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Sister of Darkness

Sister of Darkness

Alright..... This may sound stupid, dumb, or wierd But this is how I feel I love you and there's nothing in my life that i would or could do to change that What i give you is unconditional love Through the good the bad and the hard times that we may face I know in my heart that my feelings for you go unchanged no matter what you do or say to me I will always love you In this house we were brought up together In this house we've had laughter and tears fights and fears Through all the life I've lived so far it took me this long to figure out That when we fight we both hurt inside we share many things this I keep by my side to me you are much more then a sister your a friend an enemy a confidant and most of all your always there we share our feelings without one word a tear shed blood spread a poem a love a hurt we share them all and to me that means so much more then the written or spoken word I love you, why? because you are my one and only sister of Darkness