshop On Thoracoscopic Sympathectomy In Riyadh. “Anesthetic


      Considerations in Thoracoscopic Sympathectomy”. 28-29th March 2001, 


     Sulaiman  AlHabib Hospital, Riyadh.












1. Member in the Egyptian Society of Anesthesiologists since 1979.


2. Member in the Saudi Anesthesia Association since 1990.


3. Member in the American Association for the Advancement of Science Science


    since September 1995.


4. Consultant in the Modern Medicine journal since 1995.


5. Member in the Society of Neurosurgical Anaesthesia and Critical Care (SNACC)


since 1999.Member No. # 9100596


6. Member in the American Society of Neurophysiological Monitoring since 1999.


7. Member in the National Geography of Sciences  since 1999.


8. Member in the International WHO,S WHO of Professionals since 1999.


9. Saudi Council for Health Specialties, 1999-C-70-170, Consultant.


10.Chairman of Free papers session 36: Anesthesia, 7th world congress of Endoscopic


     surgery. Singapore June 1-4, 2000.


11. Member of the Arab Thoracic Association since 1999.






Ronald D. Miller, MD

Professor and Chairman

Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care

University of California San Francisco

Box 0648, Room C455

San Francisco, CA 94143-0648

Phone   (415) 476-9035 office

             (415) 514-1532 fax








Tel: +966 1 4671595

Fax: +966 1 4679364

Riyadh 11461, P.O.Box 2925



MOHAMED NAGUIB FFARCSI, MD                  Magboul Ali Magboul FFARCSI

ASSOC.PROFESSOR OF ANAESTHESIA          Clinical Asst.Professor              

University of Iowa, College of Medicine                  University of Iowa,College of Med

Department of Anesthesia- 6JCP                            Dept of Anesthesia-6JCP

200 Hawkins Drive                                                 200 Hawkins Drive

Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1009                                   Iowa City,Iowa 52242-1009    

USA                                                                        USA

Tel: (319) 353-7783 (Hospital)                              Tel: (319) 353-7783 (Hospital)       

Tel: (319) 351-4630 (Home)



DR.FAROUK MESSAHEL  FFARCS                 Dr. Hassan Bakhamees FFACS

Head of Department of Anaesthesia                     Chief Dept of Anesthesia

Armed Forces Hospital                                          King Fahad Military Hosp

Wady AlDawaser                                                   Cardiac Center

P.O.Box 228                                                           Jeddah

Wady AlDawaser 11991                                        Tel: 02 6581120

Saudia Arabia

Tel: +966 1 7841065 ext. 4309

Fax: +966 1 7842779 ext.4309




Since I obtained the  M .M B .CH  in   September 1978  I am  working  in university hospitals in Egypt, Germany and Riyadh.   During the residency  in    anesthesia  I was  working in Assiute university   hospitals in  Egypt  from  1979  to  1982    where I obtained the MsC in  anesthesia  in  April 1982. Then I was appointed as assistant lecturer in anesthesia in Zagazig university   hospitals    from 1982   to 1987 where I obtained the M.D in anesthesia in November1986 and I was appointed in the same year as lecturer in anesthesia.  From 1984 to 1986 I was working in Germany, Bonn university, Anesthesia Institute as researcher and trainee.   There I   have   been through all branches of clinical anesthesia and finally I finished my thesis on Brain Monitoring under Anesthesia, the head of anaesthesia department at that time was Professor Horst Stoeckel who was also one the supervisors of my thesis. Anesthesia Institute in Bonn University is the   most famous highly developed and qualified hospital in Europe.  In Germany I practiced all kinds of anesthesia in different subspecialties including   cardiothoracic,  vascular neuro, general, orthopedic, pediatric, plastic and gyne and  obstetrics. From 1988  to 1989 I worked in Al-Noor Hospital in Abu Dhabi U.A.E as  specialist.  Since 1989 I am working in   King  Khalid   University Hospital   in   Riyadh as senior  registrar  then  from  1993  as   consultant    in  the department   of   anesthesia   in   the  same   hospital. As  consultant  I  am   currently   incharge   of   anaesthesia  in  the general thoracic  surgery   list  as  well  as   anaesthesia  in  vascular  surgery   list .  Since   I have been at King   Khalid   hospital I   have introduced    the    first    interpleural  analgesia   procedure   for  upper  abdominal     surgery.   My research  in  thoracic  anaesthesia  has    got  wide  international acceptance since the publication  of a new method  of   anaesthesia   in patients with myasthenia gravis which was published in  Anesthesia and Intensive Care journal 1994 and was  in  the  suggested  readings by  the   American    Society   of   Anesthesiologists    in   Atlanta   1995  .   Also I have introduced a  new   instrument   in   anaesthesia   for    Bronchopulmonary   lavage  which I called  it The   Modified  CPAP system  and   was  published in The  Middle   East   J  of   Anesthesiology   in   1996. Above all my research in brain monitoring under anaesthesia  is  still   going  where I published two papers till now and another research on Sevoflurane anaesthesia  is coming soon to an end which I am sure it will be   a   good addition to  the  field   of anaesthesia.    Again   in   neuroanaesthesia  I   worked   hard   where  I  have  some publication in   clinical   neuroanaesthesia.    A   new   method   of   anaesthesia    in ventriculostomy in pediatric patients with hydrocephalus is now introduced in our

hospital with very encouraging results and it will be published soon. Currently I am doing one neuroanaesthesia list at King Khalid University hospital since 1990. Until Now I anaesthetized   15   cases   of    cerebral aneurysm surgery as well  as  many pediatrics posterior fossa and V-P shunt   surgery .   Also   I   am   in-charge   of the department mortality and morbidity meetings since March 1997. In Dec 1999 the first Neuroendoscopic paper was published in a Minimally Invasive Neurosurgical(MIN)  journal where we  addressed the  anaesthetic  consideration  during  third   ventriculostomy meantime we invented a new device to measure the intracranial pressure during the procedure. Currently I am incharge of our departmental Morbidity and Mortality Meeting. We have created a new web site on the Internet for morbidity and mortality, http// Recently I have participated in the 2nd Saudi International Neuroendoscopy Surgical Hands-On &Workshop 5-6Dec.1998, at Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital, as speaker on the anaesthetic considerations in 3rd Ventriculostomy. Only 3 speakers were involved among them Prof. Perneczky from Germany.