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Blood types


Type A

Speaking broadly, it is said that people with Type A Blood are calm, 
composed, and very levelheaded and serious. They have a firm character, and 
are reliable and trustworthy and hardheaded. They think things over and make 
plans deliberately, and they plug away at things steadily and assiduously. 
They try to make themselves more like their own ideal of what they should 
be. A Type may look aloof or distant to others.
They try to suppress their own emotions, and because they have continual 
practice in doing this, this makes them appear strong. But, actually, they 
have a fragile, nervous side, as well. They tend to be hard on people who 
are not of the same type, and so they consequently tend to be surrounded 
with people of the same temperament.

Type B

People with Type B Blood are curious about and interested in everything. 
That's may be good, but they also tend to have too many interests and 
hobbies, and they tend to get all excited about something suddenly and then 
later drop it again just as quickly. But they do manage to know which of 
their many interests or loved ones are the ones that are really important, 
the ones they should hold on to. B Types tend to excel in things rather than 
just be average. But they tend to be so involved in their own world or 
become so carried away with something that they neglect other things. They 
have the image of being bright and cheerful, full of energy and enthusiasm, 
but some people think that they are really quite different on the inside. 
And it can also be said about them that they don't really want to have much 
real contact with others.

Type O

Type O Blood people are said to set the mood for a group and to take on the 
role of creating harmony among its members. Their image is one of taking it 
easy, of being peaceful and carefree. They are also thought to be 
big-hearted and benevolent, and they tend to spend money on others 
generously. Types are generally "loved by all." But, they also, 
surprisingly, have a stubborn and strong-willed side, as well, and tend to 
secretly have their own opinions on things. On the other hand, they have the 
flexible, adaptable side of readily accepting new things. They are easily 
influenced by other people or by what they see on TV. They seem to appear 
levelheaded and trustworthy, but they often slip and make big blunders 
But that is also the point that makes O Types lovable.

Type AB

People with Type AB Blood are said to have a delicate sensitivity. They are 
considerate of other people's feelings and deal with them with care and 
caution. On the other hand, though, they are strict with themselves and 
those close to them. They, therefore, seem to have two personalities: one 
for those "outside," and another for people on the "inside." They often 
become sentimental, and they tend to think too deeply about things. AB Types 
have a lot of friends, but they need time to be alone and think things 
through, as well.